Bonta Announces First-in-the-Nation Legislation to Cure Conflict of Interest for Elected Prosecutors Investigating Police Misconduct

SACRAMENTO – Today, California State Assemblymember Rob Bonta (D-Oakland) announced his plan to introduce legislation that will require elected prosecutors to recuse themselves from the investigation and prosecution of law enforcement misconduct if they accept financial contributions from law enforcement unions. The legislation will be sponsored by the Prosecutors Alliance of California and co-sponsored by numerous District Attorneys. It will be introduced when the new legislative session convenes in December.

“This is about trust in law enforcement, and trust in the independence of our elected prosecutors,” said Bonta. “As people across our cities, states and our nation have come together to raise their voices and demand greater justice, we must cure the conflict of interest that gives, at minimum, the appearance that police officers are not being held accountable due to police unions’ direct campaign contributions to District Attorneys.”

Read the complete article here.

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