Monday Morning Memo for February 5, 2018

Prop 47 proponent acknowledges likelihood of felony consequences will deter crime
In a recent interview, District Attorney George Gascon offered this comment regarding the car break-in epidemic in San Francisco: “What’s driving the numbers is understanding the likelihood of consequences is very low.” Of course, that obvious conclusion applies to California’s rising property crime rate in all categories, not just car break-ins.

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After Proposition 47: Crime and no consequences in California
California’s Proposition 47 downgraded a variety of “non-serious, nonviolent crimes” that had previously been considered felonies to misdemeanors. These include shoplifting, grand theft, receiving stolen property, forgery, fraud, and writing bad checks. As long as the total value of the stolen property is under $950, only a ghost of an offense has occurred.

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California’s criminal-friendly law treats hitting cops, human trafficking, some rapes as ‘nonviolent’
Since 2011, California voters and lawmakers have passed several laws that go easier on nonviolent criminals. The benefit is that the laws reduce the prison population, but they also downgrade some crimes from felonies to misdemeanors and from violent to nonviolent. Since the laws were passed, crime has gone up.

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Drive begins to halt early release of violent inmates & address public safety threats
Thanks to the professional fondler and amateur Governor, Arnold, and the old and confused Guv Brown, with unions financing ballot measures to keep hardened criminals on the streets instead of in prison, California has a crime wave. Of course, the political police chiefs have been caught lying when they say crime is down.

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Less time for drug crimes reduces race disparity
California’s voter-backed reform that downgraded certain crimes to misdemeanors four years ago has helped shrink the disparity in the criminal-justice system between blacks and whites in San Francisco, according to a new study. Proposition 47, approved by California voters in 2014, reduced certain drug-possession felonies to misdemeanors and raised the threshold for felony theft and check forging from $450 to $950.

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Atmosphere of concern prevalent at meeting on North Beach homeless issues
Residents of San Clemente, mostly from the North Beach area of the city, gathered at a meeting on Jan. 24 at Casino San Clemente to address issues related to the homeless population in their area. The meeting was hosted by the North Beach Community Association (NBCA) and Orange County Sheriff’s Department personnel from San Clemente Police Services.

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California court expands reach of limits on juvenile charges
The California Supreme Court on Thursday expanded the scope of a ballot measure that limits prosecutors from charging juveniles with crimes in adult court. The court ruled unanimously that Proposition 57 applies to cases that were pending before it took effect. The justices said voters appeared to want to extend the measure as broadly as possible.

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Trial court must probe reason for inmate’s non-appearance by telephone-C.A.
The Court of Appeal for this district has reversed a Domestic Violence Prevention Act restraining order forbidding an inmate to contact his ex-spouse by any means of communication because the judge did not investigate whether his failure to appear telephonically at the hearing on the application was willful.

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Teachers can picket, protest on school district property, US court rules
A school district can’t prohibit striking teachers from picketing or carrying signs on school property, a federal appeals court says. The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled Friday that a school district in southern Oregon violated the free-speech rights of teachers during a strike in 2012, and the rights of a high school student who was barred from parking in a school lot because her back windshield had a sign supporting the teachers.

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Ninth Circuit withdraws 2015 opinion, reverses result
A three-judge panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday withdrew its Sept. 21, 2015 published opinion in which the majority denied qualified immunity to a medical doctor who caused the detention of a three-month-old boy whom she suspected was beaten by his parents, and issued an unpublished memorandum opinion coming to the opposite conclusion.

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Portions of government surveillance manual are privileged
The American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California will receive only portions of two documents relating to the Department of Justice’s electronic surveillance and tracking devices used in criminal investigations, not the entire documents as ordered by a district court judge, under a ruling yesterday by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

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Young immigrants who can’t afford lawyer will have to go without, court says
As hundreds of thousands of young, undocumented immigrants await possible deportation orders from the Trump administration, a federal appeals court ruled Monday that minors who enter the country without authorization have no right to a lawyer provided by the government.

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EFF asks California court to reverse ruling that could weaken open records rules, impede public access to government records
State agencies in California are collecting and using more data now than they ever, and much of this data includes very personal information about California residents. This presents a challenge for agencies and the courts-how to make government-held data that’s indisputably of interest available to the public under the state’s public records laws while still protecting the privacy of Californians.

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La Puente man charged with setting fires to LA, Pasadena churches
A 25-year-old La Puente man was charged Monday with setting fires at multiple houses of worship, including in Pasadena and Los Angeles, the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office said. Christian Michael Garcia faces 20 felony counts, including 13 counts of vandalism of religious property and three counts of arson of a structure. Prosecutors also tacked on hate crime allegations.

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Prosecutors ask appeals panel to affirm former Sheriff Baca’s obstruction of justice conviction
Federal prosecutors Monday urged an appeals panel to affirm former Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca’s conviction on charges of obstruction of justice and lying, crimes for which the ex-lawman is facing three years behind bars. In a 122-page appellate brief filed with the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, prosecutors argued, among other issues, that U.S. District Judge Percy Anderson was correct in barring jurors from hearing evidence of the ex- sheriff’s Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis.

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Prosecutors widen inquiry into possible conflicts of interest involving Santa Monica politicians
Prosecutors reviewing possible conflicts of interest involving Santa Monica politicians have widened their inquiry to include architecture work performed at a home belonging to a school board member and a city councilman, a spokeswoman with the district attorney’s office confirmed this week.

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Abused Southern California sibling went to college, didn’t seek help
The community college student with a page-boy haircut was quiet, never drew attention to himself and earned A’s semester after semester. Despite ample opportunities, he apparently never divulged the sickening truth that his home was a veritable torture chamber. Authorities say the student, now about 26, was the eldest male among 13 siblings who were held captive in their Southern California home by their parents, David and Louise Turpin.

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Palmdale mayor faces felony corruption charges
Five new counts have been added to a criminal complaint alleging that Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford conspired with two consultants to receive more than $60,000 a year from a nonprofit and not disclose the income on economic statements, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced Wednesday.

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Teachers union teams with Black Lives Matter to organize students against school police
The union that represents Los Angeles public school teachers will co-sponsor a rally next month with Black Lives Matter, the ACLU, and other groups that have been organizing students against the district’s police force. Titled “Making Black Lives Matter in Schools,” the demonstration on February 24 will feature a live performance by Common, a multi-faceted entertainer who has been using his musical talent to promote radical reforms to California’s criminal justice system.

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Here are the states that spend the most (and least) on public safety
Every state has an obligation to help its towns, cities and counties fund local police department, fire department and department of corrections budgets. But the more states spend on public safety – which also includes protective inspection and regulation services – the less they have to spend on everything else.

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Black Lives Matter ‘Youth Vanguard’ organizes classmates to ‘abolish’ police in Los Angeles public schools
Members of the Black Lives Matter Youth Vanguard are organizing their classmates to dismantle the police department that protects more than 640,000 students enrolled in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) – the nation’s second-largest public education system.

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Los Angeles adapts to drunk vagrants with ‘SOBER Unit’
The Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) recently launched a mobile sobriety unit to transport heavily-intoxicated vagrants from city streets and sidewalks to a short-term recovery center where they can sleep off their over-indulgence under the supervision of health professionals. It is one way the city is adapting to its rapidly increasing homeless population.

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Getting on Brady list ‘like a scarlet letter’ for Boulder County law enforcement officers
Ismael Aldana, an off-duty Boulder County sheriff’s deputy, boarded a plane in Chicago on April 12, 2014. But before the airliner could take off for Las Vegas, he was confronted by federal agents. They’d found more than $70,000 in U.S. currency in his baggage, intercepted before it could be loaded into the aircraft’s belly.

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“Troubling”: Video shows deputies dropping homeless man off on street
Los Angeles City Councilman Joe Buscaino introduced a motion Wednesday calling for a full investigation into an incident in which a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy was recorded dropping off a homeless man, who displayed signs of mental illness, on the streets of San Pedro. Some believe he was dumped there, CBS Los Angeles reports.

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Federal report shows property crime rise in SF, decline in US
San Francisco was overcome by a wave of car break-ins and other nonviolent offenses during the first six months of 2017 as the nation experienced a downturn in property crimes, according to a new federal report. The FBI released the report on Tuesday showing a 2.9 percent drop in property crime nationwide at the same time as a 21 percent uptick in San Francisco.

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After a baby suddenly dies, a 911 call from USC’s former medical school dean sparks detectives’ interest
The man who called for an ambulance at an Altadena apartment last fall had the calm and direct manner of one familiar with healthcare emergencies. “Baby not breathing,” Dr. Carmen Puliafito, former dean of USC’s medical school, told a 911 dispatcher shortly after sunrise Oct. 5. “Are you there at the location right now?” the dispatcher asked. “No,” the doctor replied. “My girlfriend’s there.”

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Beverly Hills to install more than 600 TV cameras around city in effort to curb crime
Beverly Hills plans to add to the more than 600 closed-circuit television cameras in the city. The expansion plans include placing cameras in residential neighborhoods in an attempt to “thwart crime, apprehend suspects and increase public safety,” Beverly Hills Police Department Lt. Elisabeth Albanese said.

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Mental illness or brain injury? Driven by voices to commit crime, Titus Young is in prison but still believes he could play in the NFL
The former NFL wide receiver with “FEAR GOD” etched on his biceps and his mother’s name written over his heart opened the worn black composition book with a faded newspaper photograph of retired NBA player Metta World Peace taped to the cover. Titus Young was once classified among the most dangerous inmates at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in downtown Los Angeles and spent most of his days in lockdown. In early 2017, he started to write.

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San Francisco grappling with car burglary to save image as attractive tourism city
San Francisco, a major resort city on the U.S. west coast, is grappling with an epidemic of vehicle break-ins that have gone rampant for years, which could undermine the city’s tourism prospect. The rising number of smash-and-grab car burglaries have been plaguing popular San Francisco neighborhoods in recent days, which has frustrated both tourists and many locals alike.

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DNA cracks cold-case killing of local official’s brother: Sex-offender suspect pleads not guilty
A 62-year-old man accused of fatally stabbing the brother of Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas in 1981 pleaded not guilty Friday to a murder charge. Michael Anthony Locklin remains jailed without bail and is due back in court March 9, when a date will be set for a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence for him to stand trial.

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More than 500 arrested, dozens saved in statewide crackdown on human trafficking
A statewide operation last week aimed at reducing human trafficking resulted in 510 arrests and more than 50 adult and juvenile women having been saved, authorities said Tuesday. “‘Operation Reclaim and Rebuild’ was a three-day assault on one of the most heinous crimes of modern times: The sexual exploitation of another human being for profit,” said Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell.

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Accused teen triggerman in Redlands shooting could be charged as juvenile
The decision to charge a 17-year-old as a juvenile or an adult in the ambush killing of a Redlands man will be left up to the juvenile courts, officials said. “Pursuant to Proposition 57, our office can no longer direct file on a juvenile in adult court,” explained Chris Lee, spokesman for the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, in an email.

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Santa Monica tries a balancing act as it deals with burgeoning street vending along beaches, pier
The sun set over the Santa Monica Pier as Ana Ortiz sold fresh fruit to tourists and kept an eye out for police. The 21-year-old and her mother, uncle, cousin and other family members earned a living in the city as street vendors. “It’s like a regular job,” she said. “But you get paid the same day.”

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Metro to consider distributing pre-loaded TAP Cards to the homeless, domestic violence victims
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) is looking at providing pre-loaded TAP cards to individuals experiencing homelessness or domestic violence victims throughout the county. “It is next to impossible to put your life back together if you don’t have basic access to transportation,” stated County Supervisor Janice Hahn, who sits on Metro’s board.

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LA Sheriff’s civilian oversight panel gets mixed reviews
When the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted a year ago to create the first-ever civilian panel to monitor the troubled L.A. Sheriff’s Department, Supervisor Sheila Kuehl said a new era had begun. “This commission is going to be a game-changer in the county,” she told a news conference packed with activists with a long list of complaints about the nation’s largest sheriff’s agency.

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La Cañada man, a former sheriff’s psychologist, sentenced to life for sex crimes against children
Michael Dane Ward, a 46-year-old La Cañada man charged in 2016 with 10 felony counts related to the molestation of two young children, was sentenced Tuesday to life in state prison, according to a statement released by the district attorney’s office. In August of 2017, jurors found the former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department psychologist guilty of four counts of lewd acts on a child, two counts of forcible lewd acts on a child under 14, three counts of oral copulation of a child 10 years or younger and one count of sodomy with a child under 10, according to the statement.

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California’s new lethal injection plan already faces hurdles: Drugs barred from import or execution use
California moved a step closer to resuming lethal injections this week but still faces significant hurdles before inmates can be executed. The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has unveiled a revised single-drug method of execution, allowing the state to use either pentobarbital or thiopental in a single infusion to put condemned inmates to death.

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As Disney-LA Times spat resolved, paper’s prez never revealed she lived with Disney VP
Last September, the Los Angeles Times published a blockbuster report detailing Disney’s questionable business ties with the city of Anaheim. In response, Disney barred Times writers from advance screenings of its movies and, according to a former Times employee, froze them out of interview availabilities.

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Kirk in as LA Times crisis cools a bit
Jim Kirk, the new (again) top editor at the Los Angeles Times, arrived Monday afternoon from his home in Chicago and spoke to a staff gathering in the newsroom hoping to calm everything down. He called for everyone to pull in the same direction and vowed to participate in fair and open negotiations with the newsroom’s new guild on a first contract.

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Tronc is building a shadow newsroom full of scabs, L.A. Times staffers fear
As lunch was winding down Wednesday in the Los Angeles Times cafeteria, Bruce Upbin, one of several newly hired but as-yet-unannounced assistant managing editors, sat alone at a table speaking a little too loudly into his headphone mic. Upbin was a mystery to much of the newspaper’s staff, which had just voted to unionize the week before.

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TMZ stuffed Suge Knight’s pockets with dirty money
In another tawdry case of checkbook journalism run amok, the gossip web site TMZ paid $55,000 to cohorts of Marion “Suge” Knight for sealed court evidence, a financial windfall that Knight and his associates apparently earmarked for the bribery of witnesses in the pending murder case against the former rap music mogul.

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What has the Judiciary learned Since Kozinski?
A scant few weeks ago, a former 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals law clerk named Heidi Bond posted a note on her professional website raising serious questions about the scope of confidentiality a former clerk owes to a life-tenured federal judge. In addition, Bond made allegations about the actions of her own former judge, including inappropriate sexual behavior and emotional abuse.

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Why are taxpayers on the hook when government workers misbehave?
When The Bee reported Friday that the state had paid out more than $25 million in the last three fiscal years to settle sexual harassment-related cases – most of it taxpayer money – many readers wanted to know why. “This is the most disgusting use of taxpayer dollars we’ve ever seen,” said Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. “There is no way taxpayers should be on the hook for this.”

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Despite anti-theft features, thieves still seek out iphones
If you are guilty of walking the street or riding the bus cell phone in hand, headsets on, oblivious to your surroundings, this is a wakeup call. Despite mandatory new anti-theft features installed now on all new phones, we discovered iPhones are still the number one item that thieves love to steal. We went undercover on one of the busiest black market street corners in the Bay Area at 7th and Market streets in downtown San Francisco where you can buy or sell just about anything.

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California Senate OKs bill to protect immigrants at state buildings
The California senate approved a bill Monday that addresses concerns of federal immigration agents targeting schools and courthouses as part of enforcement practices. SB183, introduced by Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens (Los Angeles County), would require immigration enforcement agents to obtain a federal warrant before detaining, questioning or surveilling an individual in a state building.

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John Chiang takes down website attacking Gavin Newsom in California governor’s race
John Chiang’s gubernatorial campaign has taken down a website attacking front-runner and fellow Democrat Gavin Newsom as part of a broader overhaul of the campaign’s strategy, according to a spokeswoman for Chiang. Spokeswoman Kate Chapek said the campaign decided to take down indefinitely as it revamps its messaging and approach in the run-up to the June primary.

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Dennis Zine, ex-LA councilman with a colorful past, enters Assembly race
Former Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine is running for the California Assembly seat thrown open by the Matt Dababneh sexual-misconduct scandal, saying he’ll stand up for west San Fernando Valley taxpayers frustrated by a lack of problem-solving in state government. Zine, 70, whose last run for office was a losing bid for L.A. city controller in 2013, has been a registered Republican but said he’ll campaign for the Assembly as an independent.

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California is collecting so much of your money it can’t save it all
California’s swelling budget reserves are approaching a point where the state by law can’t save any more money – but don’t expect a tax rebate. The state is quickly filling up its so-called rainy day fund, the budget stabilization account voters created in 2014 when they passed an initiative that forced lawmakers to save money in flush years. Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget proposal puts the state on pace to fill it with $13.5 billion by July 1, 2019, but the milestone could come even sooner.

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High taxes spark sticker shock for marijuana customers in California
A picture recently posted to Instagram shows a receipt for a shopping trip to Cookies LA, a licensed marijuana store in Maywood. The receipt shows that the shopper bought an ounce of high-end cannabis, the maximum allowed under state law and enough to roll perhaps 40 joints. His pre-tax tab came to $450. After taxes, the final bill was $587.25. That receipt, and the posting on social media, are signs of the wave of sticker shock being felt among cannabis consumers.

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How police are checking for pot DUIs
After nearly one month after the legalization of recreational marijuana in California, officials are still trying to determine the best way to enforce the law and keep dangerously stoned drivers off the road. The Los Angeles Police Department has been experimenting with a device that can detect Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and six other drugs in saliva with an absorbent swab. Right now, the department only has four of those devices, NBC4 media partner KPCC reports.

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After California pot stockpiles go up in smoke, what’s next?
Like many pot shops in California, the Urbn Leaf in San Diego bulked up its inventory before legal sales began on Jan. 1, stockpiling enough marijuana to last for months because no one knew what the era of legal pot would bring. The shop, along with others involved in the state’s fledgling cannabis economy, are now concerned that too few operators have been licensed to support a pot pipeline of state-approved growers, distributors and retailers.

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California marijuana purveyors go mainstream, except for the sacks of cash
Bay Area marijuana retailers who went fully mainstream this month were forced to act like gangsters anyway as they rumbled down freeways and across bridges in sport utility vehicles and sedans and, in at least one case, a Tesla, bearing cash piled in shopping bags and suitcases.

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Carpenter v. United States privacy case pushes Supreme Court to decide Fourth Amendment protections of cell phone metadata
The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in what may become one of the defining consumer privacy cases of our generation. The central question in Carpenter v. United States asks whether the government violates the Fourth Amendment by accessing an individual’s historical cell phone locations records without a warrant.

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It’s not just union dues, it’s collective bargaining: Looking to states that banned them as post-Janus crystal ball
The Supreme Court is about a month away from hearing a pivotal case that could upend decades of public sector union policy. Lawyers in the case, Janus v. AFSCME, have made their arguments to the court on First Amendment grounds – that forcing teachers and other public employees to support union-advocated policies they disagree with violates their right to free speech.

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Wireless industry: Court orders needed to block prison calls
As prison officials combat contraband cellphones in the hands of the nation’s inmates, a wireless trade group says court orders should be required to shut down the devices. In a letter sent earlier this month to the Federal Communications Commission, Patrick Donovan of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association wrote that judicial review will provide a way to shut down the devices while not interfering with legitimate cellphone calls nearby.

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Has the rate of California’s prison spending nearly tripled since 1970?
Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown reeled off statistics on California’s prison spending during his final State of the State Address after a total of 16 years as governor. Brown, who has followed a federal court order to reduce the state’s prison overcrowding, warned legislators at the state Capitol not to simply pass more crime laws but instead consider a holistic approach to criminal justice.

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Armed parolee on motorcycle arrested after 120 mph pursuit in High Desert
A wanted Victorville parolee carrying a loaded Smith & Wesson .357 revolver was arrested Saturday, Jan. 27, after he crashed his motorcycle at the end of a 120 mph pursuit, the California Highway Patrol said. The pursuit unfolded in the High Desert community of Landers, north of Yucca Valley. The chase started, the CHP said in a news release, when an officer clocked Wesley Ezekiel Burrows, 36, riding his yellow-and-black Suzuki GSX-R motorcycle at 83 mph in a 55 mph zone south on Highway 247 (Old Woman Springs Road).

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Californians are buying fewer guns since Trump took office
California gun sales dropped to their lowest point in five years during 2017 as potential buyers felt less anxiety about gun control measures. About 870,000 guns were sold in California during 2017, down by 450,000, or 35 percent, from 2016, according to a Bee review of new FBI instant background check data. In 2016, gun buyers raced to buy rifles equipped with “bullet buttons.”

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Illegal immigration and crime
Conventional political wisdom holds that there will be some sort of amnesty for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as minors. The Obama administration’s original DACA memorandum applied to individuals who came to the United States before the age of 16, but where the line would be drawn in any permanent DACA deal remains unclear.

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Why $1.4 million payouts top annual pension list
A half-dozen Los Angeles police and firefighters received pension payouts of $1 million or more in 2016 – two reaching $1.4 million, according to Transparent California, a watchdog database listing individual state and local government employee salaries and pensions. The big payout is from collecting both pay and pensions for up to five years before retirement.

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Riverside County pension costs to steadily escalate over next decade
Riverside County’s pension costs will steadily escalate over the next decade, without any certainty as to whether the nearly $3 billion in unfunded liabilities now darkening the financial landscape can be pared down, according to a report that the Board of Supervisors will review Tuesday.

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Monday Morning Memo for January 29, 2018

California may up its rehab efforts to keep ex-inmates from returning to prison

Gov. Jerry Brown wants to add millions in new spending on programs to help former inmates stay out of jail-a proposal generating bipartisan praise because of concern they are returning to prison in large numbers. But some say it still isn’t enough. The proposed $50 million would expand job training for prisoners and assist them in finding jobs once they are released, such as training them to become firefighters.

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Homeless count: Survey in Pasadena to see if early prison release is increasing population
For more than five years, volunteers for Pasadena’s annual homeless count have also been tasked with asking a series of questions of the people they encounter. While most of the questions on the survey are required by the federal government, the city adds a few of its own to ensure its homeless residents receive appropriate aid, said Anne Lansing, Pasadena’s housing assistance officer.

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Only 13 arrests in 7 years of SF online auto break-in reports, DA says
Of the more than 81,000 online reports of auto break-ins that victims filed in San Francisco over the past seven years, a mere 13 cases resulted in arrests, officials with the district attorney’s office said Thursday. The news of the trifling total comes as the number of vehicle break-ins has exploded in the city, reaching an all-time high last year. In 2017, there were more than 30,000 car break-ins in San Francisco.

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Appeals Court upholds California sex work ban: Breaking View
On Wednesday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the dismissal of a constitutional challenge to California’s prohibition of sex work. At issue was a lawsuit filed in 2015 by the Erotic Service Provider Legal Education and Research Project, which argued among other things that California’s ban on sex work infringed on the constitutional rights of consensual adults to engage in constitutionally protected intimate conduct.

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Supreme Court rules for police officers in D.C. house party case that involved mystery hostess called ‘Peaches’
The Supreme Court on Monday said D.C. police officers acted reasonably in arresting 21 people at a late-night house party a decade ago in a case that featured women in garter belts stuffed with cash and a mystery hostess named “Peaches.” The court ruled unanimously that the officers could not be held liable for making the arrests after they came upon a scene of “utter Bacchanalia,” as Justice Clarence Thomas described it in announcing the decision, at a house party where the homeowner was not present and it was unclear whether the guests had been invited.

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Appeals court to hear arguments on D.C. sniper’s sentence
Bob Meyers doesn’t want partial justice for his brother. He wants full justice. And to him, that means leaving D.C. sniper Lee Boyd Malvo’s sentence just the way it is: life in prison, with no chance of ever getting out. A federal judge has given a glimmer of hope to Malvo, who was 17 when he was arrested in the random shootings that killed 10 people and wounded three in and around the nation’s capital.

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California Judge: Alleged killer of 4 mentally fit for trial
A Northern California judge says a 39-year-old man charged with killing four people and shooting at three others last April is mentally fit to stand trial. The Fresno Bee reported Monday that a Fresno County judge rejected Kori Ali Muhammad’s arguments that he has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was not sane at the time of the shootings. His attorney Richard Beshwate Jr. says he won’t appeal the decision.

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Gov. Jerry Brown blocks parole for Manson follower Leslie Van Houten
The governor of California once again denied parole Friday for Leslie Van Houten, the youngest follower of murderous cult leader Charles Manson who blamed herself at her parole hearing for letting him control her life. Gov. Jerry Brown said in his decision that Van Houten still lays too much of the blame on Manson, who died two months ago at 83.

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L.A. District Attorney declines Black Lives Matter meeting
Black Lives Matter Los Angeles (BLMLA) activists, supporters and the families of those killed in Los Angeles County by law enforcement will hold a community meeting, Tues., Jan. 23, on Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey’s failure to prosecute officers involved in fatal shootings of civilians. Since Lacey’s election in 2012, more than 300 residents of L.A. County have been killed by the police or died while in custody.

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Former Milwaukee County prosecutors accused of cover-up
Two former Milwaukee County prosecutors are accused of a cover-up. Kristin Schrank and Antoni Apollo are both charged with misconduct in public office, a misdemeanor offense. Prosecutors say Schrank dismissed a criminal case after lying about who advised a police officer working on that case.

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Feds want to Retry Sen. Robert Menendez for corruption, bribery
Federal prosecutors are seeking to retry U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez on bribery and corruption charges after an earlier trial ended in a deadlocked jury last fall. The Department of Justice filed its notice of intent Friday to retry the Democrat senator, along with Florida doctor Salomon Melgen.

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‘They deserve no mercy’: Couple’s abuse of 12 kids became torture, California prosecutor says
They were starved and shackled to their beds, sometimes for months. They were beaten and choked. They were given scant medical care, often denied use of a toilet and allowed to shower but once a year. They lived mostly at night, out of sight of neighbors, and knew virtually nothing of the outside world. And yet, some of the children of David and Louise Turpin hatched an escape plan.

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Prosecutor: Impostor doctor tried to access patient records at local hospital
Prosecutors said there is no evidence of a terrorist threat from an Iraqi national who impersonated a doctor at Sharp Grossmont Hospital. That assurance came during an arraignment and bail-setting hearing for Zaid Jeorge, 27, who is also accused of overstaying his visitor’s visa.

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Uber driver in US illegally charged with 4 California rapes
A Mexican man living in the U.S. illegally used his job as an Uber driver to target intoxicated young women and was charged Monday with raping, assaulting and robbing four victims, California prosecutors said. Alfonso Alarcon-Nunez drove women to their homes, assaulted them, and stole property including cellphones, computers and jewelry, officials said.

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No charges for ‘Get off my lawn!’ LAPD officer in viral video confrontation
An off-duty Los Angeles Police Department officer who fired his gun during a confrontation with a group of teenagers outside his Anaheim home will not face criminal charges, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office announced Wednesday. Prosecutors said Officer Kevin Ferguson made “unwise, immature and flat-out horrible choices” during the Feb. 21, 2017, confrontation, but they would not be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed a crime.

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Two former lawyers for Marion ‘Suge’ Knight are released after being arrested on accessory charges
Two attorneys who previously represented former rap mogul Marion “Suge” Knight during his ongoing murder case and were arrested on charges accusing them of acting as “accessories after the fact,” were released from custody Friday, authorities said. Matthew Fletcher, 53, was initially taken into custody Thursday at the Long Beach courthouse around 2 p.m. and was held in lieu of $1-million bail, according to sheriff’s Sgt. Robert Alexander.

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Decoding LAPD Chief Charlie Beck’s surprise retirement announcement
On Friday, January 19, at an otherwise routine press conference with Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles Chief of Police Charlie Beck abruptly announced his retirement, startling even some of the officers who had accompanied him to the press event. “Serving the citizens of Los Angeles for over 40 years has been the honor of a lifetime. Leading the men and women of the #LAPD-my family-has been a privilege I never thought I’d be worthy of,” Beck wrote shortly after the announcement in a series of tweets.

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As Charlie Beck steps down, what to expect from the next LAPD chief
As reported by the Los Angeles Times, people in Beck’s inner circle had suspected that he would not finish out his second and final term, but Beck reportedly told his highest-ranking officers about his retirement just minutes before last week’s presser. Beck joined the LAPD as an officer during the racially charged 90’s.

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OC Supervisors want answers over ongoing helicopter feud between fire, sheriff
Orange County Supervisors are asking for state officials to help mediate a settlement in a feud between the county’s sheriff and fire departments over an ongoing “helicopter war” between the agencies. For two years, the sheriff’s and fire pilots have waged a public dispute, sometimes racing each other to get their helicopters to rescue scenes, leading to growing concern that the quarrel will lead to an in-flight collision.

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S.F. police union at odds with top mayoral candidates may skip endorsement
The San Francisco Police Officers Association, always a big player in the election of a new mayor, might find itself outside the arena this time around. The reason: None of the front-runner candidates matches its priorities. “We may make an endorsement, we may not,” said the association’s former president, Gary Delagnes, who now works as a consultant for the union.

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LAPD’s new independent watchdog is no stranger to local policing
The civilian panel that oversees the Los Angeles Police Department has chosen a new watchdog to help keep an eye on LAPD’s internal disciplinary process and other operations. The Los Angeles Police Commission announced Tuesday that its new inspector general will be Mark P. Smith, a Van Nuys High School graduate who currently works as a constitutional policing advisor for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

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Smugglers using rocks to attack Border Patrol agents
On a foggy Saturday night at the end of December, a Border Patrol agent drove an all-terrain vehicle close to the border fence between San Diego and Tijuana, looking for footprints. To his left, a rust red, 7-foot metal barrier made of landing mats from the Vietnam War separated him from Colonia Libertad, a neighborhood whose gritty northern edges have long been known for smuggling activity.

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Study finds crime-predicting algorithm is no smarter than online poll takers
In a study published Wednesday, a pair of Dartmouth researchers found that a popular risk assessment algorithm was no better at predicting a criminal offender’s likelihood of reoffending than an internet survey of humans with little or no relevant experience. The study compared the crime-predicting powers of an algorithm called COMPAS, already used by multiple states, to those of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, a sort of micro TaskRabbit where people are paid to complete small assignments.

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A downtown crime emergency
The rising crime rate in Downtown Los Angeles is alarming. If the Central City is to remain a thriving hub for business, residential life, culture, tourism and investment, then this must be treated as an emergency. Immediate and encompassing action is required. It is imperative that the police department, city leaders including elected officials, and an array of community stakeholders all come together and proceed with a sense of urgency.

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Violent crime drops in Harbor Area, but increases citywide in LA
Fueled by dips in homicides, rapes and robberies, the number of violent crimes in the Harbor Area of Los Angeles dropped nearly 3 percent in 2017 and the number of shooting victims and “shots fired” calls declined, statistics show. Property crime stayed about even for the year in San Pedro, Wilmington, Harbor Gateway, and Harbor City, where the overall major crime rate dipped nearly 1 percent in 2017 from the year before.

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Doctors split over mental state of accused California gunman
Doctors are split on whether a man charged with randomly gunning down three people on the streets of downtown Fresno earlier this year is mentally fit to stand trial. A second of three doctors on Tuesday found that 39-year-old Kori Ali Muhammad is not capable psychologically to help his attorney represent him in court. Authorities say that on April 18 Muhammad walked a neighborhood where he killed three people days after gunning down a motel security guard.

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The loss of a son fueled a father’s fight against illegal immigration. And there’s little room for debate
Don Rosenberg and I have talked about illegal immigration on the phone and exchanged emails over the years, but we had never met, until Monday. The federal government shutdown last weekend, and temporary reopening, are about a lot of things, but differing views on immigration are at the core of the impasse.

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LAPD shifts hundreds of officers to boost neighborhood patrols amid rising violent crime
As violent crime continues to rise, hundreds of Los Angeles police officers have been redeployed from specialized units and administrative positions to patrol duties in recent months in order to boost the number of officers on the streets, authorities said Wednesday.

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Jack Ma says counterfeiters should go to jail as Alibaba remains a ‘notorious market’ for fakes
Jack Ma, the founder and CEO of Alibaba, has entrenched himself in the position that he is an avid fighter of counterfeits and has repeatedly demanded Beijing to take a hard line towards fakes, even going as far as to recommend throwing counterfeiters in jail.

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Fuse chicken vs. Amazon is the David Vs. Goliath lawsuit to watch in 2018
Jon Fawcett, the founder and CEO of Fuse Chicken, an Ohio-based Kickstarter-funded startup that makes innovative phone charging accessories, received a big surprise when he had one of his products sent to the New York Times to be reviewed. What should have been a pinnacle moment for his company unravelled into a nightmare that has become indicative of the 21st century American entrepreneurial experience.

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What you need to know about California ‘Real-ID’ driver’s licenses
The California Department of Motor Vehicles begins accepting applications today for “Real ID” driver’s licenses and state identification cards. These are licenses and IDs that will be required to board a domestic flight, enter federal buildings and visit military installations starting in 2020. Here’s what Californians need to know about Real ID licenses, how to get them, and how necessary they will be.

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Californians can start applying for Federally mandated ‘Real ID’ cards on Jan. 22; here’s how
California drivers can begin applying this month for the new “Real ID” cards, which will eventually be among the requirements for anyone wishing to travel by air domestically, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Beginning on Oct. 1, 2020, only those with Real ID driver’s license or identification cards will be able to pass through security checkpoints at airports or other secure federal facilities without other accepted forms of ID, such as a passport, the California DMV said in a news release Thursday.

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Debating a new bill to change eyewitness lineup standards
A new California Senate bill has been proposed to change standards for eyewitness lineups, aiming to make a dent in wrongful convictions. The bill, introduced by state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblymember Marc Levine (D-Marin County), would implement procedures such as “blind administration,” or lineups managed by officers who aren’t aware of the suspect’s identity, and having officers take witness statements on how confident they feel about identifying a suspect.

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California Sen. Wiener tries to shut odd loophole in car break-in law
Sometimes, laws seem to be written in the most confusing, ineffective way possible. Take the state law on car break-ins, for example. Currently, smashing the window of a car and taking valuables inside it can be charged as a felony burglary only if it can be proved in court that the car doors were locked. Otherwise, it’s a misdemeanor theft. Strangely, that smashed window doesn’t count as evidence the car was forcibly entered.

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California falls short in passing protections against drunk driving, group says
California ranks just middle of the road in adopting strong traffic safety laws, according to a new reportfrom Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit. The state has strict regulations protecting consumers and the environment, but the group concluded California falls short in areas that could keep residents safe on the streets.

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California Dems propose surcharge on businesses to fund social programs
Lawmakers from California have proposed a bill that would compel companies making more than $1 million to turn over half their tax-cut savings to the state in order to fund programs that support low-income and middle-class families. Assembly members Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, and Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, have proposed an Assembly Constitutional Amendment that would enact a tax surcharge on California companies, in order to help people who have been negatively affected by the GOP’s tax overhaul, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

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Oakland lawmaker proposes bill to prevent suicidal people from buying a gun
A California lawmaker introduced legislation Wednesday that aims to protect Californians from gun suicides, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Oakland, introduced AB1927, in order to bar people from buying a gun if they are struggling with suicidal thoughts or fear they are a danger to themselves. According to Bonta, Californians who commit suicide after purchasing a gun most often do so within a week of purchase.

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Latino vote could spike in California – thanks to one man
California Latinos, for years a growing voting bloc, are far more engaged in public affairs since the election of Donald Trump. Forty-six percent said the Republican president has increased their interest in politics, with 68 percent of Latinos telling a new poll they planned to vote in the 2018 primary for governor and other statewide offices.

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Gas Tax repeal headed for ballot as money about to flow for road repairs
People rolled through Rock Auto in El Cajon in droves this month to sign a petition to overturn Gov. Jerry Brown’s so-called gas tax. Volunteers wielding clipboards in red t-shirts reading “Stop the Gas Tax” harvested names from drivers eager to support the cause.

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There’s a season for California’s 2018 ballot initiatives, and this is it
The folding table full of clipboards and flapping sheets of paper – a staple of ballot measure campaigns and thus a hallmark of California politics – is back in front of neighborhood grocery stores and shopping malls. The race is on to collect voter signatures on any initiative angling for a spot on the Nov. 6 statewide ballot.

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Commentary: Supreme Court case threatens union political power
Attorney General Xavier Becerra is imploring the U.S. Supreme Court to validate laws in California and other states requiring public employees who are not union members to nevertheless pay “agency fees” to unions. Such fees, Becerra said in a brief filed last week, fairly distribute costs of negotiating contracts with the state, school districts and local governments.

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L.A. man sentenced to 47 years to life for repeatedly molesting 5 boys over 7-year span
A man in Los Angeles was sentenced 47 years and four months to life in prison Monday for molesting five boys, ranging in age from 7 to 17 years old, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office said. The abuse happened from 2000 to 2007, when Amador Valencia Santos cultivated relationships with the families of the victims in order to prey on them, prosecutors said.

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Ex-LAPD officer charged in cadet sex scandal pleads no contest to San Bernardino weapons charges
A former Los Angeles Police Department officer charged locally with sex-related counts involving a 15-year-old girl from the department’s cadet program pleaded no contest today to two weapons-related charges stemming from a search of his home in San Bernardino County’s Rancho Cucamonga.

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2 men plead guilty in statewide probe involving several young sex trafficking victims
Two men have pleaded guilty to human trafficking charges after being arrested last year in a statewide investigation into the case of 13 young girls who were sold for sex throughout California and in Nevada, officials announced this week. Highland resident Quinton Brown III, 30, and 32-year-old Gerald Turner of Fresno entered a plea deal on Tuesday, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a news release.

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Man who strangled actress in West Hollywood sentenced to prison
A homeless man who strangled a 28-year-old woman and dumped her body in a West Hollywood trash bin was sentenced Monday to 15 years to life in prison. Abdulla Tario Camran, 31, pleaded no contest in December to second- degree murder in the July 6, 2016, death of Joie Nicole Kinney, whom he had apparently been dating and who was also believed to be homeless.

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Judge dismisses lawsuit brought by former top attorney against L.A. County
A judge has dismissed a wrongful termination lawsuit brought by the former top attorney for Los Angeles County, who alleged that the Board of Supervisors removed him in retaliation for him raising concerns about alleged illegal activity committed by the board. L.A. County Superior Court Judge Joanne O’Donnell threw out the lawsuit filed by Mark Saladino, who previously served as county treasurer and tax collector before starting to work as county counsel in October 2014.

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L.A. County supervisors pick a temporary head of the public defender’s office amid criticism
The Los Angeles County board of supervisors voted Tuesday to appoint a new interim head of the public defender’s office, despite criticism from defense lawyers that the new pick has no experience in criminal law and previously defended law enforcement officers. Six attorneys from the public defender’s office publicly told supervisors at Tuesday’s board meeting not to appoint Nicole Davis Tinkham, saying she knew nothing about the office’s work of representing indigent clients in criminal cases.

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New plans for old King Drew Medical Center
New plans for the vacant King Drew Medical Center were announced on Eyewitness Newsmakers. The 500,000-square-foot facility will be a new behavioral health center. Funding of $250 million will come from L.A. County’s Department of Health Services. The announcement was made exclusively by Eyewitness Newsmakers guests L.A. County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas and Dr. Elaine Batchlor, CEO of Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital.

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A slow start at the Sobering Center
On Jan. 2, 2017, the David L. Murphy Sobering Center opened at 640 S. Maple Ave. in Skid Row. City and county homeless services workers and public safety officials had high hopes for the 9,500-square-foot facility. They believed that directing intoxicated people – including serial inebriates, who can tax public safety resources – to the center, rather than sending them to local hospitals, could save millions in treatment costs, free up EMTs and medical personnel for other emergencies, and connect indigent patients to support services.

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LAPD Chief Charlie Beck on Red Line incident: ‘Let’s all be civil’
A woman was recently forcibly removed from a Metro Red Line train by an LAPD sergeant after she refused to take her feet off a seat. Video shows the officer removing 18-year-old Bethany Nava, of North Hollywood, from the train as she protests. Beck said he is not going to “prejudge this” situation.

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Less cooperation with ICE? LA County’s sheriff oversight panel is considering it
Ideas to further limit cooperation between Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and federal immigration officials were met with cheers and jeers from community members Thursday at a civilian oversight meeting in downtown Los Angeles.

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Big firms pick up #MeToo work for state legislatures
Several state legislatures whose members are facing allegations of sexual misconduct similar to those brought against film industry moguls, TV news anchors, and politicians have launched official investigations with the help of outside law firms, including Jackson Lewis, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, and Hogan Lovells.

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From hidden cameras to crotch-watching: California pays out millions for sexual harassment
Four young men who were locked in a youth correctional facility in Southern California accused a male staff counselor of coercing them into sex acts in exchange for contraband and special treatment. The cost to taxpayers to settle their lawsuit: $10 million.

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CNN Investigation: Sexual misconduct by judges kept under wraps
One morning in 1998, US District Court Judge Walter Smith called a deputy clerk into his chambers in the Waco, Texas, courthouse and closed the door behind her. “He basically came over to me and put his arms around me and kissed me, and I just froze. I couldn’t move,” the woman said in a deposition.

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Latest bail reform ruling: Pretrial defendants can’t call adverse witnesses
Under the state’s revamped bail system, criminal defendants can’t compel adverse witnesses, such as police officers, to the witness stand in pretrial detention hearings, which would constitute “mini trials,” the Appellate Division ruled.

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California’s death penalty law may hinge on outcome of Arizona case
After narrowly surviving voter initiatives in 2012 and 2016, California’s death penalty law may soon be in jeopardy again, this time at the U.S. Supreme Court. The court is being asked to take up a challenge to the death penalty in Arizona, where the law makes virtually every first-degree murderer subject to potential capital charges.

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Lawyers: Firing squad must be option for condemned killer
Attorneys for a condemned killer whose execution was stopped last year after 25 minutes of unsuccessful needle sticks are once again recommending the firing squad as an alternative. The execution could also proceed if the state adopts a closely regulated lethal injection process that includes a headpiece to monitor the brain activity of death row inmate Alva Campbell and medicine to revive him if the lethal drugs don’t work, attorneys said in a court filing earlier this month.

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First state-licensed adult-use marijuana dispensaries now open in City of Los Angeles
California’s Bureau of Cannabis Control has issued its first two adult-use temporary retailer licenses within Los Angeles city limits – both of them to MedMen, bringing that dispensary’s total number of fully licensed medical / recreational shops to five (other doors include West Hollywood, Venice and Orange County).

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Weed Wars: Growers sue to block vast California marijuana farms
A lawsuit filed Tuesday in Sacramento by the California Growers Association comes just weeks after the nation’s most populous state began allowing legal pot sales. It argues that state regulations would allow businesses to acquire an unlimited number of certain growing licenses, creating large operations that would have a “devastating effect” on smaller operations.

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Turmoil at L.A. Times has newsroom in a tailspin
For a newspaper that has weathered years of turmoil, the Los Angeles Times is once again in the throes of a crisis. Still reeling from the shock of publisher and CEO Ross Levinshohn being put on unpaid leave last week for past sexual harassment settlements and inappropriate behavior, the paper’s newsroom was jolted again Wednesday when business editor Kimi Yoshino was suddenly suspended and escorted out of the building with no explanation to staffers.

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Deep layoffs began Monday at SoCal News Group
At least 10 staffers in sports and a whole bunch of photographers were let go Monday by the Southern California News Group papers. The cuts were telegraphed just over a week ago in somber Friday afternoon staff gatherings. Today the first journalists found out their jobs were ending. At the Los Angeles Daily News, longtime sports columnist Tom Hoffarth tweeted tonight that he was one the departing.

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NFL rejects veterans group’s ‘Please Stand’ ad for Super Bowl program
The NFL has rejected an advertisment a veterans group wanted to run in this year’s Super Bowl program. The ad asked for donations to American Veterans, an organization that aims to “enhance and safeguard the entitlements” for those who have served in the U.S. military, but it was marked by large lettering conveying a message relating to the league’s player protests during the national anthem: “Please Stand.”

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If you’re not alarmed, you should be: Who’s left to hold California’s government accountable?
Dear Californians, If you care about this state, it’s time to sound the alarm about the crisis in media and what it means for the health of democracy in the world’s sixth largest economy. Media is declining nationally, but unique pressures have made California into America’s laboratory for a dangerous experiment about what happens to the public interest when policy is made without the public’s awareness or accountability.

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California’s prison statistics: How the Golden State stacks up
When it comes to incarceration rates, California has one of the lowest in the country. The United States locks up a greater portion of its population than nearly any other country in the world, but the total number of people imprisoned has fallen slowly from its peak in recent years.

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Sonoma County implementing new state law on gun ownership by criminals
Gun ownership has been illegal for those convicted of felonies and misdemeanor domestic violence charges for decades, but until Jan. 1, when new rules took effect, the state relied on the good faith of criminals to relinquish their firearms. District attorneys, superior court judges and probation departments are now required to identify, inquire and investigate gun ownership of those convicted in California courts under the 2016 ballot measure Proposition 63 passed by voters but only implemented this year.

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7 ways to help the homeless in Los Angeles
This week, the county takes on a daunting but important task: counting the number of Angelenos experiencing homelessness on our streets. The Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count takes place Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, with each night focusing on a different geographic area. Last year’s count found that, in the city of Los Angeles, an estimated 34,189 people experience homelessness on any given night.

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2018’s LA County homeless count comes amid an ‘explosion of energy’
As thousands of volunteers fan out over three days this week to determine the size of Los Angeles’s homeless population, the data they collect is expected to help influence how millions of dollars in new funding will be spent to combat the ever-growing crisis. The additional dollars are coming partly from Measure H, which was approved by voters in March, and makes $355 million a year in sales tax revenue available for homeless services.

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The Justice Department threatens LA with subpoenas if immigration information Is not surrendered
The Justice Department Wednesday threatened Los Angeles and 22 other so-called sanctuary cities with subpoenas if they fail to provide documents related to local law enforcement policies on sharing information with federal immigration authorities. The move is another escalation of the Trump administration’s attempt to force local jurisdictions into going beyond their legal obligations in cooperating with the federal government on identifying and detaining immigrants who may be in the country illegally.

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ICE Director hits back at CA dems over possible raids: ‘We are enforcing laws Congress enacted’
Acting ICE Director Tom Homan hit back Thursday at California’s Democratic senators, who criticized his agency over reports of planned immigration sweeps in the sanctuary state. Local law enforcement officials have reportedly stated they will not assist ICE in raids aimed at apprehending 1,500 illegal immigrants in northern California. California Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris wrote a letter to the agency, asking for a briefing on the raids.

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CalPERS seeks legislation to avoid pension cuts
CalPERS wants unions and local government groups to come up with legislation that would retroactively correct a mistake that could lead to more pension cuts, like the 63 percent reduction last July in pensions promised about 200 former employees of LA Works. The mistake was that CalPERS contracted to provide long-term pensions for an employer that only had short-term contracts – no other revenue, not even shared pension liability with another government agency that can impose fees or taxes.

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Monday Morning Memo for January 22, 2018

Prosecutors take aim at Prop 47, Prop 57 with ballot initiative

L.A. County’s prosecutors are hoping voters will support an initiative to reform the criminal justice system and address concerns with two previous efforts, Prop 47 and Prop 57, which they say is necessary to keep California safe. The authors of the Reducing Crime and Keeping California Safe Act of 2018 aim to “fix” issues created by Proposition 47, which reduced certain non-violent felonies to misdemeanors after it was approved by voters in 2014.

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San Jose: Arrest of adult-teen robbery crew highlights new wave of ‘gang’ crimes
A robbery crew made up mostly of teenagers has been arrested in connection with at least 30 robberies and carjackings in San Jose dating back to last spring, and is being treated as a gang despite having no conventional gang ties, authorities said.

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If this is the best critics can do, then criminal justice reforms are working
In responding to a recent column of mine on criminal justice reforms, Michele Hanisee, president of the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, made the important point that opinions aren’t facts. Unfortunately, she then goes on to blur those lines herself and distorts the facts to suit her narrative that criminal justice reforms have made us less safe.

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Blue ribbon commission to study effects of prison realignment
County officials are trying to determine the effect of three measures created to reform the criminal justice system, as prosecutors launch a signature-gathering campaign to put another initiative on the ballot.

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Report of attempted suicide justified warrantless entry
When police, arriving in response to a call that a man was in a house with firearms and had announced an intent to kill himself, did not breach the Fourth Amendment when they made a cursory sweep of the house to make certain no one was injured and there were no firearms out in the open, the Court of Appeal for this district held yesterday.

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They argued that prostitution is a constitutional right. Nice try, said federal court.
The Supreme Court’s 2003 ruling in the case Lawrence v. Texas is one of its best-known in recent memory. In a 6-3 decision, the justices invalidated every remaining sodomy law in the United States, rendering the country’s archaic and largely unenforced bans on same-sex sexual activity unconstitutional.

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Court of Appeal: Privacy action lies where one party did not know call was recorded
The Fourth District Court of Appeal has reversed a summary judgment in favor of a company that recorded all calls on certain telephones, holding that knowledge by its employee of the recording policy could not be imputed to her mother-with whom she had frequent phone conversations-who has sued for invasion of privacy.

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U.S. judge clears way to send case for bail as fair, effective to trial for a decision
A federal judge has cleared the way for trial to determine the constitutionality of bail requirements in San Francisco and statewide, ruling that defenders of the system must show it’s the best and least-restrictive way to make sure that defendants who have been released from jail show up in court.

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Student’s challenge of college free-speech zones advanced
A California community college student who found support from the U.S. attorney general in a complaint against his college’s free-speech policies will get his day in court, after a federal judge rejected the school’s motion to dismiss the suit. Kevin Shaw challenged Pierce College’s free-speech policies in March 2017, particularly the designated “Free Speech Areas” on campus that can only be used with permit.

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LA man charged with murder of transgender woman
A Los Angeles man accused of fatally stabbing a 33-year-old trangender woman he met online and then setting her Pico-Union apartment on fire was charged today with murder, attempted robbery and arson charges that could result in the death penalty if he’s convicted.

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FBI sting operation nets arrest of L.A. County Sheriff’s deputy accused of selling drugs, offering protection to dealers
A Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy and three alleged accomplices stand accused of running a vast drug trafficking conspiracy in which they would provide security services to narcotics dealers in exchange for cash, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Tuesday.

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DNA helps convict man in 2001 Northridge kidnapping and sexual assault of teen
A Hollywood man convicted of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy in Northridge more than 16 years ago is facing a potential 35-year-to-life prison term, a prosecutor said today. Mirek Paul Voyt, who was arrested at his home last year, remains behind bars while awaiting a Feb. 14 sentencing hearing at the San Fernando courthouse.

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‘I wish I f-ing killed more of those mother–s’: Undocumented man charged with cops’ murder interrupts trial (watch)
A man accused of murdering two California sheriff deputies wasn’t denying anything when he was in court on Tuesday. Luis Bracamontes, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, is at trial for allegedly killing Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliverand Placer County Sheriff’s Deputy Michael Davis Jr. in October 2014.

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‘Swatting’ suspect charged with manslaughter
The Los Angeles man at the center of what is believed to be the first fatal “swatting” incident in the U.S. has been charged with manslaughter in connection with a hoax phone call that led to a deadly shooting in Kansas, records show. Tyler Rai Barriss, 25, was charged with involuntary manslaughter and interference with law enforcement, according to court records made public Friday.

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North Hollywood man sentenced for bludgeoning parents to death
A North Hollywood man was sentenced Wednesday to 42 years to life in state prison for the beating deaths of his parents. Jonathan Mercado, 30, pleaded no contest last September to two counts of murder stemming from the Sept. 7, 2012, bludgeoning deaths of his father, Alexandro, and mother, Veronica, at a home in the 8100 block of Radford Avenue where he lived with the victims and his two younger siblings.

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Parents say killing of missing California college student could be hate crime; suspect used gay slur
The parents of Blaze Bernstein, a pre-med student who was stabbed repeatedly and dumped in a shallow grave in Lake Forest, say his death might be a hate crime. If the death is prosecuted as a hate crime, it could bring a stricter sentence. Documents show the suspect, Samuel Lincoln Woodward, used a gay slur to describe their son while talking to Orange County Sheriff’s investigators.

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Couple charged in Perris torture case: ‘This is depraved conduct’
A couple accused of torturing their 13 children, ages 2 to 29, and keeping them captive in depraved conditions were charged Thursday as authorities revealed more appalling details regarding the treatment and living conditions of the children that lasted several years. David Turpin, 57, and Louis Ann Turpin, 49, were each charged with 12 counts of torture, seven counts of abuse of a dependent, six counts of child abuse and neglect and 12 counts of child imprisonment.

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L.A. Police Chief Charlie Beck announces early retirement, ending eight-year tenure as head of the LAPD
Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck announced Friday that he will retire this summer, ending an eight-year tenure in which he shepherded the department through crippling budget woes, a stubborn uptick in crime and a national outcry over police killings of black men.

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California parents arrested after 13 children found shackled, held captive in their Perris home
Multiple children were discovered bound, shackled and malnourished inside a California home after a teenage girl managed to escape the home and tell police that her 12 brothers and sisters were being held by her parents, authorities said Monday. David Allen Turpin, 57, and Louise Ann Turpin, 49, were being held on $9 million bail each on Monday after the dozen people were allegedly found to be held captive inside their Perris home.

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CHP officer calmly called 911 after 6-car crash left him pinned under truck
Martin Lendway was pinned under a pickup truck on the freeway when he removed a cell phone from his pocket and dialed 911. The California Highway Patrol officer calmly told dispatchers where to find him and that he thought his legs were broken, which doctors would later confirm. Then, as bystanders worked to move the truck off his legs, he waited.

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Why loud & repetitive verbal commands can hinder compliance
There is an old saying, “There is a time to talk, and a time to shoot,” which is a concept that should be familiar to all police officers. There are also a lot of less lethal options between the two choices. Verbalization when appropriate, can, and should be used, at all levels of force.
There is a time and a place for loud, forceful commands.

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Inside the LAPD program that helps cops conquer addiction
“This is a difficult subject for early in the morning, huh?” Detective Mike Margolis asks, to some quiet laughter. “What we’re talking about here is making bad decisions.” He looks out at the group: some 35 men and 7 women who have been promoted or are about to be promoted to the rank of sergeant or detective with the LAPD, each of them on the force maybe ten years.

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Redding offers $5,000 to transferring cops as hiring pool thins
When Redding Police Chief Roger Moore wanted to transfer back to his hometown from the Watsonville Police Department in 1995, he faced hundreds of competitors for open transferring officer positions. Today, though, the pool of those officers seeking to transfer to other agencies has dried up, Moore said.

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Crime surges in downtown in 2017
DTLA – Downtown Los Angeles continues to face growing pains when it comes to crime, as violent and property crime rates increased again over the course of 2017. An influx of new residents, workers and visitors is adding to the years-long trend, and crime is not impacting each district equally. The biggest increase by percentage was homicide, which jumped 91%, from 11 killings in both 2015 and 2016 to 21 incidents in 2017, according to Los Angeles Police Department data.

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Former civilian LAPD worker arrested for alleged workers’ compensation fraud
A former civilian Los Angeles Police Department employee was arrested on suspicion of workers’ compensation fraud, authorities said. Gerald Pulley, 51, was arrested last Thursday on suspicion of the felony-level crime, Los Angeles police said in a press release. Pulley has since been released on $20,000 bail. No court date was set.

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Illinois AG candidate robbed at gunpoint in Chicago during campaign photoshoot
A Democratic candidate running for Illinois attorney general was robbed at gunpoint Thursday during a campaign photoshoot in Chicago. The Chicago Tribune reported that Aaron Goldstein, 42, and members of his campaign team were approached by three men in their early 20s. One of the men had a handgun and demanded Goldstein and the campaign aides turn over the camera equipment and other personal belongings, including their cell phones, which they did.

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Ex-CIA officer Jerry Chun Shing Lee suspected of spying for China
A former CIA officer who was charged Tuesday with unlawful possession of secrets is suspected of a much worse crime: betraying U.S. informants in China, sources familiar with the case told NBC News. The former officer, Jerry Chun Shing Lee, 53, was arrested Monday after flying into New York on a Cathay Pacific flight from his home in Hong Kong, federal authorities announced.

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These Amazon, eBay or Walmart counterfeits could kill you
One-third of online shoppers received an unexpected surprise this year – they unwillingly received a counterfeit product. While some consumers may be confident they can identify fake sunglasses, purses, shoes and handbags, a mistake identifying the items below could be deadly. Amazon, eBay and Walmart take a transaction fee for each item sold.

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New Jersey requires racial-impact statements for crime-law changes
Changes to criminal-justice laws in New Jersey now require an analysis of their impact on racial and ethnic minorities, making the state among only a handful in the nation to do so. A bill mandating the analyses, which outgoing Republican Gov. Chris Christie signed Monday, requires the state’s Office of Legislative Services to prepare so-called racial-impact statements for policy changes that affect pretrial detention, sentencing and parole.

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Supreme Court hears rare appeal challenging military judges
The Supreme Court delved into unusual terrain on Tuesday when it heard arguments brought by military service members — the first time the justices have heard such a case in 21 years. At issue in the case — Dalmazzi v. United States — is an 1870 statute that prohibits active-duty service members from holding a second elected or appointed government office unless Congress expressly authorizes it.

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John Tunney, California senator who worked for environmental protection and civil rights, dies at 83
Former U.S. Sen. John V. Tunney, who as a young lawyer and rising California political star toppled an entrenched Republican incumbent before facing his own defeat just six years later, has died. He was 83. Tunney, who lived mainly in Sun Valley, Idaho, in recent years but also maintained homes in Los Angeles and New York, died of prostate cancer Friday at a home in Brentwood, his brother Jay Tunney said.

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Trends emerge at USC Gubernatorial Debate
Six candidates – four Democrats and two Republicans – squared off on Saturday at the University of Southern California in the first of what will be many debates to help Californians decide who should (and should not) be our state’s next governor. No knock-out punch was delivered…it would have been shocking if anyone even drew blood.

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Bail advocate pushes harassment claims against ‘Huggy Bear Hertzberg’
Sen. Bob Hertzberg made a political enemy of the bail industry last year when he introduced legislation to overhaul the money bail system in California. Now a Bakersfield man tied to the industry has launched a victims’ hotline and video featuring allegations that the Los Angeles Democrat inappropriately touched women.

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9th Circuit to study workplace conditions in wake of Kozinski’s retirement over sexual misconduct accusations
A federal appeals court has assigned a committee to investigate workplace conditions in the wake of sexual misconduct charges that recently forced a high-profile judge to retire. Chief Judge Sidney R. Thomas of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals named four judges and an employment lawyer to the committee, which will review policies to protect workers and recommend changes if necessary.

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Gavin Newsom is the target as 6 candidates battle in California governor debate
Six candidates for California governor clashed over health care, education and immigration issues in the first major debate of 2018 on Saturday morning at USC. The lively debate frequently pitted Gavin Newsom against everyone else. Newsom, the frontrunner in public-opinion polls on the race to succeed Gov. Jerry Brown, faced criticism from fellow Democrats Antonio Villaraigosa and John Chiang over his support for a single-payer health-care system.

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The humiliation of Aziz Ansari
Sexual mores in the West have changed so rapidly over the past 100 years that by the time you reach 50, intimate accounts of commonplace sexual events of the young seem like science fiction: You understand the vocabulary and the sentence structure, but all of the events take place in outer space. You’re just too old. This was my experience reading the account of one young woman’s alleged sexual encounter with Aziz Ansari, published by the website Babe this weekend.

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LAPD officer alleges retaliation for reporting sexual harassment
A Los Angeles police bloodhound handler is suing the city, alleging he suffered a backlash for reporting the alleged sexual harassment of one of his three colleagues in the unit by a supervisor who also was fabricating overtime claims. LAPD Officer Elliot Zibli filed the whistleblower lawsuit Friday in Los Angeles Superior Court, saying he was forced to retire earlier than he wanted to because of stress. The suit seeks unspecified damages.

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After civil rights violation claim, Metro is pressed for more data on fare enforcement
Local civil rights group Labor Community Strategy Center says it has already determined that black people are disproportionately ticketed for not paying bus and train fares in Los Angeles. Now, it’s trying to learn more about enforcement and the treatment of black riders. It’s the goal of a lawsuit filed by the strategy center against Metro and three law enforcement agencies.

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Goldstein Investigation: Some city workers go home after short day but still get paid
Most people have to put in eight hours of workto get eight hours worth of pay. But not so with some city of LA workers Investigative Reporter David Goldstein caught with hidden cameras. Here is a full script of Goldstein’s investigation: “How is it that you get to leave every morning? We watched you numerous days?” “I don’t.” “You don’t? We watched you numerous days, sir.

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LA supes vote to improve crucial services for the disproportionate number of LGBTG youth in the county’s care
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted in favor of an important motion that aims to improve the services available to LGBTQ youth, who are overrepresented in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, and are particularly vulnerable to homelessness.

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Independent report says California needs to store gas underground
A state-commissioned report, released Thursday, has concluded that California must rely on natural gas stored underground for decades to come to meet the state’s energy needs. The California Council on Science and Technology, an independent nonpartisan organization, assessed the long-term viability of underground gas storage in the state at the request of Gov. Jerry Brown and the state Legislature.

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LA could change the way straws are distributed at restaurants
Several City Council members put forth a proposal Wednesday to require Los Angeles restaurants and food service providers to distribute plastic straws to customers by request only as a way to cut down on trash and pollution.

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Top LA Times editors, newsroom guild call for ‘frat boy’ publisher to go
NPR media reporter David Folkenflik dropped a bombshell out of the Los Angeles Times on Thursday. He reported that publisher and CEO Ross Levinsohn was a defendant in two sexual harassment cases settled by employers before he came to the Times, and that female colleagues have repeatedly accused him of misconduct throughout his career.

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Los Angeles Times journalists vote 248-44 to unionize
Journalists at the Los Angeles Times have overwhelmingly elected to form a union, a first for the 136-year-old news organization that for much of its history was known for its opposition to organized labor. The union drive was launched publicly in October and culminated in an election earlier this month.

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Central Basin leaked confidential health records to Los Angeles Times, violating Federal laws
Hews Media Group-Community News has learned that a Central Basin Municipal Water District (CB) employee or Director leaked federally protected and confidential personnel and health records of a former employee to the Los Angeles Times violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) which is a federal offense.

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Black Lives Matter leader leads séance in Methodist Church: Summons spirits of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Shaka Zulu
Dr. Melina Abdullah – a professor at California State University who also leads the Los Angeles chapter of Black Lives Matter – recently summoned the spirits of several deceased people to fill a Methodist church with ethereal energy, including Martin Luther King, several other slain civil rights leaders, victims of police brutality, and an African warrior named Shaka Zulu.

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Inmate who escaped from state prison in Chino caught 90 miles away in Encinitas
A 33-year-old man who escaped from the Chino state prison was back in custody, authorities said Monday evening, Jan. 15, after police found him 90 miles away in Encinitas. San Diego sheriff’s deputies took Michael Garrett back into custody at about 6 p.m. after he was spotted outside a Vons, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

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Gun store thefts rise again in 2017, breaking ATF record
Burglars stole a record number of firearms from gun stores and other licensed firearms dealers in 2017, according to federal statistics released on Tuesday, extending an upward trend that has spurred calls for new legislation on Capitol Hill. Burglars nabbed 7,841 guns from licensed firearms dealers last year, about 5 percent more than in 2016, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

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LA pot shops eye recreational marijuana sales as city begins issuing approvals
It may not be long now before the first legal recreational pot shops begin operating in Los Angeles. City officials last Friday started issuing temporary approvals to marijuana businesses, which allows those businesses to apply for state licenses. At the moment, local approvals are only being given out to existing medical marijuana dispensaries that were given “limited immunity” that allowed them to operate under Proposition D, a now repealed ban on cannabis businesses.

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State attorneys general want Congress to give banks the go-ahead to work with marijuana companies
California’s top law enforcement official and his counterparts in 18 states and territories say Congress must act to end the banking industry’s prohibition on serving the marijuana industry, calling the current state of affairs a public safety threat and a hindrance for law enforcement.

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LA County says “no” to adding immigration question to 2020 census
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted today to voice their opposition to a recent Department of Justice proposal to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census form. ‘Whether unintentional or by design, including a citizenship question in the Census will not only result in an inaccurate count, it would deny communities with immigrant populations -like LA County- their fair share of Federal funding and resources,’ said Supervisor Janice Hahn.

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‘We will prosecute’ employers who help immigration sweeps, California AG says
The state’s top cop issued a warning to California employers Thursday that businesses face legal repercussions, including fines up to $10,000, if they assist federal immigration authorities with a potential widespread immigration crackdown.

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Borenstein: Brown suffers major setback on pension reform
Gov. Jerry Brown suffered a significant legal setback this week when a state appeals court dealt a blow to hopes for meaningful pension reform in California. The decision after five years of litigation over pension spiking could undermine key portions of legislation the governor signed in 2012 to end such abuses and help shore up retirement systems across the state.

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Pensions will be ‘on the chopping block’ in next recession, Jerry Brown says
Gov. Jerry Brown this week predicted that his 2012 pension law will survive union challenges in court and blow a hole in the so-called “California rule” that has restricted changes to public employee retirement plans for half a century. “When the next recession comes around, the governor will have the option of considering pension cutbacks for the first time in a long time,” Brown said at a news conference this week where he unveiled his 2018-19 budget plan.

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Why Moody’s sees latest California pension ruling as credit negative
A California appellate court ruling that appears to favor a strict test for pension reforms to current employee benefits is a credit negative, says Moody’s Investors Service. “The ruling is credit negative for the state and its local governments, because it increases the body of case law aligning with California’s historically stringent legal protections for public pension benefits,” wrote Tom Aaron, a Moody’s analyst in a Monday report.

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Court gets advice on pensions
Finley Peter Dunne, a humorist and newspaper columnist at the turn of the 20th Century famously said in making decisions, “The Supreme Court follows election returns.” The question for California is will the state Supreme Court heed the governor’s advice? Jerry Brown certainly gave the court advice on how to deal with upcoming public pension cases.

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Initiative backers betting 2018 will be the year to take on California’s Proposition 13
Forty years after Californians revolted against rising property taxes to pass Proposition 13, advocates of tax reform believe the timing is finally right to do surgery on it. They’ve filed a draft initiative with the state ­- the step before starting to collect signatures for the November ballot – proposing a “split roll” system that would increase taxes on commercial and industrial properties to produce more money for schools, counties and local governments, while leaving intact Prop. 13’s tax protections for homeowners and residential properties.

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Monday Morning Memo for January 15, 2018

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Initiative to end early parole for more criminals cleared for signature-gathering
Backers of an initiative to reduce the number of violent felons released early from prison have received authorization to begin gathering signatures, Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced Thursday. What author Nina Salarno Besselman has dubbed “The Reducing Crime and Keeping California Safe Act of 2018″would expand the list of crimes considered violent, making those convicted of them ineligible for early release.

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Whittier officials push for 2018 ballot initiative to reform A.B. 109, which they blame for Officer Keith Boyer’s death
Nearly 11 months after a Whittier police officer was killed in a shootout with a gang member, a host of public officials from the city and beyond gathered at the Whittier Police Memorial to launch their push for a ballot initiative that would change the state prison-reform laws they blame for the officer’s death.

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Child trafficking is nonviolent crime under California voter-approved law
Petition gatherers hit the streets of Sacramento on Thursday, trying to collect enough signatures for a new ballot measure that gets tough on crime. “In current law, rape by intoxication and rape of an unconscious person and a slew of other crimes are not considered violent for our state,” said Beth Hassett, executive director of WEAVE, or Woman Escaping a Violent Environment.

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Shoplifters now more brazen due to Prop. 47
Proposition 47 was supposed to be a crucial component in relieving the overpopulation of California’s jails and prisons and a vehicle for saving millions in costs associated with incarcerating nonviolent, non-serious criminals. But opponents of the ballot initiative have said it has led to a sharp rise in the number of property crimes throughout the state, and tied the hands of the law enforcement community in providing a deterrent against the sort of quality-of-life crimes that impact everyday citizens.

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Realignment and recidivism in California
California has experienced significant changes in its criminal justice landscape since the 2011 implementation of public safety realignment-which shifted the management of lower-level offenders from the state prison and parole system to county jail and probation systems. The prison population has dropped dramatically, and though jail populations rose, overall incarceration levels have declined.

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Here’s another thing about millennials – they get in less trouble with the police
Members of the millennial generation live with their parents more, have less sex and start families later than prior generations. Turns out they also got in less trouble with the law as teenagers. On average, 5 percent of Californians born between 1982 to 2004 were arrested while younger than the age of 18, according to a new report by the national Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, a nonprofit.

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The meanest county in California
This morning I got up, made a quadruple latte, began perusing my Facebook feed and ran across a story about the Redding Police Department receiving naloxone kits. Naloxone is the miracle drug that can revive overdosed opioid junkies like Lazarus from the tomb. There were already a dozen comments on the post, and I knew before looking that at least one of them was going to earnestly suggest why bother raising the dying deplorables from our streets; we’re better off without them.

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L.A. child molester to be released after spending 17 years in state hospital awaiting trial
Just before George Vasquez was scheduled to get out of prison, Los Angeles County prosecutors made a plea to the court: Don’t let him free – he’s too dangerous to live in public. While in his early 20s, Vasquez had lured young boys who lived in his South L.A. neighborhood to a spot near an alleyway with the promise of candy. He was convicted of molesting several children, ages 6 to 8, court records show.

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25-year-to-life term upheld for sex offender who failed to report his address change
A sex offender who failed to report his change of address was appropriately sentenced, under the three strikes law, to a 25-year-to-life indeterminate term, the Third District Court of Appeal held yesterday. Acting Presiding Justice Harry E. Hull Jr. wrote opinion, which was not certified for publication.

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Ninth Circuit reinstates suit over wrongful arrest
The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed a summary judgment in favor of the County of Los Angeles and a Sheriff’s Office detective in a civil rights action based on the wrongful arrest of a 5-foot seven-inch woman, weighing 110 lbs., named “Tammy Cameron,” while the person being sought was “Tammy Garrison” who weighed 135 lbs. and was five-feet one inch in height.

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Cal. Court: No standing to continue PAGA claim after settlement
The California Court of Appeals held late last week that a plaintiff does not have standing to pursue California Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) claims on behalf of the state or other employees once he accepts an offer to settle his individual claims. The court in Kim v. Reins International California, Inc. B278642 (Dec. 29, 2017), held that once the plaintiff accepted the settlement offer, he no longer qualified as an “aggrieved employee” within the meaning of the statute.

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Prosecutors reviewing Central Basin director Leticia Vasquez’ residency claims
The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office is looking into Central Basin Leticia Vasquez’ residency claim, reviewing Vasquez’ assertion that she lives in her district in Lynwood and not with her husband, attorney Ron Wilson, who lives outside of the district in Los Angeles, a spokesman confirmed. Hews Media Group-Community News confirmed the review through District Attorney spokesman Greg Risling.

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State watchdog urges prosecutor to charge Sacramento sheriff over early information release
State Auditor Elaine Howle has urged Sacramento County’s district attorney to file misdemeanor charges against Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones after he preemptively shared information last month about an unpublished audit reviewing how the county issues permits for concealed weapons.

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D.A. examining past criminal cases involving L.A. sheriff’s deputies on a secret list of problem officers
The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office has launched a comprehensive review of past criminal cases featuring deputies placed on a secret Sheriff’s Department list of officers whose histories of misconduct could undermine their credibility in court. Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey said she ordered the examination in response to a Times investigation last month that identified 24 deputies on an older version of the confidential list, including many who were disciplined or convicted of crimes.

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Roman Polanski won’t be charged in 1975 L.A. case involving 10-year-old girl – Update
Roman Polanski will not be hauled back into U.S. court over a 1975 case in which a then-10-year-old accused him of sexual assault, a law enforcement source tells Deadline. The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office opted not to bring charges because the statute of limitations has expired. “Offense date is outside applicable statute of limitations,” said charge evaluation paperwork signed by Deputy D.A. Michele Hanisee last month.

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L.A. prosecutors weighing charges against James Toback
Prosecutors in Los Angeles are weighing criminal charges in five cases against writer and director James Toback. Los Angeles County district attorney’s office spokesman Greg Risling says Tuesday that prosecutors are reviewing two cases from the Los Angeles Police Department and three submitted by Beverly Hills police. Toback, who received an Oscar nomination for writing Bugsy, has been accused of sexual misconduct by dozens of women.

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San Francisco man gets 27 years in prison for setting girlfriend on fire: Prosecutors
A man who set his girlfriend on fire in San Francisco’s Bayview District during an argument in 2013 was sentenced this week to 27 years in prison, according to prosecutors. Dexter Oliver, a 27-year-old San Francisco resident, was sentenced on Thursday after he pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted murder with an allegation that he caused great bodily injury and had one prior strike on his record.

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Want a satisfying experience as a juror? It’s all about the food
When I told friends and family that I had been selected to serve on a jury in D.C. Superior Court, with only one exception, all expressed their condolences first and then added that they could not believe I had been selected. After all, I’m a prosecutor. Two weeks later, after seven days of testimony in Judge John Mott’s courtroom and a day of arduous deliberations, I couldn’t wait to tell them how they had it all wrong.

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Man convicted in pier shooting sentenced to time served
The man acquitted of murder charges in the 2015 shooting death of a woman on a San Francisco pier was sentenced Friday to time served on the one count for which he was convicted. The maximum three-year sentence for a charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm was satisfied by the time Jose Ines Garcia-Zarate spent in county jail, including credit for good behavior, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Samuel Feng ruled.

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Woman who smuggled Salvadoran girl as ‘personal slave’ sentenced to 5 years in prison
A three-judge appeals panel ruled Monday that a woman who smuggled a 9-year-old Salvadoran girl into the country as a “personal slave” could not be forced to pay liquidated damages for minimum wage violations in a criminal case. Dora Alicia Valle pleaded no contest in 2015 to slavery and human trafficking of a minor and was sentenced to five years in prison and ordered to pay more than $93,000 to the girl she had forced to work for her in a Pacoima restaurant.

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These Amazon, eBay or Walmart counterfeits could kill you
One-third of online shoppers received an unexpected surprise this year – they unwillingly received a counterfeit product. While some consumers may be confident they can identify fake sunglasses, purses, shoes and handbags, a mistake identifying the items below could be deadly. Amazon, eBay and Walmart take a transaction fee for each item sold.

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Wildfires, Aliso Canyon, crime, taxes are focus for LA County’s state lawmakers
A bill by a Los Angeles-area state senator would protect homeowners against losing their insurance after wildfires like the ones that tormented California in 2017. That’s just one example of how issues commanding local state lawmakers’ attention in the new year seem to be ripped from the headlines, including the disastrous fires, the Aliso Canyon gas leak, worrisome crime trends and, inescapably, sexual harassment scandals.

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A note to L.A. County’s supervisors: Stop naming things after yourselves. It’s obscene
Hey, here’s an idea: Let’s rename the L.A. Convention Center for Mayor Eric Garcetti. Right now. And how about a magnet school for L.A. Unified board member Kelly Gonez, now in her seventh month of service? And Doug Jones, that new U.S. senator from Alabama – he ought to get at least a library or a garage or something. Well, why not? That’s how it’s done, right?

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Let’s support firefighters; cops will be next
As California firefighters battle the Santa Barbara blaze, their pension rights are under fire in the courtroom. Opponents of organized labor hope to score a major victory against firefighters in Cal Fire Local 2881 v. California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). In Cal Fire, firefighters challenged a provision of the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, known as “Airtime.”

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California pension battles play out in court
A state appeals court ruled that overtime, severance pay and on-call pay cannot be included in pension formulas for public employees in the latest in the seemingly ceaseless battle over pensions in California. A three-judge panel of the First Appellate District in the California Court of Appeals attempted to strike a balancing act on Monday between a lower trial court ruling that set forth a rigid interpretation of the state’s pension reform and public employee unions that wanted to give discretion entirely to County Employee Retirement [CERL] boards.

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California’s Brown raises prospect of pension cuts in downturn
California Governor Jerry Brown said legal rulings may clear the way for making cuts to public pension benefits, which would go against long-standing assumptions and potentially provide financial relief to the state and its local governments. Brown said he has a “hunch” the courts would “modify” the so-called California rule, which holds that benefits promised to public employees can’t be rolled back.

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California governor adds voice to benefit cases
California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. is intervening in several court cases that ultimately will be decided by the California Supreme Court, arguing that public worker pension benefits in the state can be reduced during employment. If the court agrees with the governor, it would mark a revolutionary change from a ruling it made more than 60 years ago that pension benefits are guaranteed from date of hire.

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LEO Mental Health Act signed into law by President Trump
President Donald Trump has signed into law the “Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act.” The bill passed the Senate Tuesday night. It passed the House in November. The new law make grants available to initiate peer mentoring pilot programs, directs the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services to develop resources for mental health providers based on the specific mental health challenges faced by law enforcement, and provides funding for studying the benefits of crisis hotlines and annual mental health checks for officers, WANE reports.

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After Sheriff’s Deputy is stabbed in the chest in Santa Clarita, man pleads not guilty to attempted murder charges
The man accused of stabbing a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy in the chest outside a fast food restaurant in Santa Clarita has pleaded not guilty Wednesday to attempted murder charges in the case, the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office announced. Donald Chinchilla, 21, pleaded not guilty to deliberate, premeditated attempted murder of a peace officer.

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Matthew T. Mangino: Police officer deaths down, homicide up
There was a sharp decline in police officers killed in the line of duty last year. In 2017 there were 129 officers killed in the line of duty – 14 fewer than the year before. In 2016 there were 66 police officers killed by gunfire, that number dropped by more than 30 percent in 2017.
The number of officers killed last year marks the second lowest death toll in more than a half-a-century.

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Nationwide, police shot and killed nearly 1,000 people in 2017
For the third year in a row, police nationwide shot and killed nearly 1,000 people, a grim annual tally that has persisted despite widespread public scrutiny of officers’ use of fatal force. Police fatally shot 987 people last year, or two dozen more than they killed in 2016, according to a Washington Post database project that tracks the fatal shootings.

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Watch the LAPD videos of a controversial police shooting on skid row that have been kept secret for years
The controversial police shooting of Charly “Africa” Keunang on skid row was watched by millions around the world when a bystander posted video online. But for almost three years, the Los Angeles Police Department has kept crucial recordings captured by the officers under wraps.

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High tech, low tech: Big U.S. cities embrace twin approach to crime
Gun violence in major U.S. cities fell in 2017 as police used the latest crime-fighting software combined with a revival of old-fashioned community policing to build trust with a skeptical public. Law enforcement officials and criminologists credit that dual approach with helping extend the decades-long reduction in crime in New York City and reducing gun violence in Chicago by 20 percent in 2017.

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Why Hollywood’s homicide rate shrank as assaults rose – a commander’s unfiltered analysis
I look at crime stats the way I used to look at baseball statistics when I was a kid. Now, instead of checking on Sandy Koufax’s strikeouts, I check the homicides in each Los Angeles police division. The other day, on the LAPD website, I came across one stat that struck me as stunning, though in a good way.

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Stockton hopes to curb gun, gang violence through monetary incentives
Stockton is moving forward with a million-dollar effort to reduce shootings by training and paying suspected violent offenders to put down their weapons and make something of their lives. Council members voted 6-1 in favor of the program, which promises to decrease gun violence, after a heated public comment session during Tuesday’s city council meeting.

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Tobacco shops associated with crime in urban communities of color
Tobacco shops, also known as smoke shops, may represent potential “nuisance properties” in urban communities of color, a study led by a researcher at the University of California, Riverside has found. Nuisance properties are properties where unsafe activities affecting public health and safety occur repeatedly.

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Can fruit and veggies cut crime? Police and nonprofit are giving it a try
Whether cops helping feed the needy actually cuts down on crime is a hard thing to quantify. But almost everyone agrees on this: A Miami police effort, working with the nonprofit food distribution group Farm Share, has made cops and some poor communities they serve at least a little bit closer. Some people who once wouldn’t talk with officers on the beat now do.

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San Francisco averages 1 car break-in every 17 minutes
Every 17 minutes a car is betting broken into in San Francisco. And in just the past year, the number of auto-break ins increased by nearly 25 percent. Today city supervisors are teaming up with SFPD Police Chief Bill Scott to roll out a new plan aimed at curbing property crime. “We are notoriously known as the City of Broken Glass,” said Supervisor Norman Yee.

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From Southern California to Charlottesville, local hate group extends reach and fists
It was about 10 a.m. on Aug. 12 when the melee erupted just north of Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Virginia. About two dozen white supremacists – many equipped with helmets and wooden shields – were battling with a handful of counter-protesters, most of them African American. One white man dove into the violence with particular zeal, using his fists and feet to attack one person after another.

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3 days into new job, Philadelphia DA Krasner fires 31 staff members
New Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner fired 31 members of the office three days into the job. The move makes “clear his intention to take the office in a different direction,” spokesman Ben Waxman told Before winning the election last year, Krasner was a civil rights attorney who often sued the government, including law enforcement.

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SCOTUS hears case about Florida-Georgia water dispute, won’t hear cases about police shooting, treehouse
The Court agreed to hear the case of Florida v. Georgia, which centers around a decades-old dispute over the freshwater that starts in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains – as well as in a spring just south of the Atlanta airport – and meanders hundreds of miles before finding its way into the Gulf of Mexico via the Apalachicola River.

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Gov. Jerry Brown plants the seeds of his next chapter on a ranch in rural Northern California
The thought lingered with Jerry Brown, perhaps sustained through the years by an old black-and-white photograph in his state Capitol office. The image is a man with a long, white beard feeding his sheep in a rustic 19th-century setting. California’s longest-serving governor told himself that one day he should do something special with all of that rolling Northern California acreage that once belonged to his great-grandfather August Schuckman, the man in the photo.

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Five things you need to know about Gavin Newsom
California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is running as the heir apparent to Gov. Jerry Brown. The former mayor of San Francisco, Newsom was the first candidate to announce a 2018 gubernatorial campaign, way back in February 2015, offering that he’d rather be candid than coy about his plans. Newsom, a Democrat, originally sought the office in 2009, but stepped aside after Brown made it clear he was running.

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Bill would award workers’ comp to off-duty CA cops injured in Vegas shooting and other out-of-state crimes
California police officers wounded in October’s Las Vegas mass shooting while off-duty could receive public injury benefits under a bill introduced by an Anaheim state assemblyman. Assemblyman Tom Daly, D-Anaheim, who introduced the bill on Jan. 3, said he authored the legislation after Orange County denied workers’ compensation claims from four of its sheriff’s deputies injured during the shooting.

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NPR investigation finds hidden epidemic of sexual assault
We are about to bring you voices of people who’ve hardly been heard in the national conversation about sexual harassment and assault. They are Americans who are exceptionally vulnerable. Yet, up to this moment, their experience has rarely been discussed. NPR’s Investigations Unit spent a year reporting on sexual assaults against people with intellectual disabilities.

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In prison, it’s hard to tell if you’re dying or just depressed
“Again?” replied my cellie, Jay, after I asked him to step out for the third time in 90 minutes so l could use the toilet. “My doctor says it’s normal,” I insisted. Actually, I don’t feel normal. I’m always tired, no matter how much sleep I get. Last week, I nodded off at a meeting-even though I was outside and standing up. My mouth and eyes always feel dry, despite my drinking 100 ounces of water a day.

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Humboldt County tackles recidivism by giving inmates a plan – and hope
Vanessa Vrtiak’s passion and commitment light up a room – even if that room is a cell block in the Humboldt County Correctional Facility. As a Programs Coordinator for the Sheriff’s Office, Vanessa is focused on helping inmates break the cycle of recidivism. It’s no easy task, but one to which she is committed no matter how many times they find themselves back behind bars.

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California examines prison guards’ high suicide rate
Correctional Officer Scott Jones kissed his wife goodbye on July 8, 2011, and headed off to a maximum-security prison in the remote high desert of northeastern California. He never came home. Jones’ body was found a day later, along with a note explaining why the 36-year-old took his own life: “The job made me do it.” Suicide is distressingly common among current and former California prison employees.

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NRA gears up for major clash with California over State’s bid to control ammunition
The National Rifle Association is getting ready to file a lawsuit that will take aim at the state of California’s attempt to control the sale of firearm ammunition. As of Jan. 1, 2018, California no longer allows its citizens to purchase ammunition from out-of-state. Instead, ammo must be bought from licensed dealers within California.

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Most illegal attempts to buy guns online fail
Most attempts to illegally buy guns online fail, according to a study by federal investigators who found the internet serves as a small loophole for firearms purchases. Federal agents posing as illegal gun buyers failed in nearly all of their dozens of attempts to purchase guns online, according to the multiyear study that tried to examine how current firearms laws could apply to purchases over the internet.

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Gun owners flood justice department with pleas to leave bump stocks unregulated
The National Rifle Association may have gotten its way when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced it would revisit its decision not to regulate bump stocks. By putting the onus on the bureau, the NRA helped defuse bipartisan momentum for a Congressional ban on the rapid-fire devices, whose public safety risks were made clear by the mass shooting in Las Vegas last October.

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Marijuana use is a likely death sentence for a military career, even in California
California has become the latest state to legalize the sale of recreational marijuana. The military is still figuring out how to handle this societal shift, but for now, marijuana can still easily end a military career. San Diegans saw the societal shift on January 1, as long lines formed outside Urbn Leaf. The outlet had already been selling marijuana for medical use since March.

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In clash between California and Trump, it’s one America versus another
When drivers entered California recently from the borders with Arizona and Nevada, they were greeted with signswelcoming them to an “official sanctuary state” that is home to “felons” and “illegals.” It was a prank, but the message was clear: By entering California, they might as well have been entering foreign territory.

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Gun rights of medical marijuana patients called into question
Even before Attorney General Jeff Sessions moved to roll back protections for state programs legalizing marijuana use, questions about the implications of Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program had begun to gain steam. Lawmakers, law enforcement officials and gun rights advocates had been warning people that they are at risk of losing their right to purchase or own firearms by signing up for medical marijuana.

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Marijuana legislation: The future of Prop. 64 remains hazy
In November 2016, California voters passed Proposition 64, legalizing recreational marijuana use in the state. Beginning Jan. 1, recreational marijuana businesses began popping up in the Golden State. In Tulare County, two dispensaries are set to open in Woodlake. With a new industry buzzing and the promise of billions in sales tax, there remains uncertainty and confusion across the state and locally.

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L.A. Council President Wesson challenges Feds on marijuana laws
Los Angeles Council President Herb Wesson recently responded on the city’s behalf, to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Session’s announcement that he has rescinded the Cole Memo, a document aimed at ensuring that the Federal Government takes a hands-off approach to states that have made marijuana sales and use legal. Wesson’s response was to solidify L.A.’s transition to legal marijuana.

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LA Fire launches ‘sober unit’ to pick up intoxicated homeless people
Five days after President Donald Trump took office, he signed an executive order that promised a swift, The Los Angeles Fire Department has begun picking up heavily intoxicated homeless people from LA’s streets. The new “sober unit,” which operates out of Fire Station 4 on Temple Street near Skid Row, will serve as a year-long pilot program to see if the city might benefit from a “network of sobering centers and pick-up teams for inebriated homeless people,” NBC4 media partner KPCC reports.

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California state lawmakers to ask for additional $10M to help immigrants from El Salvador
Two California state lawmakers are planning to request an additional $10 million in state funds in an effort to help immigrants from El Salvador who are now facing deportation. Assembly members Miguel Santiago and Wendy Carrillo – both Democrats from Los Angeles – are planning to ask that an additional $10 million be put toward a state legal defense fund, the Los Angeles Times reported.

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Monday Morning Memo for January 8, 2018

California spreads its liberal wings in 2018 with a slew of new laws

Whether you cross the street, head to college or apply for a new job, one of the hundreds of new laws that California will add to the books on New Year’s Day is likely to affect you. The biggest change, however, is that licensed dispensaries can legally sell recreational marijuana to adults 21 years and older starting Monday.

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Broken-meter tickets become a thing of the past with new state law
Los Angeles residents are still being ticketed for parking at meters that are broken or malfunctioning. However, a new state law in 2018 aims to change that by allowing drivers to park at broken parking meters ticket-free.

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Lancaster couple pleads no contest in attempted child giveaway case
A father and mother in Lancaster entered no contest pleas today for attempting to give their children away, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced Friday. Deputy District Attorney Dianne Hong said Vincent Paul, 38, and Sarah Elise Nilson, 32, entered the plea to one felony count of attempted child abandonment.

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Bad ID of OC Weekly reporter causes DA meltdown at serial killer press conference
What if a California prosecutorial office were so incompetent it couldn’t handle a simple courthouse press conference? Those of you who’ve followed Tony Rackauckas’ Orange County district attorney’s office (OCDA) know the question isn’t rhetorical given its management’s continual, remorseless ethical scandals that have harmed innocent citizens and handed outrageous perks to violent criminals.

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Philadelphia’s new district attorney isn’t who you’d expect. Is his election a sign of more change to come?
For seven weeks in 2011, Occupy Philadelphia protesters camped out in a park next to City Hall to call attention to the economic inequality dividing their city and the influence of corporations in government. Police eventually swarmed the plaza, arresting 52 people on charges of failing to disperse and obstructing a highway. The protesters struck back.

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U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME could cripple labor unions
As the New Year brings us closer to a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court in Janus v. AFSCME, many labor professionals are wringing their hands at what could be the biggest anti-union judicial pronouncement in 40 years. A ruling in favor of Janus would mean public sector employees could choose to quit their unions and not pay dues, while the unions would still be legally-bound to represent them – a financially draining scenario for the labor movement.

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Records show officials lobbied court all year to stop ‘habitual car thief’
Probation officers tried all of 2017 to get a man Redding police call a “habitual car thief” to be held accountable, records show – including a bid in May for prison time. Despite authorities arresting Joshua Anthony Azevedo 16 times only to see him released – and in some cases arrested again – mere days later, those calls for harsher punishment went unheeded until December, when a judge finally ordered him held without bail.

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Suspect in San Bernardino deputy’s death described as career criminal, gang member
The suspect in the fatal attack on a San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy was described as a career criminal and gang member who has been in and out of the prison system for much of his adult life. Suspect Alonzo Leron Smith, 30, is facing a charge of murder in the death of sheriff’s Deputy Lawrence “Larry” Falce. Smith has a history of arrests on his record, including two felony convictions, officials said.

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Man who allegedly shot deputy was recently paroled
The sheriff’s department on Friday identified the suspect who shot and seriously wounded a deputy in the neck during a shootout in November with the armed ex-con. The gunman was identified as 29-year-old Monolito Alexander Guerra of Newhall. Guerra was on parole at the time of the shooting, according to the department. Guerra was initially arrested on October 15, 2014 and was sentenced to state prison on February 2, 2016.

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Prop. 57 swings pendulum from ‘warehousing’ to early parole
One of two men who crafted a $3.3 million investment scam around an innovative medical syringe was sentenced to prison last month for more than 35 years. He could get out in five. That disparity is created by Proposition 57, approved by California voters last year to reduce the state prison population and give nonviolent offenders an early second chance to mend their ways.

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San Jose grapples with spike in violent, juvenile crimes
San Jose saw a marked increase in violent crimes in 2017, according to preliminary data that the city’s police department expects to finalize later this month. Authorities say the city of a million-plus people was on pace for a 7.2 percent uptick in overall violent offenses, which include homicides, rapes, robberies and assaults, but perhaps the most troubling statistic was an alarming 42 percent spike in crimes committed by juveniles.

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With the retirement of Alex Kozinski, the Weinstein effect hits the federal courts
As a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, where he served as chief justice from 2007 to 2014, Kozinski has been one of the most influential American jurists. Appointed by Ronald Reagan, Kozinski has been a staunch defender of civil liberties. Now, amid an investigation of multiple complaints of sexual misconduct, many of which come from former clerks, Kozinski is retiring.

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S.C. affirms conviction for second-degree murder
The California Supreme Court yesterday fashioned an instruction which it said should have been given at a murder trial if it had been asked for-though it wasn’t-and opined that if it had been requested and refused, it would have been harmless error.

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Commentary: Long-running judicial feud has a new battleground
The size and cultural complexity of California spawns many unique political conflicts, and none more so than a years-long, multi-party squabble within the nation’s largest judicial system. The new year will doubtless see renewal of the power struggle, which grew out of the 2002 decision by the Legislature and then-Gov. Gray Davis to consolidate what had been county-governed courts into a statewide system managed by the state Judicial Council, chaired by the Supreme Court’s chief justice, and its Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC).

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California can’t prevent credit card surcharges, court rules
A federal appeals court says California can’t prevent five businesses from charging additional fees to customers who use credit cards. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Wednesday a 1985 state law that banned credit card surcharges violated the businesses’ free speech rights. The case dealt with swipe fees that merchants must pay credit-card issuers each time a customer charges a purchase.

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LA County leader urges state not to block natural gas connections to new customers
A Los Angeles County Supervisor is calling on the state to reject an emergency moratorium on new commercial and industrial natural-gas customer connections that is being proposed because the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility is not fully operational.

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After spending nearly a half-billion dollars, the LA County ‘trash train’ will not leave the station for another 10 years, if ever
They call it the trash train, billed as the answer to a waste disposal crisis looming in the late 1980s and ’90s that, if left unaddressed, would leave tons of garbage rotting on Los Angeles County streets. But the crisis never materialized: Literally and metaphorically, no train has ever left the station.

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Public comment period on cleanup ends, extent of remediation to be revealed in 2018-19
The state agency that is overseeing the long-planned cleanup of the former Santa Susana Field Laboratory released its draft environmental impact report in September, but the document did not say what the remediation plan was or how thorough it will be.

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Fed up with inaction, Porter Ranch residents take matters into own hands – and it’s ’empowering’
When Susan Gorman-Chang saw a group of children trick-or-treating in Porter Ranch on Halloween night of 2015, a few days after the biggest gas leak in the U.S. history erupted near her neighborhood, she was stunned. “I couldn’t believe those kids were exposed to the gas,” the 56-year-old resident said.

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Replacing judicial discretion with automated formulas poses risk
Recent articles that have appeared in these pages in support of reforming our bail system fail to understand that the controversial choice by the California Judicial Council to recommend California eliminate it and replace it with some algorithm-based computer pretrial system ignores inconvenient facts and heightens the risk to public safety.

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It’s a matter of justice, as Legislature again mulls bail-reform
Facing an existential threat to their business model, California’s bail-bonds industry worked last session to derail two bills that would have changed the way the state deals with people who have been accused of crimes, but are awaiting trial. Opponents even brought out the colorful reality TV star, Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman, to make the case that the Assembly should kill the bill that was on the table.

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Criminal justice reform poised to take off in 2018
Criminal justice reform came back with such renewed energy this year after sputtering out in Congress in 2016 that meaningful bipartisan legislation is poised for success in 2018. In October, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, announced he and a bipartisan group of senators were reintroducingthe Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, which would overhaul prison sentences for nonviolent drug offenders and allow for more judicial discretion during sentencing.

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‘Boon’ or ‘boondoggle’: One year in, New Jersey’s bail reform still a contentious issue
Bail reform has provoked no shortage of reactions since it was implemented a year ago. Some New Jerseyeans thunderously applauded it as a boon for the poor and minorities who were once trapped in a bail system that gave wealthy, sometimes more dangerous defendants a leg up.

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LAPD sergeant gives back to community through mentorship from life experiences
Echo Park resident Letisia Ruiz was a troubled teen who dropped out of school and became a single mother. She endured several struggles throughout her life but proved you can turn it around with ambition and dreams. Now, she is Officer Letty Ruiz – a respected member of the Los Angeles Police Department and she’s using her life experiences to help other troubled teenagers who may not have guidance.

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Los Angeles police officer recovering after ambush shooting
A Los Angeles police officer has been shot in an ambush attack but she’s expected to recover. The Los Angeles Police Department says the officer, a recent graduate of the police academy, was shot while patrolling with her training officer shortly before 10 p.m. Friday in the Rampart area. Police tell KCBS-TV that they had stopped someone for what’s termed a “minor infraction” when shots rang out from a distance.

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Ex-Sheriff Clarke denies he’s still under FBI investigation for plane incident
Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. on Friday night denied reports that he was under FBI investigation after several news outlets reported on a March search warrant that had been filed targeting Clarke’s personal email address. Clarke was accused in January of ordering his deputies to question a man who Clarke believed showed him disrespect on an airplane.

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The critics of proactive policing are wrong
In the last week of 2017, it was announced that homicides in New York City were at a 60-year-low and that gun murders of officers nationally had dropped 33 percent, after rising 53 percent in 2016. Inveterate cop critics seized on the information to argue that there was no such thing as a war on cops, and that proactive policing was irrelevant to crime control, since pedestrian stops had dropped in New York City along with homicides.

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10 States that pay police officers the highest (and lowest) salaries
No matter what job you have, where you live is going to determine how much you get paid – almost as much as the degree you got in college or your current job title. That’s why tech developers have their eyes set on the West Coast, financial analysts are gunning for a spot on Wall Street, and so on. But what about those jobs that are needed everywhere, and aren’t concentrated in a specific area?

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Health foundation helps Black Lives Matter spread anti-cop message
The California Endowment – one of the largest health foundations in the United States – is helping Black Lives Matter amplify its anti-police sentiment, recently donating a full-page newspaper ad to the group’s Sacramento chapter. “(The) Endowment had the ad space and used it for us,” explained Tanya Faison, founder of Black Lives Matter-Sacramento.

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California city official is gunned down while vacationing in Mexico
An American tourist was shot and killed while apparently being robbed in a resort town on Mexico’s Pacific Coast that has become popular with surfers and Hollywood stars. Douglas Bradley was killed Thursday in the hotel zone of Ixtapa. He was on Christmas vacation in neighboring Zihuatanejo and would have turned 50 the next day. The city of Imperial Beach in San Diego County announced Bradley’s death on Friday.

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Swatting case poses legal challenges for police, prosecutors
The 911 call was fake, authorities said, but the bullet was very real. Investigators and prosecutors in Kansas and California, and with the federal government are trying to untangle the strands of a swatting case that ended with a police officer fatally shooting a 28-year-old father of two standing in his front door. Swatting is usually done by computer hackers, gamers or people skilled in online and smartphone communications as a prank.

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In Los Angeles, homicides are down, but violent crime is up for the fourth year in a row
Homicides and gun violence were down in Los Angeles in 2017, a payoff of building closer ties between police and communities and increased efforts to remove firearms from the streets, officials said. The 6% decline in homicides was a reversal from the increases of the previous two years. There were 271 homicides through Dec. 16, compared with 289 last year.

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San Jose leads array of California cities with spiking violent crime
In an unwelcome role reversal, San Jose, which has long touted itself as one of the country’s safest big cities, saw street violence continue a recent ascent over the past year while Oakland and San Francisco trended in the opposite direction. The Bay Area’s largest city was on track for a 7 percent rise in violent crimes – homicides, aggravated assaults, rapes and robberies – in 2017, according to the San Jose Police Department, which will have finalized numbers by mid-January.

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SF vehicle break-ins at record levels; police try new approach
Vehicle break-ins have continued to soar this year in San Francisco, on top of already epidemic numbers, despite recent efforts by police to stop such crimes with more officers on the street. Auto break-ins were up in every police district from the start of the year through the end of November, accounting for a 26 percent increase over the same period last year, according to the most recent data provided by the San Francisco Police Department.

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David Little: One important local story, unfortunately, isn’t going away
Looking back at 2017 this week, I happened to look way back to 10 years ago – and noticed a connection. The last week of the year is a good time to reflect and to get work done. Nearly everybody we try to contact for stories is on vacation. That’s why newspapers and television fill the void by reviewing the top stories of the passing year.

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Baltimore residents blame record-high murder rate on power police presence
For the third year in a row, Baltimore, Md., has had more than 300 murders, reaching a new record of murders per number of residents in 2017. Some residents attribute the high murder rate to relaxed police patrols in the city following high-profile cases of police brutality. Officers have backed off in neighborhoods, like the one where Freddie Gray was arrested.

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The new reformer DAs
Larry Krasner twists and turns the touchscreen map on the dashboard of his red Tesla, reorienting the city’s streets as he navigates through unusually heavy traffic on a rainy afternoon in Philadelphia-all the while discussing the finer points of cash bail, civil asset forfeiture, juvenile justice, and the root causes of mass incarceration.

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Albemarle case over warrantless search for motorcycle is going to U.S. Supreme Court
The high-speed pursuit of a motorcycle that began in Albemarle County 4½ years ago leads this month to the U.S. Supreme Court, whose justices will hear arguments on a search-and-seizure question. A Charlottesville-area man was convicted in 2014 of receiving stolen property – the motorcycle, which twice had been used to elude police – after an officer who suspected it was stolen walked onto private property and removed a tarp covering the bike without a search warrant.

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Pulled over in a rental car, with heroin in the trunk
In the summer of 2014, Terrence Byrd was driving a rental car on an interstate highway in Pennsylvania. His fiancée had rented it, and he was using it with her permission. But he was not listed on the rental agreement as an authorized driver. A state trooper, David Long, noticed Mr. Byrd and decided to follow him.

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How Trump wields unprecedented control over America’s judiciary
In less than a year, President Trump has made enough appointments to the federal courts to “reshape the judiciary.” That is not an overstatement. Thanks to Republican obstruction during the last two years of Barack Obama’s presidency, an unusually large number of openings on the courts greeted Trump, including the Supreme Court seat now occupied by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

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California Supreme Court struggles as vacancy drags on
When the California Supreme Court voted 4-3 Dec. 21 to give ailing patients broad rights to sue pharmaceutical companies for defective warning labels on generic drugs, the deciding vote was cast by a judge from a lower court. Louis Mauro, a justice on the state appeals court in Sacramento, was seated on the high court for the case by random selection to fill the vacancy created by Justice Kathryn Mickle Werdegar’s retirement on Aug. 31.

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California drivers are paying more. Here’s why that might get overturned in 2018
A political dispute over how to pay for the repair of California’s pothole-plagued roads and crumbling bridges is spilling over into 2018, with new vehicle fees taking effect, followed by court dates and ballot measures. The increase in gas taxes and vehicle fees to raise more than $5.2 billion annually for road and bridge repairs and improvements to mass transit was approved in April by the Democratic-controlled Legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown.

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Turmoil in northeast San Fernando Valley politics didn’t start with Bocanegra scandal
A politician leaves office early, having jumped or been pushed. Controversy and confusion ensue. Allies and voters feel abandoned. A power vacuum yawns. Campaign pros plot to fill it. An election is arranged. A new representative is picked. Order is restored. Until the next time.

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The biggest California political questions of 2018
With two competitive top-of-the-ticket races and a national spotlight on the state’s congressional districts – to say nothing about the Legislature’s busy agenda coupled with a growing sexual harassment scandal in the state Capitol – 2018 will be a blockbuster year for California politics.

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California governor’s race is likely to be decided in Los Angeles County
For the hopefuls in California’s race for governor, the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles County is as mesmerizing as the blanket of lights that glistens every night from the San Gabriel Mountains to the Long Beach coast. The election will be decided here, where 1 in 4 of the state’s voters live.

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Ballot Breakdown: These initiative ideas are headed your way
Direct democracy can be an exhausting business. This year civically engaged Californians will be expected to have informed opinions about affordable housing and park funding, how best to divvy up cap-and-trade money, how to spend the state’s new gas tax money, and when new voter-approved laws ought to be enacted.

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Federal courts will review sexual harassment policies
Chief Justice John Roberts is promising a careful evaluation of the federal judiciary’s sexual misconduct policies. Writing in his annual report on the judiciary, issued Sunday, Roberts touched briefly on the issue of workplace sexual misconduct, which has in recent months brought down men in entertainment, politics, and the media.

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California lawmakers to confront sexual misconduct scandal
California lawmakers will grapple with a growing sexual misconduct scandal when they return to Sacramento on Wednesday for the 2018 legislative year that will bring debates about boosting protections for victims and whistleblowers and improving the Legislature’s policing of itself.

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He announced a run for Feinstein’s seat. Then a harassment scandal broke under his roof.
She’s “losing her ironclad grip.” State Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León titled a December fundraising email with the phrase. He outlined key messages in his campaign against California’s senior U.S. senator, Dianne Feinstein, and said she isn’t being tough enough on President Donald Trump.

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Roman Polanski ‘disappointed’ he didn’t get to spend the holidays with Harvey Weinstein
For Roman Polanski, the holidays just weren’t the same without fellow miscreant Harvey Weinstein. The pervy “Repulsion” director told friends at the Palace Hotel in Gstaad in Switzerland that he was bummed Weinstein didn’t make the trip this year. “Polanski was having dinner at the hotel and expressed that he was ‘disappointed’ Harvey wouldn’t be there,” according to a vacationer who chatted with the 84-year-old filmmaker.

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CVS Pharmacy to pay more in settlement
According to a press release from the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, CVS Pharmacy, Inc. has agreed to assign two executives who will be responsible for pricing issues in Southern and Northern California under a May 2015 settlement for allegedly overcharging customers at checkout. The Rhode Island-based company agreed to pay an additional $551,687 as part of the judgment approved on December 20, 2017 by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elizabeth Allen White.

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Walmart has a dark side – selling counterfeits
Walmart is the world’s largest retailer and employs over 2-million employees, but practices a shady business – Walmart sells counterfeit products. Walmart operates as both a direct seller of counterfeits, and allows third-party sellers to list just about anything on its website – including fakes. Consumers can no longer expect honest services, authentic, and safe products when they shop Walmart.

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Erik Menendez interview wraps up: Life in prison, his unconventional marriage and hope for an appeal
On August 20, 1989, Erik and Lyle Menendez brutally murdered their parents, Jose and Kitty Menendez, with two 12-gauge shotguns. While Lyle has been telling his side of the story in numerous interviews — including many this year — Erik has remained silent since 2005. Speaking from inside the walls of the Donovan Correctional Facility, the other brother has been detailing his personal account on A&E’s new documentary series, “The Menendez Murders: Erik Tells All.”

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Training therapy dogs helps soften CMC inmates doing the hardest time
Forty-nine-year-old Bernard Henderson is a convicted murderer who was sentenced in 2003 to a life term with the possibility of parole. Over the past 14 years, he has learned to respect his victim and move beyond his crime. Recently, he’s done it with the help of a dog. Henderson is one of 25 long-term California Men’s Colony inmates participating in a program that trains dogs to help veterans and first responders cope with post-traumatic stress syndrome.

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Daughter takes on ruling that may let mom’s killer go free
On a spring day in 1994, a retired German couple who’d traveled to California to see their daughter were sightseeing in the San Jacinto Mountains when they were robbed and shot by three young men. Gisela Pfleger, 64, died in the attack. Her husband, 62-year-old Klaus, was severely injured. One of the assailants pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 25 years to life.

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New California laws aim to end juvenile crime cycle
California is joining 19 other states in ending life sentences for children and teens. It’s just one of several new laws attempting to change the way the state’s justice system treats juveniles. “I would run away, get another warrant, go on the run. Go back and forth,” said Michael Rizo. He was stuck in a revolving door.

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California pot shops prepare for their first day of legal recreational marijuana sales
Pot dispensaries in Southern California were scrambling Sunday to prepare for their first day of legal recreational marijuana sales, with a historic state law permitting such businesses set to take effect New Year’s Day. “We are excited. We just got our state license on Saturday … so immediately there was extra energy in everyone’s step,” said Robert Taft Jr., founder of the medical marijuana dispensary 420 Central in Santa Ana.

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With clock ticking down to legalization, marijuana becomes a suburban affair
All that’s left of the onions at the Wheeler Farms shed here is the smell. The only crop around it is the field of discarded shopping bags flagged to the thorns of desert weeds. For cannabis power couple Lisa and Bob Selan, though, this drive-by plot of high desert in suburban Antelope Valley could be a cornerstone of Los Angeles’ medical marijuana market, which is days from expanding to include any adult who wants to take off the edge.

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Former federal prosecutor buys California’s first legal cannabis
In one of the many surprises from the launch of commercial cannabis sales in California on Jan. 1 was the backstory of the first buyer. A former federal prosecutor turned legal mastermind of the marijuana industry named Henry Wykowski bought the Golden State’s first legal bag of marijuana. Wykowski paid $20.01 cash for a gram of Neville’s Purple at 6 a.m. on Jan. 1 at the Oakland dispensary Harborside.

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Sessions terminates US policy that let legal pot flourish
The Trump administration threw the burgeoning movement to legalize marijuana into uncertainty Thursday as it lifted an Obama-era policy that kept federal authorities from cracking down on the pot trade in states where the drug is legal. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will now leave it up to federal prosecutors to decide what to do when state rules collide with federal drug law.

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Housing-homeless up to Garcetti, Ridley-Thomas
Pressure will be heavy in the coming year on Mayor Eric Garcetti and county supervisors board chairman Mark Ridley-Thomas to show much more progress with the so-far insoluble housing-homeless problem. They are the two most powerful and prominent elected officials in our tangle of local government, which consists of Los Angeles County, the city of Los Angeles and 87 other cities within the county boundaries.

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Cases could open door to pension cuts for California workers
For decades in California, a sacrosanct rule has governed public employees’ pensions: Benefits promised can never be taken away. But cases before the state Supreme Court threaten to reverse that premise and open the door to benefit cuts for workers still on the job. The lawsuits have enormous implications for California cities, counties, schools, fire districts and other local bodies facing a sharp rise in their pension costs.

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When pensions run out of cash
Pension funds are likely to follow the California Public Employees’ Retirement System’s recent move to lower its target for cash as investors desperately look to generate higher returns, a strategy that may ultimately set off a market swoon. According to client research from global investment bank Canaccord Genuity, which was reviewed by Institutional Investor, pensions with small cash cushions may end the credit-led bull market once they aren’t able to meet margin calls, or demands for cash deposits made by brokers.

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Amid rising gun violence, accidental shooting deaths have plummeted. Why?
A country music festival in Las Vegas: 58 dead. A Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, Texas: 26 dead. The streets of Baltimore last year: nearly 300 dead. Gun violence has received no shortage of attention. But one bright spot has gotten much less: the number of accidental shooting deaths has steadily declined.

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New year, new gun laws in California
New Year, new guns laws in California. And from the perspective of some local gun sellers, only one thing is certain. “That everybody has a question,” said Brent Dawson, who owns Kilroys in West Sacramento. Dawson says he’s been getting questions from all over the region from customers wanting to know what they need to know about California`s changing gun regulations.

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Two possible instances of discrimination reported after California issues driver’s licenses to immigrants here illegally
The California Research Bureau on Tuesday released its first report on incidents of discrimination under a 2015 state law that has provided driver’s licenses for hundreds of thousands of immigrants here illegally. Researchers found no complaints have been made against government agencies tasked with enforcing anti-discrimination laws.

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How 2018 immigration law will affect local law enforcement
New immigration laws going into effect in the New Year could impact the way some local law enforcement agencies operate. State lawmakers passed Senate Bill 54, or the “California Values Act” this year, a law that sets limits on how much local police can help federal immigration authorities. SB-54 was met with strong opposition, at first from the California Police Chiefs Association and the California Sheriff’s Association.

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Monday Morning Memo for December 25, 2017

Death row inmate says blood evidence in 1984 case could free him, but it was destroyed

A man on death row since a double murder conviction in 1984 says dried blood on a work boot and a pink towel recovered from his home could prove his innocence, thanks to previously unavailable DNA technology, but LA County court employees mistakenly destroyed the evidence, it was reported Monday.

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A banker who helped hide Mexican drug money is helping U.S. prosecutors
A former U.S. manager for Dutch banking giant Rabobank Groep says he helped hide possible criminal activity by clients and is assisting U.S. prosecutors in a long-running investigation of whether the lender was tied to laundering millions of dollars in Mexican drug money.

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Did OC deputies destroy exculpatory infrared helicopter video in attempted murder case?
Southern California police pursuits make live dramas for TV broadcasts starring unpaid criminal suspects racing down neighborhood streets, running red lights, ignoring stop signs and weaving through crowded highway traffic in Indianapolis 500 fashion.

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LAPD cop charged in El Segundo pistol-whip brawl ordered to stand trial
A Los Angeles Police Department officer was ordered Monday to stand trial on charges stemming from an alleged off-duty attack on three men in El Segundo last year. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael A. Tynan ruled that sufficient evidence was presented at Joseph William Rooney’s preliminary hearing for the 34-year-old defendant to proceed to trial on four counts of assault with a firearm.

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A video captures police beating that left a man with a broken leg. He’s filed a claim against them
After a November traffic stop led to his violent beating, arrest and a broken leg, an Altadena man has filed a claim for damages against the city of Pasadena, its police department and chief, and the two officers involved. Christopher Ballew’s Nov. 9 arrest at an Altadena gas station was captured on video by a bystander and surfaced on social media this month, creating a stir and leading to denunciations from civil rights advocates.

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Carson Mayor Al Robles gets a boost in his legal battle with L.A. District Attorney
Carson City Council passed a local law this week that allows Mayor Al Robles to continue serving in two public positions that the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office says are illegally held. The local law, passed in a 4-0 vote, was made retroactive to Robles’ 2016 election to the City Council – when the District Attorney’s office ordered him to step downfrom either that office or his seat on the Water Replenishment District of Southern California.

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Are drug rehab centers fueling homelessness in Southern California?
Thirteen-hundred miles from his rural Arkansas home, Tyler McCollough paces across a motel parking lot, veins bulging at his temple, anxiously gripping himself as the pangs of heroin withdrawal intensify. Newly homeless and dope sick on the streets of Costa Mesa, the 25-year-old says he’s thinking about stealing from a nearby store – anything to scrounge up the cash he needs to get drugs.

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Teen accused of killing kids, putting bodies in Redding storage unit to be tried as adult
A teenager accused of killing two children and putting their bodies in a Redding storage unit will be tried as an adult, a judge decided Monday – a victory for prosecutors who said the teen’s crimes were “much too serious” for juvenile sentencing, but who faced uncertainty over their ability to try him as an adult because of changes to California law.

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Daily Press forum participants outline steps to reducing crime in High Desert
A small but powerful group of regional, county and state leaders took part in the Daily Press’ second Facebook Live forum on crime in two months on Friday morning and outlined steps needed to make a dent in the growing problem. The panel assembled in the Daily Press conference room for the hour-long forum consisted of state Assemblyman Jay Obernolte, R-Hesperia; San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Chairman Robert Lovingood; San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos; San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon; and Victor Valley College Trustee and local businessman Joseph W. Brady.

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Judge Alex Kozinski steps down after accusations of sexual misconduct
A prominent U.S. appeals court judge announced his retirement Monday days after women alleged he subjected them to inappropriate sexual conduct or comments. Judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said in a statement that a battle over the accusations would not be good for the judiciary. He said he’ll step down, effective immediately.

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Alex Kozinski’s full statement announcing his immediate retirement
The announcement by Alex Kozinski, a powerful judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, comes days after The Washington Post reported on allegations by 15 women that Kozinski had subjected them to inappropriate behavior, including having clerks watch porn in his chamber.

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Federal law clerks demand changes to judiciary’s sexual misconduct policies
Hundreds of current and former federal judicial clerks signed off on a letter sent Wednesday calling for changes to the federal judiciary system in order to better address possible sexual misconduct moving forward.

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Pro per attorney gets no fees in PRA case
The Court of Appeal for this district has declared that an attorney representing himself in gaining access to government documents concerning the 1981 drowning-at-sea of actress Natalie Woods cannot garner attorney fees under the California Public Records Act,. Although the bulk of Wednesday’s unpublished opinion deals with why an attorney cannot receive fees in such a case, and sets forth in the first sentence that plaintiff Samuel A. Perroni is “an attorney representing himself,” it not until footnote 9 that Acting Justice Michael Raphael, writing for Div. Five, reveals that the discussion relating to pro per attorneys is dictum.

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Sale of shares at sheriff’s sale may constitute conversion
One might expect that a sheriff’s sale of stock pursuant to a writ of execution could not result in a viable claim for conversion by a judgment debtor. A California Court of Appeal, however, has ruled that it could. In Duke v. Superior Court, Cal. Ct. Appeal Case No. F073712 (filed 11/21/2017; certified for publication 12/13/2017) involved three guarantors of a commercial lease. All three guarantors were shareholders in the corporate lessee.

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Ninth Circuit told California law authorizes invalid ‘cease and refrain’ orders
Pending before the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is the question of whether a provision of the California Corporations Code is facially unconstitutional in permitting the state corporations commissioner to issue an order barring the proposed issuance of securities without disclosing in the notice that any judicial review is barred after 30 days and without spelling out how to mount a challenge.

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A traffic ticket dispute in Oregon turns into a bigger fight over free-speech rights
In 2013, Mats Jarlstrom’s wife got a $260 ticket in the mail for running a red light. It wasn’t exactly the crime of the century. A camera caught her Volkswagen passing through a Beaverton, Ore., intersection 0.12 second after the light turned from yellow to red. Other people might curse, pay the fine and forget about it. But Jarlstrom, who earned a degree in electronic engineering in Sweden, got curious: How are yellow lights timed? He decided to investigate.

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Ninth Circuit: Mistrial not required based on outburst of co-defendant
Three defendants convicted by a federal jury of participating in a scheme under which more than $33 million in tax refunds were falsely claimed, have lost their bid for reversals by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on the ground that a co-defendant caused prejudice to them through her outburst in front of the jury.

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How SCOTUS impacted law enforcement in 2017
The extent to which Justice Neil Gorsuch, the Supreme Court’s newest member, will impact constitutional jurisprudence affecting our nation’s law enforcement will have to wait until next year for review. Even though he did not take part in the three October Term 2016 use of force cases discussed below, there are hints as to his likely position on a number of Fourth Amendment issues confronting the Supreme Court this coming term.

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Second-degree murder conviction reversed based on inadequate representation
The Third District Court of Appeal yesterday reversed a conviction on two counts of second degree murder based on incompetence of counsel and directed the court’s clerk/administrator to forward a copy of the opinion to the State Bar for possible disciplinary action.

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CA upholds DOJ raps against Armscor officers over guns used in Maguindanao Massacre
The Court of Appeals (CA) has upheld the ruling of the Department of Justice (DOJ) that ordered the filing of criminal charges against four officers of a firearms manufacturing company for the illegal sale of ammunition that were traced to the killing of 58 persons, an incident in 2009 known as the Maguindanao Massacre.

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Judge rejects dismissing charges in case in which man claims Sheriff’s Department and Santa Ana PD destroyed evidence
A judge denied a request on Wednesday to dismiss charges against a man accused of shooting at officers during a police chase, ruling that there was insufficient evidence to prove that law enforcement conspired to destroy video and audio recordings.

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Los Angeles deputies aim to quell tide of human trafficking
Los Angeles County is employing a unique approach to get women out of the sex trade. The county is the nation’s most populous with more than 10 million residents and it’s widely regarded as the U.S. epicenter for human trafficking, mostly women forced into prostitution.

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Sheriff’s elite Highway Enforcement Team takes on drug traffickers in LA County
An elite and little-known group of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies has been making a major impact by stopping drug money and human traffickers on area freeways. Although the highly skilled unit has been doing remarkable work for years, its existence has only now been made public.

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Sheriff McDonnell was not aware of some misconduct, says list of problem deputies is key to reform
Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell learned for the first time about misconduct by some of his own deputies from a Times report this month that examined a confidential roster of problem officers, he said. McDonnell tried to give prosecutors a version of the so-called “Brady list,” but his efforts were blocked when a deputies’ union sued him last year. The case is now before the California Supreme Court.

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Some Valley community groups want limited clean-up of toxic Santa Susana Field lab. Here’s why
Some San Fernando Valley groups are calling for a minimally invasive clean-up of the contaminated soil and water at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, saying that anything more would negatively impact the environment and their neighborhoods. The preferences from the West Valley and Chatsworth neighborhood councils among other groups were included in letters earlier this month to the state’s Department of Toxic Substance Control or DTSC, urging them to consider an alternative to the way the historic Santa Susana Field Lab should be decontaminated.

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LA County sheriff’s employees deployed to help battle Calif. wildifires
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deployed nearly two dozen employees to Santa Barbara County early Sunday morning, Dec. 17, as firefighters continued to try to control the massive Thomas fire burning there and in Ventura County, the agency announced. The deployment was in response to a mutual aid request made by the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), according to Sheriff’s Department Deputy Kimberly Alexander.

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Fed up with ‘crazy headaches,’ this Valley man created an app to track health symptoms near Aliso Canyon
More than two years after a massive natural gas leak was detected near his northern San Fernando Valley home, Andrew Krowne said he still gets “crazy headaches” and blurry vision at times. But it wasn’t until earlier this year that he thought of developing an app to track residents’ symptoms while a comprehensive health study on the 2015-16 gas leak at the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility has yet to be conducted.

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Another gas leak reported at Aliso Canyon facility
The Southern California Gas Company says a gas leak occurred at the Aliso Canyon Natural Gas Storage Facility in Porter Ranch just before 5 p.m. Monday night. This comes just two years after one of the nation’s largest accidental gas leaks at the same facility. In an email to San Fernando Valley residents, SoCal Gas says the gas leak happened during a routine operation to pressurize equipment.

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Former ‘Glee’ actor Mark Salling pleads guilty to Federal child porn charges, admits he had 25,000 images
An actor who once starred on the popular TV series “Glee” has pleaded guilty to federal child pornography charges, admitting he possessed about 25,000 photos showing children doing sexual acts, the California Department of Justice announced Monday.

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No prison time for man who had sex with 12-year-old girl
A convicted sexual predator will not spend any time in custody for having sex with a 12-year-old victim, a decision that prompted outrage from the victim’s mother. Jeff Calica, 20, pleaded guilty to a single count of lewd and lascivious behavior with a minor, but at his sentencing Monday, Judge Michael Washington imposed the agreed-upon terms of his plea bargain.

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The Department of Justice announces unprecedented award to police executives and unions to create a technical assistance center
The Department of Justice today announced a new $7 million award under the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services’ (COPS Office) Collaborative Reform Initiative for Technical Assistance. The award is to the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), a nonprofit membership organization with 30,000 members in more than 150 countries that serves all ranks at the state, local, territorial, tribal, campus, and federal levels.

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Dramatic video shows LA deputies, medical staff reviving inmate who overdosed on Fentanyl
Deputies and other personnel at a jail facility saved the life of a 19-year-old inmate who had stopped breathing after he and four other inmates apparently injested the opioid Fentanyl under the mistaken belief that it was methamphetamine, authorities said today. The incident occurred on Dec. 5 at the Inmate Reception Center in downtown Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department reported.

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FCC creates emergency alerts for threats to law enforcement
The Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday to establish an alert system that would warn the public if a police officer in their community is threatened, missing, seriously injured or killed in the line of duty. The so-called “Blue Alerts” are designed to protect the public from potential threats and help apprehend dangerous suspects.

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Just 11 of 33 in latest Oakland police academy class receive badges
After a series of scandals involving mostly rookie officers, the recruits who graduated this week from the Oakland Police Department’s training academy made up one of the smallest classes in recent history – part of an effort, the department says, to weed out problem officers before they hit the streets. Just 11 of the 33 who started the 177th Basic Recruit Academy received badges Wednesday.

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LAPD officer loses leg in crash that shut down 405 Freeway
A Los Angeles police officer lost his leg after being struck by a suspected drunk driver in one of two crashes that shut down the entire 405 Freeway last week. Officer Fadi Chelico was standing on the side of the freeway during a traffic stop last Monday night when he was struck and pinned between the suspect vehicle and his police cruiser. His leg was ultimately severed.

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Police union loyal to Trump despite DOJ opposition to union fees
The largest police union in the country isn’t letting the government’s opposition to public union fees sway its loyalty to the Trump administration, even after the Justice Department asked the U.S. Supreme Court to ban public sector unions from collecting mandatory fees from nonmembers.

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This police chief can only be fired if he commits a crime. It has to be a felony
When Baldwin Park rehired Michael Taylor as its police chief, the city included a provision in his contract that makes him exceedingly difficult to fire. Taylor can only be terminated from his $234,000-a-year job, according to the agreement, if he commits a felony. Baldwin Park leaders also prohibited themselves from giving Taylor annual performance evaluations.

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Annual FBI report is a reminder of the stress, trauma, and violence officers endure to protect and serve
Each year the FBI releases an annual report that speaks directly to the grim fact that law enforcement officers do not only address violence, but also often experience it, and the physical and psychological tolls it brings. The physical and violent reality of law enforcement compounds other routine occupational stressors like shift work, low morale, and high-pressure and emotionally taxing encounters.

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The benefits of police body cams are a myth
In the three years since Michael Brown’s fatal shooting in Ferguson, police body-worn cameras have been sold to the public as a tool that would primarily deter police misconduct. One of the main selling points is the claim that the devices would have a “civilizing effect” on officers. Officers would behave better, the argument goes, if they knew their actions were being recorded.

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State Assembly Muratsuchi bill targets ‘porch pirates’
State Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi plans to submit a bill during the next legislative session to clamp down on package theft rings by including their activities in existing RICO statutes. It would make organized package theft a felony. The Assemblyman and his staff were the victims of package theft themselves, according to Muratsuchi.

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CrisisResponsePro releases third annual list of the worst- and best-handled crisis communications of the year
CrisisResponsePro, an innovative technology resource for crisis and litigation communications, today released its third-annual list of the worst- and best-handled crisis communications responses. “With the election of Donald Trump as president, this year really saw an extraordinary number of high-profile crises that touched on political issues,” said James F. Haggerty, founder and CEO of CrisisResponsePro and author of the new book Chief Crisis Officer: Structure and Leadership for Effective Communications Response (ABA Books, 2017).

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California vehicle registration fees increasing in 2018
You’ll pay more to renew your car’s California registration in 2018, as part of a new law to help pay for deferred maintenance and roadwork. The deal approved by Gov. Jerry Brown also increased the state gas tax on Nov. 1. The new registration fee depends on what the car is worth, ranging from $25-175. Not everyone loves it, but David Clore, a retiree who drives a new Porsche, argues if anything, California taxes should be higher.

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Prop. 13 targeted by proposed California ballot initiative
Forty years after Proposition 13 was approved by California voters, the issue of property-tax limits could be back on the state ballot in 2018. A coalition of liberal groups is trying to qualify an initiative for the November ballot that would remove Prop. 13’s restrictions on reassessments and tax increases for corporate-owned property.

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Your choice for California governor could depend on how much you make
Wealthier, white voters and people from the Bay Area like Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. Los Angeles residents tend to prefer their former mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who also gets support from households of modest means and Latinos. The two have settled into first and second place in the race to replace Gov. Jerry Brown, according to the latest California gubernatorial poll by UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies.

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‘Kosher burrito’ mayor who may take on Trump in 2020
Los Angeles Mayor, Eric Garcetti, has a favourite mantra. Twenty-three American states, he likes to tell interviewers, have a population smaller than the city he runs. This is no mere boasting about America’s biggest city. Instead, Mr Garcetti is advertising his executive skills as he prepares for a possible run for the presidency. In its 230-year history, America has elected vice-presidents, governors, senators, generals – and Donald Trump – to its highest office.

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Convicted felon arrested after critically injuring 68-year-old woman
A 40-year-old convicted felon on a new, violent crime spree attacked and critically injured a 68-year-old woman in her house in West Covina, and has been arrested, police said today. Officers located Christopher Arenas about 11:55 p.m. Saturday hiding behind the $3.99 Pizza Co., 2435 S. Azusa Ave., the West Covina Police Department reported. Arenas initially ran from officers but was eventually found hiding in some bushes, police said.

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Anita Hill to lead Hollywood commission on sexual harassment
A coalition of powerful Hollywood and media figures on Friday formed a commission meant to address the avalanche of sexual misconduct claims in the entertainment industry that have emerged in recent months. The Commission on Sexual Harassment and Advancing Equality in the Workplace will be led by Anita Hill and comes after a number of women, and some men, have come forward to speak out about their experiences with sexual harassment across a wide swath of industries.

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Alyssa Milano and Minnie Driver do not appreciate Matt Damon’s sexual harassment opinions
When dozens of women first began to come forward with allegations that film mogul Harvey Weinstein had sexually harassed them, Matt Damon was in the midst of his press tour for Suburbicon, along with George Clooney. The two actors addressed the allegations at the film’s premiere, with Damon predicting a paradigm shift.

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#MeToo is being hijacked to trivialize real sexual harassment. Here’s how to end that
California’s Legislature is at last systematically addressing sexual harassment in its own workplace. The effort comes not a moment too soon. Here as nationally, partisans and cynics are realizing the potential for the #MeToo wave to be hijacked for political ends. There’s a risk that dubious claims and farfetched smears will be lumped in with demonstrably illegal abuses of power.

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D.A. probing payments to alleged victims
Harvey Weinstein might dodge prosecution on sex crimes, but he could still get nailed for financial crimes tied to settlement money he’s paid alleged victims over the years. Law enforcement sources confirm the Manhattan D.A. is actively probing dozens of payments Weinstein has made to settle sexual misconduct cases out of court. We’re told the D.A.’s Office is looking into the source of that settlement dough.

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LAPD Chief promises “progress” in early 2018 in H’wood sexual assault probes
He never said the name “Harvey Weinstein,” but Los Angeles Police Department Chief Charlie Beck certainly made it clear today that investigations into sexual assault claims against the much-accused producer and others are about to enter a new phase in early 2018. “We may have some progress on the more high-profile ones in the new year,” the LAPD’s top cop said Wednesday during an interview on NPR radio.

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One-third of online shoppers victims of counterfeit sales
Unknowingly buying a counterfeit product online is easy to do. So easy, in fact, that nearly one-third (31%) of worldwide shoppers says that they have unwillingly bought a counterfeit product online. It gets worse. Of that third, half say they have been tricked more than once. More than a third (34%) said they were victimized two or three times, 11% said they had bought fake goods three to five times and 5% said they had made more than five fake purchases online.

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LASD issues warning about extortion scams
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is reminding the public about criminals who are posing as government agencies as part of an extortion scam. The caller in these cases will typically demand payment and threaten the victim with some sort of legal action (arrest them or disrupt services) if the payment is not made. The caller will then instruct the victim to get a Money Order, conduct a wire transfer, or purchase some type of gift card to “pay the fine.”

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‘Operation vigilance’ targets Yolo County sex offenders
Yolo County law enforcement conducted surprise compliance checks on over 300 sex offenders earlier this week, District Attorney Jeff Reisig announced. “Operation Vigilance” is a program that started nine years ago with the goal to protect Yolo County citizens by ensuring that sex offenders who live in the County are complying with all laws, probation and parole directives.

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California Fires: Meet the prisoner firefighters who are battling the flames in Southern California
Wildfires continue to rage across Southern California. And many of the men and women fighting to contain them come from California’s prisons. What began as a program to replace male firefighters during World War II in 1946 has turned into a “volunteer” service of prisoners. According to KPBS, approximately 3,700 of the firefighters fighting wildfires in the state of California are prisoners, both male and female.

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Inmate bicycle program hits new record for 2017
Tuesday morning, more than 200 bicycles, refurbished by one Folsom State Prison (FSP) inmate, rolled out of the front gate en route to numerous area children in need through a partnership between the prison and Cameron Park Rotary Club. The FSP bicycle donations are a Christmas season tradition that began in 1986.

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Convicted of a marijuana crime in California? It might go away, thanks to legal pot.
Yirtuamlak Hailu Derege came to California a decade ago with dreams of making it big in the entertainment business. But shortly after arriving, he was arrested and convicted of selling marijuana, a felony that has made it difficult for him to find any job at all.

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How cops could cash in on legal weed in California
Next month, recreational marijuana sales will officially be legal in California. But instead of a bacchanalian scene where previously surreptitious stoners share the sidewalks with suburban dads blazed off fizzy, cannabis-infused root beers, the transition to a post-prohibition California is almost certain to be a messy one.

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Homeless to get more housing in revamped, Lego-like shipping containers
The workhorse cargo container is at the center of an architectural design craze. It even has a moniker: “Cargotecture.” Shipping containers are being recycled to create luxe homes and vacation getaways. Hipster food halls. A 40,000-seat stadium for the 2020 FIFA World Cup. In Southern California, containers are being modified for a more modest but vital purpose.

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Court clears Hews Media Group of Central Basin Leticia Vasquez’ phony defamation allegations
In a wide-ranging ruling, and a victory for free press, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Rafael Ongkeko has ruled in favor of Hews Media Group-Community News and Publisher Brian Hews in a bogus defamation case filed by Central Basin (CB) Director Leticia Vazquez. In response to the complaint, Hews filed what is known as an Anti-SLAPP motion and won.

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Anti-deportation ralliers decry surge of Cambodian detentions
While the topic of immigration and deportations has almost squarely focused on the Latino community, families like that of Cathee Khamvongsa’s are dealing with the fallout of seeing loved ones detained with little acknowledgment. More than 200 Cambodian and Vietnamese immigrants living in the U.S. were detained by immigration agents in October; a crackdown that advocates say was the largest raid to ever affect the Southeast Asian community.

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Monday Morning Memo for December 18, 2017

Long Beach man sentenced to 19 years to life in prison in fatal stabbing of his girlfriend

A Long Beach man who was convicted of fatally stabbing his girlfriend was sentenced to 19 years to life in prison, Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office officials announced Monday. Ngounsay Keo was found guilty of second-degree murder and making criminal threats last month. The incident occurred on April 13, 2016, when police responded to a home in the 1200 block of Stanley Avenue in Long Beach.

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Death! Jury recommends execution for Palmdale boy’s torture-murderer
A jury recommended Wednesday that a Palmdale man be sentenced to death for the torture-murder of his girlfriend’s 8-year-old son, who was repeatedly shot with a BB gun, beaten and forced to sleep in a small cabinet with his hands and feet bound and his mouth gagged. The seven-woman, five-man jury deliberated for about seven hours over three days before recommending that Isauro Aguirre, 37, be put to death for the May 2013 killing of Gabriel Fernandez.

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Chino Hills joins coalition against new laws
The audience inside Chino Hills city council chambers gasped Tuesday when they learned that crimes such as first degree burglary, battery with serious bodily injury, and rape-sodomy-oral copulation of an unconscious person are no longer considered violent felonies. Chino Hills Police Lt. Chris Ilizaliturri told the council and residents that state legislative changes have increased crime rates and the number of victims not only in Chino Hills but in communities across the state.

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Realignment and recidivism in California
California has experienced significant changes in its criminal justice landscape since the 2011 implementation of public safety realignment-which shifted the management of lower-level offenders from the state prison and parole system to county jail and probation systems. The prison population has dropped dramatically, and though jail populations rose, overall incarceration levels have declined.

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Sheriff addresses increased jail population
It’s no secret – the number of arrests in Plumas County isn’t decreasing; sentences are longer and everything costs more. The new jail will solve many issues, but the benefits won’t begin until the new correctional facility is completed in 2019 – a year-and-a-half to two years away.
The average length of stay used to be 37 days, said Sheriff Greg Hagwood. And then Assembly Bill 109 came along in 2011.

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Beverly Hills or West Hollywood. Which is (getting) safer?
Where are you likely to feel safer? The City of West Hollywood? Or that WeHo-adjacent community known as Beverly Hills? According to a recently released compilation of 2010 to 2016 crime statistics, WeHo has Beverly Hills beat. The compilation by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice reports that Part 1 crimes (government jargon for serious crimes) fell 6.9% in West Hollywood during that period.

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9th Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski could be investigated after sexual misconduct allegations
The chief judge of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals asked for an investigation Thursday into allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Alex Kozinski. In a statement emailed to reporters, 9th Circuit Chief Judge Sidney R. Thomas said he was acting “to ensure confidence” in the impartiality of any proceedings involving Kozinski.

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Sources report 3 Kozinski clerks are out
Multiple sources report that three clerks for Judge Alex Kozinski have decided to leave. Calls to the Ninth Circuit’s public information office have not been returned as of this writing. We’re still waiting for the judge or the clerks themselves to confirm their departure. Since we haven’t talked to them, we can’t know the particulars of each decision to leave, though it’s a hell of a time to leave what was once considered one of the plummest clerkship opportunities in the country.

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When judges prey on clerks
A few months after I graduated from Yale Law School in 2008, I started a clerkship for a judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena, Calif. Almost immediately, I heard rumors that Alex Kozinski, another judge whose chambers were in the same building, often made inappropriate sexual remarks to female clerks.

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Court: ‘Making a Murderer’ defendant’s confession stands
A federal appeals court in Chicago narrowly overturned a ruling Friday that could have freed a Wisconsin inmate featured in the “Making a Murderer” series from prison, though one dissenting judge called the case “a profound miscarriage of justice.” The full 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reviewed Brendan Dassey’s claims that investigators tricked him into confessing that he took part in raping and killing photographer Teresa Halbach in 2005.

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California man freed after 15 years for shaken baby death
A California man who spent 15 years in prison for shaking his baby to death was freed Saturday, one day after a judge set aside his conviction. Zavion Johnson, 34, walked out of the Sacramento County jail, where he was being held while his court case was heard. He had been serving a sentence of 25 years to life at a state prison in Vacaville.

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Supreme Court to weigh anti-abortion speech restrictions
The Supreme Court is wading back into the competing issues of reproductive rights and religious liberty. The court agreed Monday to decide whether a California law requiring pregnancy centers to post notices about publicly funded abortion and contraception services violates the free-speech rights of religious objectors.

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How secretive money is influencing the Judicial System
Federal courts get the most attention, especially during the whirlwind, vetting-abandoning Trump Administration. But there is cause for deep concern about what is happening to the powerful yet less visible state judicial system. In a new report, we found that secretive interests have begun making unprecedented efforts to influence state supreme courts, with worrying implications for judicial independence and integrity.

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Supreme Court will hear courtroom shackles case
The Supreme Court announced Friday that it will hear arguments in the United States v. Sanchez-Gomez case, which is looking at whether defendants should have to wear physical restraints, including shackles, when they appear in court. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the practice violated a defendants’ right that he or she be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and the use of shackles would be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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Thousands freed from L.A. gang injunctions that controlled their movements, friendships, even dress choices
Thousands of Angelenos whose movements, clothing and even relationships were tightly restricted under gang injunctions were released from those court orders this year, marking a dramatic reduction in the use of a crime fighting tool once hailed as an innovative answer to the city’s violent street gangs.

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LAPD cop hit by DUI vehicle: Major injuries as 405 freeway shut
A Los Angeles police officer was seriously injured when a man allegedly driving while impaired crashed into his patrol SUV on the shoulder of the San Diego (405) Freeway while he was outside the vehicle conducting a traffic stop on another motorist, authorities said Tuesday. The crash occurred at 11:47 p.m. Monday on the northbound freeway near Santa Monica Boulevard, California Highway Patrol Officer Tony Polizzi said.

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Should a grand jury look at LA Sheriff’s deputies?
A leading Los Angeles criminal defense attorney is urging the county’s presiding judge to appoint a grand jury to investigate the controversy over sheriff’s deputies who’ve engaged in misconduct. Over the weekend, the Los Angeles Times published a secret 2014 list of nearly 300 of those deputies.

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The government can track you on your cellphone. Doesn’t that invade digital privacy?
A case argued a few weeks ago in the United States Supreme Court provides a crucial vehicle to bring the law of privacy into the 21st century. Timothy Carpenter was suspected of committing a series of armed robberies. The FBI went to his cellphone company and got the cell tower records that revealed his location and his movements for 127 days. The FBI received this information without a warrant from a judge.

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Jailers plan to force-feed, medicate man accused of killing 4-year-old and her mother in Long Beach
Authorities said they will soon start forcibly medicating and feeding an Oklahoma man who is refusing to eat while he awaits trial on charges that he ambushed and killed a 4-year-old girl and her mother in Long Beach. A Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department sergeant informed a judge of this decision on Tuesday during a hearing for Brandon Ivan Colbert Jr., 23, who is accused of gunning down 26-year-old Carina Mancera and her daughter, Jennabel Anaya, outside their Downtown Long Beach home last year.

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Could a law to bring down the mob be used in Weinstein case?
The federal anti-racketeering law has been used since the late 1970s to bring down mob bosses. Could it be used to prosecute Harvey Weinstein? Lawyers for six actresses who say they were sexually assaulted by the movie producer filed a lawsuit Wednesday in New York arguing that Weinstein was, essentially, a racketeer who used a legion of assistants, casting agents, security firms, gossip writers and others to supply himself with a steady stream of unwilling sexual partners and silence their complaints.

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L.A.-area cop didn’t abuse kids at Camp SLO boot camp, jury finds
Nearly four months after two Los Angeles-area police officers received jail time for abusing kids at a Camp San Luis Obispo youth boot camp, a third officer was acquitted of similar charges Tuesday, capping a two-week trial the jury foreman said shouldn’t have made it to court.

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Anesthesiologist charged with murder of plastic surgery patient
An anesthesiologist was charged with the murder of an elderly patient earlier this year in Beverly Hills, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced. Stephen Kyosung Kim was charged yesterday with one count of murder, and is expected to be arraigned Thursday.

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Nearly 50 arrested in Northern California gang crackdown
Nearly 50 people have been arrested in a crackdown on gangs in a troubled Northern California city that also netted nearly three-dozen firearms, the state attorney general’s office said Thursday. The sweep was aimed at members of some of south Stockton’s most notorious criminal gangs, with names like the MOB, Flyboys, East Coast Crips, Conway Gangsters, Sierra Vista Project and Glock Team.

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L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti has been touring U.S. as he eyes presidential bid
At the moment, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti doesn’t have time to think about anything but battling fires in Southern California. But before the flames threatened his city, Garcetti was spending a lot of time out of it. He traveled to Wisconsin in June, where he spoke at the state’s Democratic Party convention; New Hampshire in August, where he helped campaign for Manchester mayoral candidate Joyce Craig; and Indiana in November, where he attended the inaugural meeting of a nonprofit for investing in innovation called Accelerator for America.

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Five things we already know about California’s races for governor and U.S. Senate
It’s still early in the 2018 races for California governor and U.S. Senate, but already we know five things: – In this stormy, polarized political climate, Republicans aren’t likely to vote for a Democrat even if there isn’t a strong GOP candidate on the ballot. – So the original theory behind Democratic state Treasurer John Chiang’s candidacy for governor that he could attract business-minded Republicans just isn’t working out.

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Former Fresno police officer, chaplain convicted of manslaughter, now free on parole
Paul Hurth, a former Fresno police officer and chaplain who was jailed for the 2000 shooting death of his ex-lover’s husband, is free on parole after completing his sentence. Hurth was released on Tuesday in Calaveras County and will be on parole for three years, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation confirmed.

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He stole a veteran’s classic cars, but now is released early from prison
A Fresno man who stole two classic cars from an Air Force veteran on Veterans Day in 2015 has been released early from prison under Proposition 57. Thomas Leo Cummings Jr. and Jennifer Carlton stole the two cars, a 1956 Chevy Bel Air and 1966 El Camino, from a barn near Kerman. Don and Faith Klein were storing the cars there for their grandsons after Don, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, restored them.

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‘It was like dirty dancing’: Colleagues say Sen. Bob Hertzberg hugged them inappropriately
Three current and former female lawmakers say Sen. Bob Hertzberg inappropriately hugged and touched them, including an incident that one woman says crossed the line into what she considered assault. Hertzberg, a Los Angeles Democrat who served as Assembly speaker from 2000 to 2002 and was elected to the Senate in 2014 after a break from the Legislature, has long had a reputation for being physically affectionate.

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Disney exec arrested on child sex abuse charges
Jon Heely, director of music publishing for Disney, is due in court next month to answer to several charges in connection with a child sexual abuse investigation, according to court records. Heely’s alleged crimes reportedly occurred more than 10 years ago, on June 19, 2006, according to court records. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office filed charges against Jonathan Blake Heely, 58, of Santa Clarita, on Dec. 6, according to court records.

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‘Good Day LA’ anchor Steve Edwards fired amid sexual harassment allegations
Steve Edwards has been fired from his position as morning anchor of Fox’s ‘Good Day LA’ amid sexual harassment claims, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “We can confirm that Steve Edwards is no longer employed by KTTV,” a network representative said in a statement to THR on Monday, December 11.

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Netflix fires exec who told Danny Masterson accuser “we don’t believe” rape claims
Netflix has fired the executive who told one of Danny Masterson’s alleged sexual assault victims that he did not believe the claims against the former Ranch star, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter. Andy Yeatman, director of global kids content at Netflix, was let go from Netflix on Monday over his early December comments, made on the sidelines of a children’s soccer game.

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LA County’s sexual harassment complaint system can be improved, leaders say
A report on how Los Angeles County handles complaints of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior among its more than 100,000 employees can be improved and its existence better promoted to the public at large, local leaders concluded Tuesday.

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California’s chief justice: ‘I’ve had a few me-toos’
California’s chief justice said Monday she’s had her own encounters with sexual misconduct in the legal profession, and described the recent flood of harassment revelations as evidence of women’s persistent inequality in the workplace. “I’ve had a few ‘me-toos’ in the past, but I’m not telling them, at least not on the record,” Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye said in her annual meeting with reporters.

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‘Atomic Blonde’ producer David Guillod under investigation for alleged rape of former employee: report
“Atomic Blonde” producer David Guillod is reportedly under investigation by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office for allegedly raping a former employee in 2014. Guillod – who stepped down as co-CEO of Primary Wave Entertainment last month after actress Jessica Barth accused him of rape – is now the subject of an investigation for allegedly raping an assistant at a company retreat in wine country, according to The Wrap.

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Could cascade of allegations send #MeToo movement off the rails?

The criticism came swiftly last week after the Atlantic magazine published a writer’s account stating that Sen. Al Franken “groped” her in 2009 by putting his hand on her waist during a photo op, “grabbing a handful of flesh” and squeezing at least twice. “I’m sorry, is that sexual assault now? To squeeze someone’s waist?” one Twitter user wrote.

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LAPD probing new sex assault accusation against Roman Polanski, though the case can’t be prosecuted
The Los Angeles Police Department said it is investigating allegations that director Roman Polanski in 1975 molested a child when she was 10, even though the case cannot be prosecuted because the statute of limitations has expired.

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Commentary: The crime debate continues, and bail reform will be next
California, which had led the nation in cracking down on crime in the 1980s and 1990s by locking up tens of thousands of felons, has dramatically reversed course in the last half-decade, to wit: Responding to pressure from federal courts to reduce prison overcrowding, Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature enacted “realignment,” which diverted low-level felons into local jails and probation, thus dropping prison populations by about one-third via attrition.

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Why bail reform is the worst thing ever for public safety
As someone who has been deeply immersed into the bail reform debate for several years, I cannot tell you how much it irks me to hear bail reform advocates talk about “public safety.” Especially since the truth about bail reform results in the opposite of public safety (i.e. decreased accountability and rising crime rates).

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ACLU launches national campaign to end money bail
The American Civil Liberties Union’s Campaign for Smart Justice is launching an initiative to end money bail and eliminate wealth-based pretrial detention. The initiative is a part of the campaign’s nationwide, multi-year effort to reduce the jail and prison population by 50 percent and to combat racial disparities in the criminal justice system by challenging the injustices that have helped make America the world’s largest incarcerator.

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Fire at a homeless encampment sparked Bel-Air blaze that destroyed homes, officials say
The blaze that swept through the hills of Bel-Air last week, destroying six homes and damaging a dozen others, was sparked by a cooking fire at a homeless encampment in a nearby ravine, Los Angeles officials said Tuesday. The encampment was nestled in a canyon several hundred feet from Sepulveda Boulevard and the 405 Freeway, hidden from passing cars.

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Wildfire damage hotline is up and running in LA: Call 2-1-1
The city and county of Los Angeles Monday announced activation of the 211 disaster hotline for homeowners, renters, and business owners to report damages caused by the Creek, Rye and Skirball fires. “We’ve started our recovery efforts in the Los Angeles County operational area,” said Jeff Reeb, director of the Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management.

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U.S. law can’t protect you from dangerous counterfeits on Amazon and eBay
Over the years that I spent in China I can remember numerous occasions where I would be shopping for something on Taobao or another Chinese e-commerce site and have a Chinese friend look over my shoulder and ask if I’d like some help. This offer usually wasn’t negotiable, they were basically saying, “You’re a foreigner and don’t know how to shop online in China and it’s my responsibility to save you.” More often than not, they were correct.

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California prison rehabilitation programs should actually work
California has work to do to ensure that prison rehabilitation programs serve their purpose, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office recent reported. With about 130,000 people in state custody, tens of thousands of people are released every year from state prisons back into our communities.

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Nearly a quarter of firefighters working Southern California’s big fires are inmates. Here’s how they’re helping
Roughly 8,700 firefighters were hard at work Friday battling six major wildfires ravaging Southern California, from Santa Barbara County south to San Diego County. They’ve traveled from all over to knock down the blazes, which have burned some 245 square miles and displaced more than 200,000 people.

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Music and culture have become “powerful” tools for rehabilitation in California’s prison system
There are very few things that Tina Brown finds surprising in her day anymore. As a person incarcerated at the California Institution for Women, a general population prison in Corona, California, Brown’s days and nights are fairly regimented. But once in a while Brown, along with the rest of the women housed at CIW, get to experience something special: the sounds of being free.

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FPC publishes guide to new California gun laws, upcoming changes
Today, civil rights advocacy organization Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) published a valuable new guide to California’s many new and changing gun laws. The article, entitled “California’s new gun laws: What every gun owner should know before Jan 1,” can be found at FPC’s Web site at “We want to help gun owners understand what they’re really up against,” explained FPC California Legislative Advocate and Spokesperson Craig DeLuz.

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New gun restrictions are coming to California in 2018. Here’s what they mean to you
California’s more than 6 million gun owners are going to see new restrictions in 2018 stemming from sweeping regulations lawmakers and voters have approved over the past two years. But due to pending court challenges, shifting deadlines and contradictions in the laws, many gun owners say they’re unsure about new rules regulating where they can buy ammunition, what classifies as an assault rifle and whether it’s still legal to own high-capacity ammunition magazines.

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How gun laws have changed in the 5 years since Sandy Hook
Shannon Watts, a mother of five who became a gun control activist in the wake of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, thought her advocacy work was going to be over shortly after it began. On Dec. 15, 2012, the day after 20 students and six educators were killed by a shooter in Newtown, Connecticut, she started a Facebook group that eventually became Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.

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California launches new online system to license the pot industry
California on Friday began accepting applications from businesses that want to operate in the state’s legal marijuana industry next year, a milestone for the emerging market. After months in development, an online system launched and will allow retailers, distributors and testing labs to seek state licenses, which are required to conduct business. Recreational pot sales start in California on Jan. 1, joining the long-running medical cannabis industry.

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Marijuana enters the buttoned-down mainstream – and pays taxes
During Simon & Garfunkel’s legendary concert in New York’s Central Park in 1981, Paul Simon took a moment to thank those who made the show possible: police and fire departments, parks commissioner, the mayor. Then he made special note of “people that never get recognized for doing good things for the city, a group of people that have donated half of the proceeds that they’re making tonight, the guys who are selling loose joints are giving the city half of their income tonight.”

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California opens online system to license new pot industry
California on Friday began accepting applications from businesses that want to operate in the state’s legal marijuanaindustry next year, a milestone for the emerging market. After months in development, an online system launched and will allow retailers, distributors and testing labs to seek state licenses, which are required to conduct business. Recreational pot sales start in California on Jan. 1, joining the long-running medical cannabis industry.

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New homes cost more in LA with fees to help the homeless?
Will Los Angeles force developers to pay extra for new structures to raise millions to help the homeless? That’s what the City Council will decide this week when members vote on a “linkage fee” that would require just such a payment. An affordable housing linkage fee has been one of the most hotly debated and controversial proposals to come through Los Angeles City Hall in recent times, and is now set to be voted on by the City Council in its last session of the year.

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High-rise for the homeless could arrive in Los Angeles
The Weingart Center, one of the the many places on Skid Row where homeless men and women come for shelter, food and support, is expanding its mission into permanent housing and plans to reshape the skyline of L.A.’s most depressed neighborhood, it was reported Monday. Weingart has filed applications with the city to build three high-rise residences on the two blocks it shares with the homeless services providers Lamp Community, Union Rescue Mission, Volunteers of America and the Midnight Mission, the Los Angeles Times reported.

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California Chief Justice expects more death penalty lawsuits
The California Supreme Court has largely upheld the new, expedited death penalty procedure voters approved last November through Proposition 66, but the chief justice expects more challenges. In a roundtable discussion with reporters, Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye suggested two areas she thinks the court will likely have to rule: She says Proposition 66 puts competing pressures on the state’s pool of attorneys who represent death row inmates in a certain type of appeal, called habeas corpus petitions.

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Thousands of state workers face criminal background checks, and some could lose their jobs
Thousands of public workers at nine state departments will undergo criminal background checks that could affect their employment, according to the state Human Resources Department. If the background checks turn up past criminal convictions, employees could be “non-punitively separated,” according to notices sent to labor unions.

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California is No. 2 in ‘judicial hellhole’ ranks
For the second year in a row, California ranked second in this year’s “Judicial Hellholes” report by the American Tort Reform Foundation. In recognition of California’s long history as one of the most litigious states in the country, the report begins its discussion of the Golden State by likening state politicians and their plaintiff’s-lawyer donors to the Symbionese Liberation Army and voters to the Stockholm-syndrome suffering Patty Hearst.

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‘Journalism for rent’: Inside the secretive firm behind the Trump dossier
Fusion GPS bills itself as a corporate research firm, but in many ways it operates with the secrecy of a spy agency. No sign marks its headquarters above a coffee shop in Northwest Washington. Its website consists of two sentences and an email address. Its client list is closely held. The small firm has been under intense public scrutiny for producing the 35-page document known as the Trump dossier.

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Appeals court hearing sets stage for California rulings on altering pension benefits
Two members of a California state appeals court panel on Tuesday repeatedly questioned lawyers representing county employees and the office of California Gov. Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown Jr. about whether the lifetime pension benefits given to government workers at time of employment could be altered to instead provide “reasonable pension benefits.”

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LACBA names CJA’s top administrator as its new executive director
The Los Angeles County Bar Association Board of Trustees has hired Stanley S. Bissey-presently executive director and chief executive officer of the California Judges Association-as the group’s executive director, effective Jan. 16. Action was taken Wednesday night at LACBA’s monthly board meeting. Bissey, 53, will receive an annual salary of $220,000.

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California’s new ‘sanctuary’ law will aid some immigrants – but not all
One of the most controversial issues in Sacramento this year has been widely referred to as the “sanctuary state” law, which will take effect Jan. 1. It is intended to protect law-abiding immigrants from being set on a path to deportation after interactions with local police. But in immigrant communities and elsewhere, there is confusion about how the law will work and exactly what protection it provides.

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Monday Morning Memo for December 11, 2017

Public, officials react to the verdict in Kate Steinle murder case

Reaction to the verdict for Jose Ines Garcia Zarate has been swift, from legal analysts to police to the public. Many have criticized the jury’s decision to not convict on the murder charge and say San Francisco is simply becoming too soft on crime. Outside the Hall of Justice this afternoon, two small groups of protesters clashed.

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Stanislaus County judge discusses Roman Polanski in a local sex case. Here’s why.
Dmitry Shubov, the founder of who is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old Modesto girl, wants the court to hand back his passports to travel internationally for business meetings. Prosecutors allege that Shubov, 44, met the girl on

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Los Angeles – like other cities – chases a growing mass of sex cases
Police in London, Los Angeles and New York are working to untangle an ever-growing mass of sexual assault and harassment complaints against powerful men, creating challenges even for big cities used to handling celebrities. Most of the cases stem from claims against media mogul Harvey Weinstein – but authorities say they’ve also taken complaints made against other men in power.

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New federal charges for man acquitted of shooting at SF pier
Federal authorities have charged a Mexican man with new immigration and gun violations less than a week after a San Francisco jury acquitted him of murder for the shooting death of Kate Steinle. Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was indicted Tuesday with two gun charges. A San Francisco jury convicted him of a state charge of felon in possession of a firearm after acquitting him of murder and assault for the July 1, 2015 shooting.

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Los Angeles city attorney sues Uber over data breach
Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer has filed a lawsuit against Uber after the ride-sharing company admittedly failed to disclose a large-scale data breach in 2016. Feuer made the announcement Monday. “We allege Uber violated California law, and public trust, when it hid this massive data breach,” Feuer said.

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Man sentenced in Skid Row killing of transgender partner
The man found guilty of his transgender partner’s shooting death on Skid Row has been sentenced to 50 years in prison for his crime. Daniel Molayem was found guilty of first-degree murder in November for shooting his partner of 15 years Kourtney Yochum, 32. Witnesses said that on March 23, 2016, Molayem, 41, walked up to Yochum near Fifth and San Pedro streets in Downtown Los Angeles, fatally shooting her in the head.

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Why stealing a car might now be a misdemeanor in California
A staple of the old Oprah Winfrey Show was the prize giveaway at the end of the program, where “Lady O” would shower her audiences with everything from complimentary macaroni and cheese to brand new cars. The crowd would cheer and the viewing audience would be envious. But even now that Oprah is off the air, people can still cruise around town freely in rides they didn’t pay for – courtesy of your local Golden State courthouse.

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San Francisco’s shame
Advocates for illegal immigrants are unrepentant after yesterday’s shocking acquittal on all homicide charges of an illegal-alien confessed killer. The advocates are defending the sanctuary policies that had set in motion the 2015 killing in San Francisco; they have also doubled down on their opposition to any deportation of illegal aliens, criminal or otherwise.

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While progress is being made, opioid crisis could get worse
The Redding Police Department is on the frontline in the opioid crisis fight in the city, looking to rehabilitation programs as critical long-term solutions. Redding Police Chief Roger Moore said many of the calls his department receives for service are related to opioid addiction, including increased property crimes, burglaries and overdoses.

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The S.M.A.R.T. Program celebrates one-year anniversary
S.M.A.R.T., the innovative program that gets substance abusers off the streets and onto a track for success, celebrates its first anniversary today. The S.M.A.R.T. Program was launched by the San Diego City Attorney’s Office on December 1, 2016, as a compassionate solution to the increase in drug and street crimes that followed passage of Proposition 47.

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Prominent appeals court Judge Alex Kozinski accused of sexual misconduct
A former clerk for Judge Alex Kozinski said the powerful and well-known jurist, who for many years served as chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, called her into his office several times and pulled up pornography on his computer, asking if she thought it was photoshopped or if it aroused her sexually. Heidi Bond, who clerked for Kozinski from 2006 to 2007, said the porn was not related to any case.

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Transgender rights: Los Angeles families complain of insensitive treatment during court hearings
The Liljestrand family walked into the courthouse confident – if a bit nervous. They’d come to get their eldest child’s name legally changed to Melissa Rose and her gender designation switched from male to female. When it was finally their turn to be heard, the judge cleared the courtroom. Before long, he turned to the 14-year-old and asked how she knew she was a girl.

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Federal Judge rules: ‘Spindler did not threaten Wesson’
For the second consecutive time, notorious Los Angeles City Hall gadfly Wayne Spindler has defeated LA City Attorney Mike Feuer, as a federal judge ruled that Spindler did not threaten Herb Wesson, the LA City Council president, in an incident back on May 11, 2016. And for the second consecutive time, the LA Times failed to proactively report on it when the ruling came down last week, after its reporter Emily Alpert Reyes earlier wrote an untrue story on Spindler’s other legal entanglements with the city.

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Former DA Steve Cooley’s Blue Lives Matter includes tribute to a fallen K-9
Steve Cooley, former three-term LA County District Attorney and co-author of just-released Blue Lives Matter: In the Line of Duty, is not commonly known as a former LAPD Reserve Officer. I asked to interview him to review the book and learned that his father was an FBI agent, which undoubtedly fired the passion for law-enforcement that led Steve to serve as a Los Angeles Police Department Reserve Officer for over five years while he was studying law at USC.

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Inside a secret 2014 list of hundreds of L.A. deputies with histories of misconduct
It was a critical piece of evidence: an inmate’s shirt, bloodied from a jailhouse brawl. When it went missing, Deputy Jose Ovalle had an idea. He picked out a similar shirt, doused it with taco sauce and snapped a photograph, which was booked into evidence with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, law enforcement records show.

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LAPD cadet scandal: Joyrides in cruisers went on for weeks before anyone caught on
If the group of young Los Angeles police cadets accused of stealing department vehicles had any fear of getting caught, they certainly didn’t show it. For weeks, according to documents, the teens drove to and from LAPD-related events and on joyrides as far away as Corona and Santa Clarita.

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‘Penny-Pincher Bandit’ Fatally shot by undercover police in North Hollywood: LAPD
Authorities have connected a man fatally shot by undercover police in North Hollywood Thursday to an armed robbery in Canoga Park the previous weekend. In a statement released on Friday, the Los Angeles Police Department said the so-called “penny pincher bandit” was the same individual who died from a gunshot wound after a confrontation with police in the North Hollywood area.

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Ex-Merced detective resigns after being accused of embezzlement, DA’s office says
The veteran investigator for the Merced Police Department who has been accused of embezzling money from the police union resigned Friday, according to the Merced County District Attorney’s Office. Former Merced Detective Joe Deliman is under investigation by the state Attorney General’s Office for allegedly embezzling “thousands” of dollars from the Merced Police Officers Union, according to an investigator’s affidavit for a search warrant.

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Girl’s Christmas tree wish comes true, thanks to deputies
An 11-year-old Lynwood girl wrote a letter asking only for a Christmas Tree for her family. She waited outside her home for four days, hoping for someone who could help. Her wish was eventually answered by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies. “We were out on patrol, we had a call for service out there,” said Deputy Pedro Valencia. While on the road, they were flagged down by a little girl.

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2017’s safest cities in America
People encounter hazards every day, some serious, others rare and innocuous. But we fear certain kinds more than others. According to Gallup, four in 10 Americans “fear being a victim of a mass shooting,” while 30 percent of U.S. adults are concerned about terrorism. Many also worry about falling victim to hate crimes or sexual assault. The list goes on, and these sentiments often are expressed in response to recent headlines.

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Think race isn’t a problem in California? New report shows otherwise
Don’t be fooled by California’s increasing diversity. Racial and ethnic inequity remains a key problem and a potential barrier to future growth, according to Race Counts, a new Web tool that measures racial and ethnic disparities in the state’s 58 counties. Marin County, for example – one of the wealthiest and most socially progressive communities in America – ranks dead last when it comes to racial inequities in several key factors, according to the data.

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Sexual harassment at the California Capitol: Are there ‘rapists’ in the building?
The California State Assembly’s point person investigating sexual harassment at the state capitol called on victims’ rights advocate and Democratic National Committeewoman Christine Pelosi Sunday to notify police if she believes a lawmaker has committed a violent sexual assault. Assemblywoman Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) says she was shocked to hear Pelosi’s claim that there are “rapists in this building” during a hearing of her committee Tuesday at the state capitol.

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L.A. asked for $3 million for community policing. The DOJ said no. Some fear it’s a sign of what’s ahead.
In 2015, a community policing initiative – one credited with helping curb violence in some of L.A.’s toughest housing projects – scored the Los Angeles Police Department high-level praise. A captain and a sergeant who led the program were invited to Washington, D.C., earning coveted seats near the first lady during President Obama’s State of the Union address.

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Why New York City created its own fund to bail people out of jail
At 7 p.m. on a Thursday inside the Bronx Criminal Court, Lisa Whiteside is trying to determine who she can prevent from spending the night on Riker’s Island. She scans the docket of 30 scheduled arraignments, knowing it will likely double in length as the night gets longer. Whiteside sits across one side of a thick glass barrier and asks promising candidates whether or not they have secure housing.

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5 big numbers tell the story of LA’s cash bail system
A new report released Monday provides a first-of-its-kind glimpse at L.A.’s bail system – and a sense of what’s at stake in the coming debate over whether it’s fair for the criminal justice system to demand bail from low level offenders. Governor Brown and Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye have pledged to reform the system next year, joining efforts already under way by State Senator Robert Hertzberg of the San Fernando Valley and others.

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Crime rates down in California, up in L.A. County, during period of criminal justice reform
Between 2010 and 2016, crime in Los Angeles County – including property and violent crime – rose by 5% even as overall crime in the rest of the state fell by the same rate, according to a report released Tuesday. The study by the nonprofit Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice analyzed city crime trends throughout California during a period referred to as the “justice reform era,” where legislation, voter-approved initiatives and court mandates brought major changes to California’s justice system.

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Girl’s Christmas tree wish comes true, thanks to deputies
An 11-year-old Lynwood girl wrote a letter asking only for a Christmas Tree for her family. She waited outside her home for four days, hoping for someone who could help. Her wish was eventually answered by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies. “We were out on patrol, we had a call for service out there,” said Deputy Pedro Valencia. While on the road, they were flagged down by a little girl.

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Pasadena police could partner with Glendale to share infrastructure, operations of a combined radio system
Pasadena could be partnering with the City of Glendale to establish a combined radio communication system of a recommendation is approved Monday afternoon by the Public Safety Committee and Monday night by the City Council. The proposed system would enable the City to maintain regional interoperability while meeting the critical communication requirements of its public safety agencies and municipal services, according to a City staff report.

[av_button label=’Pasadena News Now’ link=’manually,Pasadena could be partnering with the City of Glendale to establish a combined radio communication system of a recommendation is approved Monday afternoon by the Public Safety Committee and Monday night by the City Council. The proposed system would enable the City to maintain regional interoperability while meeting the critical communication requirements of its public safety agencies and municipal services, according to a City staff report.’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’small’ position=’left’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=”]

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Mysterious illnesses are plaguing people in California after a massive gas leak
Aliya Hall first started getting seriously sick in May 2016, months after officials said a massive natural gas leak near her home had been fixed. At first, the then 7-year-old girl would occasionally have inexplicable pain, or suffer nose bleeds. One day she woke up with a black eye. But as the weeks ticked by, illness grew more frequent.

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L.A. County officials launch effort to curb HIV
Los Angeles County public health officials on Friday announced an effort aimed at reducing the annual number of HIV infections by more than two-thirds and bringing an end to the virus that causes AIDS. More than 60,000 people in the county live with HIV, the second-largest such population in the nation. Around 1,850 new cases are diagnosed here each year, the majority among LGBTQ residents, Latinos and African Americans.

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LA County accused of illegally using taxpayer money to promote homeless tax
Los Angeles County officials are under investigation by a state agency for allegedly using taxpayer money to fund promotional campaigns in favor of Measure H, the half-cent sales tax that voters passed this year, to help people who are homeless. The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and its President, Jon Coupal, filed a complaint with the state’s Fair Political Practices Commission in March.

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How to sign up for fire evacuation alerts in your area
Devastating wildfires occur every year across the state of California. These fast-moving flames can change direction without warning and approach surrounding communities in the middle of the night, putting lives and property at risk. In the past, residents would have to be listening to the radio or watching television to get an emergency alert warning them to evacuate.

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Christmas shoppers beware: U.S. law can’t protect you from dangerous counterfeits on Amazon and eBay
Over the years that I spent in China I can remember numerous occasions where I would be shopping for something on Taobao or another Chinese e-commerce site and have a Chinese friend look over my shoulder and ask if I’d like some help. This offer usually wasn’t negotiable, they were basically saying, “You’re a foreigner and don’t know how to shop online in China and it’s my responsibility to save you.” More often than not, they were correct.

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Officials warn of price gouging as wildfires char Southern California
With several dangerous fires burning around Los Angeles, state and local law enforcement officials issued a consumer alert Wednesday, warning residents to be on the lookout for instances of price gouging. “Price gouging during a public emergency isn’t just outrageous, it’s illegal,” Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer said.

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Amazon got busted selling counterfeit Mercedes-Benz parts — now everything may change
While it is of course illegal to sell counterfeit and otherwise trademark infringing merchandise in the U.S., Amazon has so far been able to skirt liability for this crime by claiming they are merely a venue for the sale of such products, as opposed to being the actual seller. While piles of lawsuits have been logged by numerous parties attempting to refute this position, none have yet demonstrated much promise in court. Until now.

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Alibaba is facing a revived lawsuit over not doing enough to stop counterfeit goods
A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday revived a lawsuit accusing Alibaba Group of defrauding shareholders by concealing a regulatory warning about counterfeiters that the Chinese online retailer had received shortly before going public. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled 3-0 that a lower court judge erred in dismissing claims by holders of Alibaba’s American Depositary Shares and ADS call options against Alibaba, Executive Chairman Jack Ma and others.

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California appeals court justice retires in face of sex harassment, bigotry allegations
Conrad Rushing, the powerful state appellate court justice who presided for 15 years over a sprawling district including San Jose, was facing allegations of bigotry, sexual harassment and discrimination against women when he retired earlier this week, according to sources and an internal report obtained by this news organization.

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Commentary: Sexual assault is not ‘inappropriate behavior.’ It’s sexual assault
NBC fired former Today show host Matt Lauer on Wednesday for what its initial statement called “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.” Recent reports about Louis C.K., Roy Moore, and Al Franken refer to “sexual misconduct.” “Inappropriate sexual behavior” and “sexual misconduct” don’t even come close to precisely describing the accusations against these men.

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Here are all the public figures who’ve been accused of sexual misconduct after Harvey Weinstein
Since the New York Times and The New Yorker first published allegations of sexual harassment and rape against Harvey Weinsteinby Rose McGowan, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd and dozens of others, the disgraced producer has been fired from his company and Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance is reportedly seeking an indictment against him.

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Louis C.K. and other disgraced Hollywood men have put hundreds out of work just before the holidays
When art director Francis Giglio signed on to work on the TBS animated series “The Cops” last summer, he believed he had a full-time job through next May. The project starring the comic dream team of Louis C.K. and Albert Brooks meant steady income for the 36-year-old Newhall resident, who is supporting a wife and a young daughter.

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Cops launch fresh investigation into Roman Polanski after Sun Online revealed SEVEN new accusers had come forward
Disgraced movie director Polanski is being investigated by cops over new sex abuse allegations. Los Angeles Police Department told Sun Online they had launched an “open investigation” into the convicted child rapist – who has been accused of sexually abusing a string of women and children.

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Northern California sheriff settles suit over jail
The Shasta County Sheriff’s Office is agreeing to improve jail conditions for inmates with mobility disabilities to settle a class-action lawsuit. The settlement set for a judge’s review in February requires the department to remove physical barriers for inmates who have difficulty walking and take any other steps recommended by an outside expert. It will hire a coordinator to make sure the jail complies with accessibility laws.

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California is running out of inmates to fight its fires
For a dollar an hour and credit toward early parole, more than 1,700 convicted felons fought on the front lines of the destructive wildfires that raged across Northern California this October. While communities from Sonoma to Mendocino evacuated in the firestorm’s path, these inmates worked shifts of up to 72 straight hours to contain the blaze and protect the property residents left behind, clearing brush and other potential fuel and digging containment lines often just feet away from the flames.

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Alleged final photo of Charles Manson in hospital published, possibly violates privacy
A photo that purports to show Charles Manson on his deathbed while in a hospital was published by two outlets in a possible violation of California state laws related to prisoner’s privacy rights. The image, according to the Daily Mail, shows Manson, 83, before his death in mid-November. He died of natural causes on Nov. 19.

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Gun rights proponents challenge new California ‘assault weapon’ regs
A group of individuals and Second Amendment groups has filed suit against the state’s pending new regulations on “bullet-buttons” and assault weapons. In a complaint filed in a Riverside County state Superior Court, four gun owners- George Holt, Irvin Hoff, Michael Louie, and Rick Russel- contend many the firearms they have legally owned or built are now subject to new retroactive mandates from an out-of-control California Department of Justice that is flexible with the enforcement of new laws passed last year.

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House GOP’s gun bill vote could fracture bipartisan coalition on background checks
Rare bipartisan consensus around legislation to improve the national background check system for gun purchases is in jeopardy after House Republicans linked the measure to a bill allowing gun owners to carry concealed weapons across state lines. The House is expected to vote and pass the combination bill Wednesday over the objections of House Democrats, who accused Republicans of “trickery” and “sabotage” in tying the background checks bill to a concealed-carry measure the National Rifle Association called its “highest legislative priority.”

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Lawyers walk fine line on pot laws
Just as entrepreneurs getting into the retail pot industry need a good lawyer, some of those lawyers might be wise to consult an attorney of their own. Lawyers in the burgeoning business are entering a legal gray zone where the drug is permitted for some purpose in most states but illegal under federal law – in the same controlled substances category as heroin. Missteps could lead to prosecution for conspiracy, money laundering or aiding and abetting drug dealers.

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Here’s what January 1 means for marijuana in California
It was a big deal in the world of marijuana when California voters passed Proposition 64 in Nov. 2016. On Jan. 1, the state’s recreational pot market comes online. Here’s an overview of what you need to know about weed in California, for Jan. 1 and beyond. What are the highlights of the new law? You have to be 21 or older to buy recreational marijuana. 18 and older for medical. You can grow up to six plants.

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L.A. just legalized recreational marijuana. Here’s when you can buy it
Los Angeles will become the nation’s largest city with recreational pot after the City Council voted Wednesday to license sales next year. After months of debate and political snags, the council approved rules to usher in commercial sales and cultivation set to begin in less than a month under an initiative approved by state voters.

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Homeless street services stall as encampments continue to grow
High above the Metro Gold Line tracks, a string of lean-tos that Lee Brown calls his “three-bedroom condominium” is tethered to a hilltop fence in Elysian Park. The four-man, two-dog tent city – one of several camps in the 600-acre park north of downtown Los Angeles – has remained intact for at least two years, passed from one homeless person to the next, Brown said.

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USC program aims to help LAPD officers build trust, de-escalate encounters with homeless, mentally ill
Trayvon Chapman was homeless for more than a decade, and knows how quickly a situation can escalate on the streets. Many homeless people have experienced significant trauma or have anger issues, which police officers can take personally, the Van Nuys resident explained. That’s when “guns are drawn and violence is implemented, and it’s not needed,” Chapman, 39, said.

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San Jacinto gang member sentenced to death for 3 slayings in 2013
A judge imposed a death sentence Friday on a San Jacinto gang member who fatally shot three men and tried to kill another because of their affiliations. Raymond Alex Barrera, 27, was convicted in September of three counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder, and jurors found true special circumstance allegations of lying in wait, killing for the benefit of a criminal street gang and taking multiple lives in attacks that occurred throughout the summer of 2013.

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Editorial: A dedicated cop in an imperfect system
The hard-to-fathom stories these past two weeks about a Simi Valley man released from prison after serving nearly four decades for two murders he did not commit have left us outraged, confused but ultimately grateful that justice has finally been achieved. We cannot begin to imagine the depth of this ordeal for Craig Coley, and our judicial system can never repair the damage it has done to his life.

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US executions increase slightly in 2017
A court reprieve that halted the scheduled December lethal injection of a Texas prisoner means 2017 will end with 23 inmates executed in the U.S., a figure that although up slightly from the previous year is half of what it was a decade ago. The year-end numbers also show that Texas will regain its standing as the nation’s most active state in carrying out capital punishment.

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He killed Arizona officer, then a store clerk: Death penalty!
A cop killer who gunned down a Blythe store clerk during a 24-hour two-state crime spree has been convicted of first-degree murder and other charges, making him eligible for a second death sentence. A Riverside jury deliberated three days before finding Ernesto Salgado Martinez guilty Monday of the slaying of 43-year-old Randip Singh – using a handgun that belonged to an Arizona highway patrolman, whom the defendant shot dead the same day.

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Man sentenced to die for 1995 killing of DPS trooper convicted in California murder
A man sentenced to die in Arizona was convicted of a second murder in California on Monday, finally closing a legal process that spanned two states and 22 years. The cases of Ernesto Salgado Martinez, 42, reach back to 1995 and Indio, California, where Martinez started a road trip to visit family in Arizona. As he drove along the Beeline Highway, Martinez was pulled over by Arizona state trooper Bob Martin.

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Livermore man’s death sentence upheld for rape-murder
A federal appeals court on Wednesday upheld the death sentence of a Livermore man for raping and murdering a woman he met at a bar in Contra Costa County in 1986. The court said it wouldn’t second-guess state court findings that jurors hadn’t been tainted when a prosecutor reminded them that California voters had overwhelmingly approved capital punishment.

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Attorneys for Rams file motion to derail St. Louis’ case
A St. Louis lawsuit over the Rams football team’s relocation to Los Angeles took up nearly four hours in court Friday when both sides argued over motions that could have a dramatic effect on the outcome of the case. The case alleging breach of contract and four other countsagainst the Rams and the NFL was filed in April by the city of St. Louis, St. Louis County and the Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority.

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Los Angeles Times journalists take step to unionize newsroom
A committee representing newsroom employees of the Los Angeles Times took an initial step Monday to form a union by asking the National Labor Relations Board to hold an election. Earlier this year, a group of more than 40 Times journalists launched efforts to have the NewsGuild-Communications Workers of America represent the newsroom in collective bargaining.

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Will Brown pension reform lead to more reform?
Gov. Brown’s pension reform legislation five years ago, sold in part as a way to assure voters a proposed tax increase would not be eaten up by rising pension costs, got little love from pension critics. CalPERS estimated the reform would save $29 billion to $38 billion over 30 years, not a major dent in a shortfall or “unfunded liability” of $139 billion. Some said the debt was much larger, concealed by an optimistic forecast for pension fund investment earnings.

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California is putting retirees at risk with social justice pension investments
The nation’s largest pension fund is edging closer to financial disaster by investing in progressive-oriented companies instead of more-profitable ones according to a new report from the American Council for Capital Formation.

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[av_heading heading=’State Bar’ tag=’h2′ style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]

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Questions on California bar exam line up with lawyer jobs data, study finds
The content of the California bar exam lines up with national surveys about skills expected for first-year lawyers, but a state-specific assessment would be helpful, according to a recent content validation study from the State Bar of California. The report, sent to the California Supreme Court on Dec. 1, the report (PDF) follows earlier state bar cut score studiesand the court’s Oct. 18 announcement that the cut score would stay at 1440-for the time being-because it was not persuaded that changes should be made.

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[av_heading heading=’Price Gouging’ tag=’h2′ style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]

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Sonoma County prosecutors charge six landlords with price gouging
Sonoma County prosecutors have charged six landlords with price gouging in recent weeks for jacking up rental rates as lethal wildfires still burned throughout the county. Court records show that four of the six landlords increased rental prices by more than 30 percent just days after fires erupted on the night of Oct. 8. It is a misdemeanor to increase prices for lodging, food, medical products and building supplies by more than 10 percent in California after an emergency is declared.

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ACLU pushes California’s members of Congress to help Dreamers in new online ads
Three California ACLU affiliates are running online ads urging five California Republican members of Congress to support a legislative fix to resolve the legal status of people brought to the country illegally as children. The online ads target Reps. Paul Cook of Yucca Valley, Darrell Issa of Vista, Devin Nunes of Tulare, Ed Royce of Fullerton and Mimi Walters of Irvine, and depict a mother driving with her two young children when U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrest her.

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Monday Morning Memo for Monday, December 4, 2017

Prosecutor irks judge in Durst murder hearing

Testy exchanges Tuesday between attorneys and at one point, the judge, punctuated the cross-examination of the New York detective who investigated the disappearance of Robert Durst’s wife 35 years ago, and conceded that he failed to follow up on leads that could have implicated the eccentric real estate heir.

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‘Death threats’ follow report into Indio and Coachella prosecutors, who billed residents high ‘prosecution fees’
A law firm contracted as city prosecutors in Indio and Coachella claims it has received “harassing emails” and “death threats” because of a Desert Sun report that revealed they were taking residents to criminal court for small crimes then charging them thousands in “prosecution fees.” Silver & Wright issued a statement on Thanksgiving calling the article “inaccurate” and “misleading,” but identifying no actual inaccuracies.

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Asa Khalif arrested outside Pa. Attorney General’s office
Black Lives Matter Pennsylvania activist Asa Khalif was arrested Monday after he broke a window during a protest at the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office in Philadelphia. Khalif, 47, and another protester showed up at the office on S. 12th Street unannounced Monday morning and demanded answers regarding Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s open investigation of the deadly police shooting of David Jones, Shapiro’s spokesperson Joe Grace told NBC10.

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Ex-NYPD detective admits having sex with witness during inquiry into Robert Durst’s missing wife
Retired New York police Det. Michael Struk testified Wednesday that during his investigation into the disappearance of Robert Durst’s wife three decades ago he had sex with a witness. Would you agree, a prosecutor asked, that your actions were “about as unprofessional as you could get?” “Yes,” Struk responded.

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Car theft may not be a felony
A California judge has ruled stealing a car may now just result in a ticket. Michele Hanisee, President of the Association of Los Angeles Deputy District Attorneys, says that’s also true with any big ticket item thanks to Prop 47. “You can walk into Best Buy or Sears or any big package store. Walk out with a big flat screen TV, as long as it’s under $950 and you can do that every day of the week. And every day of the week it’s still going to be a misdemeanor, no matter how many times you do it, and at most you’re just going to get a citation to appear.”

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Proposition 47 makes stealing a car worth $950 or less a misdemeanor offense, court rules
A person convicted of a felony for stealing a car may have that conviction reduced to a misdemeanor if the vehicle was worth no more than $950, the California Supreme Court decided unanimously Thursday. The decision came in a case interpreting Proposition 47, a 2014 ballot measure that reduced felonies for certain drug and theft crimes to misdemeanors.

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Teen charged with murder of 8-year-old Maddy Middleton appears in court
The teen accused of brutally killing 8-year-old Maddy Middleton appeared in a Santa Cruz County court for the first time as an adult Tuesday. Adrian Gonzalez, who turned 18 in October, was charged with the murder and sexual assault of Middleton, who disappeared from her Santa Cruz home on July 26, 2015.

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California court: ‘No reasonable suspicion’ to detain police officer trainee
The First District Court of Appeal in California on Nov. 16 affirmed a trial court decision that awarded more than $575,000 in damages plus attorney fees to a police cadet trainee after he was arrested by officers from his own department. It turned out Bret Cornell was only out for a jog. Cornell sued the city of San Francisco and although the defendants argued that the trial jury had erred, the First District Appellate Court disagreed.

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Fight over fowl livers continues in California
Rich, buttery, and cruel? Foie gras, the fattened liver of a duck or goose, can leavedifferent tastes in your mouth depending on your preferences. The dish’s notoriety outside of the culinary context stems from its arguably inhumane production: A bird raised for foie gras is traditionally force-fed through a tube inserted into its esophagus until its liver expands up to ten times its normal size.

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This computer game comes thanks to 2 Supreme Court justices
The Supreme Court’s first female justice, Sandra Day O’Connor, has helped teach millions of students civics through computer games created by an organization she founded. Now, with a push from the Supreme Court’s first Hispanic justice, Sonia Sotomayor, the group has translated one of its games into Spanish.

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California appellate court affirms judgment in case involving potential discipline of physical therapist
California 4th Appellate District Court of Appeal, Division One on Oct. 16 upheld a Superior Court decision that an Orange County woman who practiced as a physical therapist could be disciplined by the Physical Therapy Board of California for misdemeanor property damage after she had allegedly misused alcohol.

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Justices to ponder need for warrant for cellphone tower data
Like almost everyone else in America, thieves tend to carry their cellphones with them to work. When they use their phones on the job, police find it easier to do their jobs. They can get cellphone tower records that help place suspects in the vicinity of crimes, and they do so thousands of times a year.

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U.S. Supreme Court hearing case that could affect how police get cell phone records
The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on Wednesday in the case of Timothy Ivory Carpenter v. United States. It’s a Fourth Amendment case that will affect how law enforcement can obtain specific cell phone records. South Carolina is one of 19 states that have filed paperwork with the court supporting this case.

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Padilla properly blocked establishment of ‘Independent Party’
California Secretary of State Alex Padilla was justified in rejecting a notice of intent to form the “Independent Party” on the ground that it could be confused with the existing American Independent Party, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has held. Its decision Friday, announced in a memorandum opinion, affirms the granting of judgment on the pleadings to Padilla.

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California High Court upholds State-mandated mediation for farmworkers
The California Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory to the nation’s most recognizable agricultural labor unions, unanimously overturning an appellate ruling that state-mandated contract mediation with farmers was unconstitutional. “We conclude that the MMC (mandatory mediation and conciliation) statute neither violates equal protection nor unconstitutionally delegates legislative power,” Justice Goodwin Liu wrote for the California high court.

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LAPD calls for victims to report Hollywood sex crimes
The chief of the Los Angeles Police Department said that he expects an influx of even more reports of high-profile sex crimes as the department investigates more than two dozen allegations of sexual misconduct by Hollywood types.

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Did you know police can hack your phone without a warrant?
New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Las Vegas are among scores of police departments across the country quietly using a highly secretive technology developed for the military that can track the whereabouts of suspects by using the signals constantly emitted by their cellphones.

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Program helps police get private surveillance footage to solve crimes
Nearly 80 surveillance cameras belonging to private citizens and businesses in Ventura County have been instrumental in helping law enforcement solve crimes. These cameras are in Ventura and Simi Valley where the cities’ police have started programs that let them know the specific areas where surveillance footage exists.

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Sheriff’s sergeant whose son was killed by drunk driver offers forgiveness, while pleading for more highway safety measures
A Los Angeles County sheriff’s sergeant whose son was recently killed by a drunk driver who also died in the crash spoke of forgiveness Saturday, saying both families were suffering. “There’s not enough words to say to bring my son back,” said Ottawa Cureton-Dunkentell, who raised her only child as a single mother.

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LAPD launches paid training program for high school grads who want to be cops
Eric Estrada is eagerly awaiting the day that he’ll be old enough to apply to become a Los Angeles police officer. In the meantime, the 20-year-old Pacoima resident is one of more than two dozen high school graduates who will be working part-time for the Los Angeles Police Department and getting paid as part of a new program that aims to recruit and train the next generation of police officers.

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Before the body-worn cameras start rolling: How open records laws impact police policy
At the end of 2014, the White House launched a $263 million program to equip 50,000 officers with body-worn cameras (BWCs). In 2016, 95 percent of large police departments surveyed said they’d implemented BWCs or were committed to. In the rush for funding, some police departments did not pay adequate attention to the legal issues that accompany BWCs, and their associated costs.

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FAA research finds drone collisions more damaging than bird strikes to airplanes
New research commissioned by the FAA finds a high-speed collision between a drone and an airliner would be worse than a bird strike. Newly-released animation shows how a drone could cause significant damage to a plane’s engine or tail area. This year, the FAA has received an average of 250 reports of drones near airports every month, up from 159 for most of last year.

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Amid gentrification fears, a gang crackdown strikes in South L.A.
The City Attorney’s Office is cracking down on a South L.A. apartment building it describes as a hotbed for a notorious gang in the area, the Black P-Stones. But concern has been expressed over the timing: Los Angeles is in the midst of a dire housing crisis, and some folks in communities like this one, known locally as the Jungles, fear that such actions are a symptom of the kind of gentrification that is pushing minorities out of homes via increasing rents and evictions.

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Dramatic video shows LA County deputies repeatedly firing non-lethal rounds at defiant armed suspect
A barricade involving an armed man in a liquor store came to a dramatic end when Los Angeles County deputies fired multiple non-lethal rounds at the defiant suspect Wednesday. The incident began when a deputy Tasered the suspect, who was reportedly armed. The man then ran into a Windsor Hills liquor store at Slauson and Keniston avenues.

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LAPD captain on paid leave after being tied to Valley warehouse where illegal marijuana grow was found
A veteran Los Angeles Police Department captain has been “assigned to home” pending an investigation to determine whether he was involved in an illegal marijuana grow inside a Sun Valley warehouse, authorities said Thursday. Police identified the employee as being “affiliated with the location” in the 8800 block of Bradley Avenue, where the illegal cultivation was found in late October, but they did not say in what capacity.

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40 years later, Roman Polanski still doesn’t deserve special treatment
In Los Angeles, some old crimes never fade away. The Black Dahlia slaying. The Manson murders. O.J. Simpson. And Roman Polanski. “I’m Mr. Polanski’s attorney,” began an email that arrived Monday morning from L.A. super lawyer Harland Braun. He was writing about an Oct. 29 column I wrote.

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Los Angeles mayor defies skeptics, says he may run for the White House
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti says he’s considering a run for the White House, a move that would be unprecedented in national politics. Garcetti confirmed in a New York Times interview this week that he is testing the waters for a presidential run, having completed a tour of several states this year while touting some of his accomplishments as the mayor of the second-largest city in the US.

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How do we deal with allegedly misbehaving legislators like Raul Bocanegra?
Should three state lawmakers under a cloud of sexual misconduct allegations – Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra, Assemblyman Devon Mathis and state Sen. Tony Mendoza – resign from the Legislature? Some people are calling for just that, saying that the accusations of sexual misconduct and harassment lodged against the three are so serious they can’t effectively do their job.

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Sexual harassment takes spotlight in California’s capital
It’s been five weeks since nearly 150 women – lobbyists, lawmakers, Republicans, Democrats – signed a letter calling out a pervasive culture of sexual harassment in California’s capital. One lawmaker has ended his re-election campaign, and a second is the target of multiple allegations. The Senate and the Assembly have pledged action to root out problems, but critics say cultural change requires far more.

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Why 2020 will be the year of the woman
One year after a Republican accused of sexual misconduct was elected president, and Democrats are the ones in turmoil about misogynistic behavior in their ranks. Renewed media attention on sexual harassment and assault led to the twin New York Times and New Yorker exposés on Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood mogul and Democratic donor.

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Raul Bocanegra says he’ll resign Assembly seat immediately amid sexual-harassment accusations
San Fernando Valley-area state Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra has become the first California politician to be toppled by the wave of sexual harassment allegations against powerful men. Bocanegra, a Democrat whose district office was in Arleta, announced Monday he is resigning from office immediately, bowing to pressure that began after a report last month that he groped a woman at a Sacramento nightclub in 2009 when both were legislative staffers.

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2018’s new laws: California businesses brace for changes
A slew of new laws that address unpaid parental leave, new hiring restrictions and other workplace issues will have an impact on California businesses in the coming year. The California Chamber of Commerce has released a list of the laws that are scheduled to take effect in 2018 or beyond.

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LAPD captain investigated for possible ties to pot warehouse
A Los Angeles Police Department captain was being investigated for possibly providing security at an illegal marijuana-growing operation that was discovered in a warehouse in the Sun Valley area. The LAPD confirmed that a department employee under investigation and currently assigned to home duty due to possible involvement in the warehouse growing operation, which was discovered about 4 a.m. Oct. 31 by detectives investigating a burglary at the location in the 8800 block of Bradley Avenue.

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Bail ‘disrupters’ have a plan to free thousands from U.S. jails
Last Labor Day weekend, Tommi Ziegler watched in horror as her pregnant daughter stood sobbing against a car, swollen belly straining against her white tank top, hands bound behind her back with handcuffs. A routine traffic stop had devolved into a crisis. “I was shaking,” Ziegler said. Police had pulled their car over for running a stoplight, shortly after leaving the parking lot of a shopping center, where the family had spent the day.

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Cash bail doesn’t make California safer, it just crowds our jails
How much money someone has shouldn’t be the final determinant of whether or not he or she remains behind bars or gets released from jail after being arrested. Yet that’s all too often how California’s pretrial justice system works, with potentially tens of thousands of people on any given day deemed eligible for release but stuck in jail simply because they haven’t posted monetary bail and might not be able to.

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For many parolees, a new start begins with new skin
For people leaving prison and looking for work, a second chance depends on a good first impression. That’s not easy to do when you have a tattoo on your face, especially if it’s a gang-symbol or offensive word. In many big cities, nonprofits help formerly incarcerated people get problematic tattoos removed so they can be more employable.

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LA convict recaptured after disappearing just months before release
A 24-year-old convict who walked away from a re-entry program in Los Angeles was back in custody Wednesday, authorities said. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) officials were searching for Jessie Barraza after they were alerted about 8:10 p.m. Tuesday that his GPS device had been removed while out on an approved pass, authorities said.

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Prison-produced podcast ‘Ear Hustle’ lets you listen to real stories of incarcerated life
Prisoners inside one of California’s prisons are getting the opportunity to be heard — behind bars and beyond. “Ear Hustle” is a podcast that offers listeners a rare look at inmate experiences, from race relations to sharing a tiny cell. Jeffrey Brown reports. The audio series “Ear Hustle,” the first podcast to be produced entirely inside a prison, has steadily grown in popularity by laying out in vivid detail the everyday experiences of inmates at San Quentin.

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LA Sheriff’s antiquated computer system makes data collection a nightmare
It’s hard to ignore the security that surrounds the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s communications center. It sits atop a hill in Monterey Park behind a tall fence and inside a building with thick concrete walls and no windows. Inside, dispatchers don headsets and deploy deputies from the 10,000-strong force across the nearly 5,000 square miles that comprise L.A. County.

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L.A. County DA focuses on marijuana DUIs through new progra
The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office has already trained several hundred law enforcement personnel in handling marijuana DUI cases, via a program funded by an almost $900,000 grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The grant was approved this year to pay for the program which aims to prevent impaired driving and reduce alcohol and drug-related fatalities and injuries.

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Elon Musk’s tunneling company wants to dig through L.A.
Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has famously complained about the traffic he faces on his commute from his Bel-Air home to his office in Hawthorne, near Los Angeles International Airport. His solution? An alternate transportation system that could whisk commuters from the San Fernando Valley to the Westside in a matter of minutes through a tunnel parallel to the 405 Freeway.

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Supervisors advocate for more female hiring in Metro construction projects
At Metro’s Construction Committee last week, board member and Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, 3rd District, co-authored a motion to create a report card system to grade the success of Metro contractors in meeting their female hiring goals.

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Rabbi brings her vision to sheriff oversight panel
When Rabbi Heather Miller visited a jail for the first time in February, the conditions took her by surprise. “I saw grown men who society demonizes as villains, like in the movies, [holding] their arms inside of their shirts because they are cold,” she said. Refrigerator space was so scarce that incarcerated mothers who were pumping breast milk had to have relatives retrieve it every other day.

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LA’s economic future linked to challenges with homelessness, housing and traffic, says Mayor Garcetti
During an annual luncheon of the San Fernando Valley business community Wednesday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti pointed to poverty, a housing shortage and traffic congestion as three of the greatest threats to Los Angeles’ economic future, while also setting an ambitious tone for increasing prosperity in the city.

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New bill proposes extending bar hours to 4 a.m. in 6 California cities
State. Sen Scott Wiener this week announced plans to reintroduce legislation that allow bar hours in California cities to be extended 4 a.m. While a similar bill backed by Wiener to give communities across the state the option of pushing back nightlife closing times failed in September, the new measure would only apply to six California cities: Los Angeles, Long Beach, West Hollywood, San Francisco, Oakland and Sacramento.

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Feinstein’s bump stocks ban moves back into the spotlight
A week ahead of a long awaited Senate hearing on bump stocks, the district attorney from Las Vegas issued a powerful call to ban the firearm accessory, which enabled a gunman to kill 58 people in just minutes at an Oct. 1 concert along the city’s famed Strip. The renewed spotlight on the issue provides some much needed momentum for California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s legislation to ban the device, which has languished in the Senate as Washington’s attention drifted on to other matters.

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California DOJ pushes new “assault weapons” regulations
Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has issued the following statement regarding the latest California Department of Justice (DOJ) proposed regulations on so-called “assault weapons”: Once again, the California DOJ and Attorney General Xavier Becerra have used 11th-hour tactics to push its anti-gun agenda, this time by releasing new proposed “assault weapons” regulations right before a major holiday.

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Mother of Vegas survivor pleads with lawmaker to change gun laws
More than a month after 58 people died and more than 500 were wounded in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, the mother of one of the survivors of the Las Vegas massacre is reminding local lawmakers that part of the solution lies with them. In a gut-wrenching letter to her local representative, Illinois Rep. Ryan Spain (R-Peoria), Anne M. described the harrowing trauma her daughter Hannah suffered following the Las Vegas tragedy.

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House panel to weigh bill expanding gun rights
House Republicans moved forward on legislation to expand gun owners’ rights, the first gun-related measure since mass shootings in Las Vegas and Texas killed more than 80 people. The Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote Wednesday on a National Rifle Association-supported bill that would allow a gun owner with a state-issued concealed carry permit to carry a handgun in any state that allows concealed weapons.

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Toxic dolls and dangerous electrical goods are among fakes sold on Facebook as luxury replica business booms
Dolls with high levels of toxins and potentially lethal electrical goods are among the fakes being sold through Facebook, say Trading Standards. The market in replica luxury goods has been booming on the social media site, after Amazon and eBay cracked down on adverts for illegal copies. But Facebook has been accused of turning a blind eye to the counterfeiters – even after being asked to act.

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Law enforcement and consumer advocates warn of holiday shopping scams
Skimming devices, fake websites and fraudulent advertisements are just some ways scammers try to steal your money during the holiday season. With holiday shopping season officially underway and Cyber Monday upon us, consumer advocates and law enforcement officials are issuing a reminder: ‘Tis the season of skimmers and scammers.

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Madera County board censures district attorney for alleged harassment. He says he won’t resign
Madera County supervisors voted unanimously Monday to censure District Attorney David Linn for alleged “workplace harassment, discrimination and abuse.” During a rare censure hearing, Linn told supervisors he won’t resign, and denied the allegations made against him in a report prepared by a Fresno attorney hired to investigate complaints about him.

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Sexual harassment claims by L.A. city workers are difficult to track
With more than 45,000 employees, the city of Los Angeles is one of the largest employers in Southern California. Despite its size, the city has no centralized method for tracking sexual harassment complaints lodged against its workers. Nor are managers required to report such claims to the city’s Personnel Department.

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California Assembly setting up confidential hotline for sexual harassment complaints
As advocates and some lawmakers urge the California Legislature to overhaul its sexual harassment policies, the Assembly may soon establish a confidential hotline for reporting misconduct and begin tracking complaints.

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LAPD chief expects more high-profile Hollywood sex crime allegations
Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said he expects his department – which already is handling more than two dozen allegations of sexual misconduct by Hollywood figures – to investigate even more. “We anticipate the LAPD and other jurisdictions will receive even more high profile sex crime reports in the coming weeks and months,” Beck said in an email.

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How California is leading the way on marijuana criminal justice reform
Eddy, a burly 65-year-old professional musician, walked into a free legal clinic in Los Angeles County one July morning hoping to clear his record. More than three decades ago, he served two years probation for attempting to sell a few gram bags of marijuana, a felony that put the immigrant, a legal United States resident with a green card, at greater risk of deportation.

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Los Angeles considers amnesty program for pot shop owners with non-violent felonies
Virgil Grant is a marijuana business owner and felon. He spent six years in federal prison for owning and operating marijuana facilities in the city of Los Angeles, he said. He had six medical marijuana shops – legal by California standards, but not by the feds. And during his time in prison, he lost them.

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The response to homelessness is criminal
2017 has been notable for its many crises. Hurricanes and mega fires have commanded massive mobilizations of public resources. While Los Angeles has mostly been spared from large scale disasters causing extensive harm to life and property, we cannot in good conscience say that we are not living amidst a crisis.

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LA official looks to ban or regulate RV rentals for homeless
A Los Angeles City council member Wednesday proposed banning or regulating the practice of renting out vehicles for people to live in within city limits. Council member Mitch Englander’s motion cites KPCC reporting on the growing sub-economy of RV and van rentals for homeless people. “They’re not safe for the community, where you have sewage overspilling next to parks commercial zones and next to schools,” said Englander.

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Los Angeles County approves portable toilets, showers to halt hepatitis A spread among homeless
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors took action Tuesday to stop the spread of hepatitis A. Portable bathrooms are headed to homeless encampments in unincorporated parts of the county. “It’s relatively easy to spread in situations where people don’t have good access to sanitation facilities, so it’s what we call, spread by a fecal/oral route,” said Los Angeles County Public Health Department Director Barbara Ferrer.

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Reaching inside the jails to break the cycle of homeless arrests
A door opened, and three men walked out of captivity into a sun-drenched waiting area. It’s a scene repeated hundreds of times a day at Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail. But instead of being greeted by family members and friends, these men were met by Victor Key, a case manager for Project 180, a downtown agency that is on the front line of a homeless strategy called jail in-reach.

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LAPD’s ‘RESET’ program struggles to get the homeless off the streets
It’s known as ‘The Box’. Skid Row City Limits…a place just blocks from City Hall where more than 17,000 homeless people live on the streets in a square-shaped area just east of Main Street, south of third, west of Alameda and north of Seventh Street. A place where addicts openly use drugs and people with mental illness roam the streets.

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Criminal convictions and immigration law
What makes a non-citizen deportable? An alien or non-citizen, including a lawful permanent resident (“green card” holder) is deportable for having a conviction relating to controlled substances. Title 8 U.S.C. Section 1227(a)(2)(B)(i) states: “Any alien who at any time after admission has been convicted of a violation of . . . any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 802 of Title 21), other than a single offense involving possession for one’s own use of 30 grams or less of marijuana, is deportable.

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Could DACA debate in Congress trigger threat of government shutdown?
A pitched battle is brewing in Congress over the fate of nearly 800,000 young immigrants in the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that expires in spring, a fight that could hold up the year-end spending bill to keep the federal government running. The DACA program grants work permits and protection from deportation to young, unauthorized immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. About 200,000 DACA recipients live in California.

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Washington Post reporter caught plotting liberal agenda with billionaire George Soros
Allegedly unbiased Washington Post reporter Janell Ross spoke at a top-secret meeting of liberal movers and shakers last week, where Democratic donors including billionaire George Soros outlined the future of their progressive agenda. A Post spokesperson told the Washington Free Beacon that Ross took part of the California event “without notifying her superiors that she would be attending.”

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Pacific News Service RIP. NY Times profiles a Nazi. Good reads.
The San Francisco nonprofit Pacific News Service will close down for good on Thursday, “after growing too fast and accumulating too much debt,” the San Francisco Chronicle reports. “It will end nearly a half century of tenacious coverage, with a mission that started in Indochina but expanded to include unrest in Central America and immigration in California, and above all an increasing focus on producing youth media and news about underrepresented cultures.”

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LA Weekly reveals its secret owners: mostly men with Orange County ties
After weeks of mystery, LA Weekly’s new owners were revealed Friday in a short online message from the publication’s new operations manager. The lineup is heavy with men who have strong Orange County ties. Brian Calle tried to make light of growing concern that Los Angeles’ most famous alternative publication had not disclosed its backers since the Oct. 18 announcement that Voice Media Group had sold LA Weekly to a fledgling company called Semanal Media.

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Stop playing the pension blame game
When a city, school district or other local government agency gets into financial trouble and pulls out of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System because it can’t make its required contribution to the pension fund, that bodes ill for the benefits it has promised its retirees. At best, current employees will see their future retirement benefits frozen at what they’ve already accrued.

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Jerry Brown, nearing end of term, defies unions on pensions
“Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose,” singer-songwriter Kris Kristofferson philosophized in his classic blues song, “Me and Bobby McGee,” a half-century ago. Kristofferson’s tune would be an apt anthem for Gov. Jerry Brown as he winds down his own half-century career in politics – especially so because Kristofferson once campaigned for him.

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Opinion: Use surplus to pay down California pension debt
California is about to get a welcome and unexpected windfall – enough new tax revenue to have $19 billion in reserve even after paying for the anticipated growth in all current programs and increases in the cost of living. This estimate of the reserves at the end of the 2018-19 fiscal year comes from the state Legislative Analyst’s Office. It raises the question: What to do with this money? How can we put it to its greatest use?

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Monday Morning Memo for November 27, 2017

Pace of executions in California may be up to Gov. Jerry Brown

When the California Supreme Court upheld a voter initiative in August to speed up executions, some death penalty advocates assumed lethal injections would resume before the end of the year. Three months after the court’s action, both backers and opponents of the death penalty concede that executions might be more than a year away. Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration has yet to finalize an execution protocol, which is necessary to resolve a federal court case that has blocked lethal injection in California for nearly 12 years. An injunction stopping executions also is pending in state court. “Brown is the shot caller” in the litigation over lethal injection, said Michele Hanisee, president of the Assn. of Deputy District Attorneys for L.A. County.

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Charles Manson’s prosecutor says he deserved to be killed years ago
Charles Manson should have died a long time before today. That’s according to one of the prosecutors who sent Manson and his murderous followers to death row, only to see their sentences later commuted to life in prison. Manson, 83, died Sunday at Kern County hospital in California, corrections officials said.

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Charles Manson dead at 83; here’s why his health crisis was shrouded in secrecy
Mass killer Charles Manson died of natural causes Sunday evening at a Kern County hospital, authorities said. The 83-year-old cult leader died at 8:13 p.m., according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Michele Hanisee, president of the Assn. of Deputy District Attorneys, issued a statement Sunday saying that Vincent Bugliosi, the deputy district attorney who prosecuted Manson, “provided the most accurate summation: ‘Manson was an evil, sophisticated con man with twisted and warped moral values.’

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Charles Manson ‘a pathetic, cowardly con man’ who should be remembered for that alone. Reactions to his death
As news of Charles Manson’s death spread late Sunday, many on social media said his death should be a time to remember and mourn his victims. Michele Hanisee, president of the Assn. of Deputy District Attorneys, said in a statement that the prosecutor who put Manson behind bars “provided the most accurate summation: ‘Manson was an evil, sophisticated con man with twisted and warped moral values.’

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Where will Charles Manson be buried? GoFundMe pulls plug on funeral fundraising
GoFundMe has shut down a fundraising effort to pay the funeral expenses of notorious cult leader Charles Manson. A friend of Manson’s grandson, Jason Freeman, started the campaign, which had raised $979 before it was taken down, according to the New York Daily News. The fundraising page would have paid the legal, travel and burial fees for Manson’s body, currently held by the Kern County coroner.

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Former Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten has earned parole
On Sept. 6, for the second year in a row, parole commissioners recommended parole for 68-year-old Leslie Van Houten, who participated in the murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca in the summer of 1969. Van Houten, who was 19 at the time, stabbed Rosemary more than a dozen times after fellow Charles Manson-follower Charles “Tex” Watson killed Leno and stabbed Rosemary.

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Rancho Cucamonga joins grassroots effort to review state’s prison reform
City Manager John Gillison believes there needs to be a grassroots effort to review the recent changes in the criminal justice system. Officials in Rancho Cucamonga say they are not pleased with the effects of AB 109, a controversial 2011 prison-reform law; as well as voter-approved Propositions 47 and 57.

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Law enforcement’s limits to stopping shooters
And here’s a reality of law enforcement – sometimes the police know someone is dangerous but there’s not much they can do about it. That’s what happened in Northern California last week. Where a man went on a shooting rampage. The gunman had been arrested once before, and a court said he wasn’t supposed to have any guns. NPR’s Martin Kaste reports.

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Did actions by an LAPD officer specializing in MS-13 help a gang killer flee?
The accusation against the Los Angeles gang cop was as strange as it was troubling. A police sergeant hundreds of miles away in Nevada claimed that LAPD Det. Frank Flores and one of his gang informants had interfered with the hunt for a murder suspect. Flores’ meddling, the officer alleged, had helped the killer flee the country.

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Activists push law enforcement to stop ‘policing themselves’ and release body camera footage
Police departments in the Bay Area have some of the most high-tech body camera equipment in the country. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Department this summer decided to spend $1.5 million a year on new, Axon cameras as a result of multiple download failures of the old equipment and following the high-profile 2015 case of Stanislav Petrov, where none of the three deputies accused of beating the alleged car thief in a San Francisco alleyway had turned on their equipment.

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LAPD investigates nearly two dozen sex crime cases tied to Hollywood
Los Angeles police are investigating almost two dozen cases of alleged criminal sexual misconduct connected to multiple people within the entertainment industry, a senior department official told NBC News. The cases involve individuals who are known publicly as well as others who have not yet been identified, the official said Friday.

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Wave of Hollywood sex assault claims sends LAPD into uncharted territory
The flood of sexual assault allegations coming out of the Hollywood entertainment industry has the Los Angeles Police Department negotiating uncharted territory. Never before has the department received so many sexual assault allegations involving high-profile figures at one time, including many complex cases that are years old with multiple alleged victims, officials say.

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Could Jordan’s Law be triggered in beating of Simi Valley teen?
The attorney for a 15-year-old boy who was videotaped being beaten by two 17-year-olds at Simi Valley High School a month ago wants the case to be an early test of a new law that aims to criminalize cyberbullying. “We are trying to press for that,” said the victim’s attorney Jennifer Ryan of the Oct. 16 attack. “It’s clear this was a planned attack. And they planned to videotape it. And it was posted on Snapchat.”

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Rise in LA County hate crimes linked to white supremacists
Los Angeles County saw a surge in reported hate crimes last year linked to white supremacists, with a wave of incidents targeting Jews, Muslims and African Americans, according to a study released Thursday. Immigrants also have been targeted, prompting officials to call in sheriff’s deputies to maintain calm at public meetings.

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Trump’s war on crime: U.S. Government arrests 200 MS-13 gang members in Central America and at home
A major crackdown led to the arrest of more than 200 alleged members and associates of the international street gang, MS-13, officials announced Wednesday. “Today I am pleased to announce the arrest of 267 MS-13 gang members and associates in conjunction of ICE’s most recent targeted anti-gang effort known as ‘Operation Raging Bull,'” Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan said, NBC News reports.

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L.A. County releases people sentenced to 180 days or less on the same day
Writer Bill Pearl over at did a little digging and got the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to admit that under its current jail criteria, people sentenced up to 180 days or less get released on the same day. If a person is arrested for a misdemeanor in L.A. County, is charged by a prosecutor, is convicted (or pleads guilty), and is sentenced with the maximum of 180 days in jail, he or she will get out of jail on the same day.

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Palos Verdes teen charged in gang murder was a South L.A. fixture
A white teenager from an uber-wealthy community on the Palos Verdes Penninsula was a regular at a South L.A. park claimed by the Rollin’ 90s Neighborhood Crips, witnesses say. Eighteen-year-old Cameron Terrell has been charged with murder in connection with the Oct. 1 shooting death of 21-year-old Justin Alongino Holmes.

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One corner. Four killings.
The first to die was her friend “Ken Dog.” Five months later, her fiancé was gunned down, then another friend, “Bug” – all on the same South Los Angeles street corner. Semaj Smith lives in Harvard Park, one of the city’s deadliest neighborhoods. Her yellow house is riddled with bullet holes. A dark stain from memorial candles marks the spot on the sidewalk where her fiancé died.

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Wave of Hollywood sex assault claims sends LAPD into uncharted territory
The flood of sexual assault allegations coming out of the Hollywood entertainment industry has the Los Angeles Police Department negotiating uncharted territory. Never before has the department received so many sexual assault allegations involving high-profile figures at one time, including many complex cases that are years old with multiple alleged victims, officials say.

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Crime should be lowered to petty ‘theft’ though no theft
A member of the First District Court of Appeal has argued in a dissent that a felony conviction for forging and presenting a prescription for a narcotic should be reduced, pursuant to Proposition 47, to misdemeanor petty “theft,” even though nothing was stolen. The dissenter, Acting Presiding Justice Stuart R. Pollak of Div.

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Judge erred in finding ‘without prejudice’ to be ambiguous
The Fourth District Court of Appeal has reversed a judgment of an Orange Superior Court judge, David L. Belz, who found that the term “without prejudice” in a settlement agreement meant “with prejudice.” Justice Richard D. Fybel of Div. Three wrote the unpublished opinion, filed Thursday. It reinstates an action dismissed by Belz who found “without prejudice” to be ambiguous.

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Janice Dickinson gets big win in Bill Cosby defamation suit
Model Janice Dickinson won a major appeals court victory Tuesday in her defamation war against Bill Cosby and his former lawyer Marty Singer. California’s Second Appellate District reversed two lower-court decisions and said Dickinson can add Singer back as a co-defendant in her Los Angeles lawsuit and continue citing a 2014 letter sent by Singer to media outlets as an example of alleged misconduct.

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What crime scene? What dead body?’ Detective in Durst case asks
The retired New York City Police Detective Michael Struk can still recall the afternoon Robert A. Durst walked into the 20th Precinct on Manhattan’s Upper West Side to report that his wife had vanished. Mr. Durst, clutching his dog and a two-year-old magazine with his father’s photograph on the cover, sat at the detective’s desk and described how his wife, Kathie McCormack Durst, had vanished four days earlier, “like he was in a deli ordering a sandwich,” the detective said.

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Two sentenced in Ventura County avocado caper
Two men accused of stealing over $200,000 worth of avocados from a facility in Ventura County were sentenced on Friday. Carlos Chavez, 29, of Oxnard and Joseph Valenzuela, 38, of Santa Paula will spend two years in county jail, with 18 months of probation, Ventura County District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced.

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Prosecutors charge California Hells Angels members
Federal prosecutors in San Francisco have charged nine members of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang with running a criminal organization responsible for multiple robberies and assaults and one murder. The U.S. Attorney’s office and FBI announced the charges on Monday. Most of the defendants are members of the group’s Sonoma County chapter in Northern California.

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‘Our justice system is not perfect:’ DA seeks release of man convicted in murders of ex, son
Prosecutors and police are asking for the release of a 70-year-old man who’s served 40 years for two murders they say he didn’t commit. Investigators say in November of 1978, 24-year-old Rhonda Wicht and her 4-year-old son, Donald, were killed in their Simi Valley apartment. Rhonda had been strangled. Her son was suffocated.

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SMa.r.t.- depositions and lawsuits, oh my!
Last week’s SMart Group column discussed the history of at-large representation for city council seats in Santa Monica. A proposed change in the election system would result in city council and school board seats chosen by the residents of each neighborhood rather than the entire city. Santa Monica would be divvied up into districts, with council and school board members who live in and vote on issues that affect their area first, and the entire city second.

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New poll gives early look at races for California governor and U.S. Senate
The hot-button issues for Californians heading to the ballot box next year will be economic and state-centric, according to the latest USC Dornsife/L.A. Times Poll. When asked what the most important problem today was, 22 percent cited the high cost of living and housing availability, while another 10 percent picked jobs and the economy.

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Political probe launches for former utilities commissioner, governors’ aide
State political ethics regulators are conducting an investigation that involves the dealings of the California Public Utilities Commission and a former member of the panel, Susan Kennedy. The Fair Political Practices Commission has requested letters, emails, calendars and other communications between the commission and Kennedy, a former aide to governors Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger who has gone into the energy storage business.

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Rancho Mirage politician was consulted on CV Link lawsuit, but the city won’t release the records
Rancho Mirage officials have declined to release written communications between a City Council member and a local attorney whose lawsuit seeks to stop the CV Link. That council member, Dana Hobart, has said he played no role in a lawsuit filed on Oct. 13 against the $100 million, approximately 50-mile long pathway.

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From City Hall to the White House? Eric Garcetti may try to defy the odds
There have been governors and generals, senators and members of Congress, secretaries of state and vice presidents. There was even a billionaire business executive chosen as commander in chief. But never in the 228 years since Gen. George Washington was sworn in as president has a sitting mayor been elected to the White House. Eric M. Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles, may be out to change that.

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Feds warn of counterfeit goods before the holiday shopping rush
The problem of counterfeit goods reaches far beyond popular handbags. The business of trafficking phony products is a growing problem here in the United States. “A wide range of counterfeit products have been seized including counterfeit sports jerseys, clothing, gaming system accessories, purses and bags, vehicle airbags, sunglasses and perfume,” said Rose Brophy, director of field operations for U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the Buffalo-area.

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Madera County DA accused of making “Racist, sexist, lewd and offensive comments”
The independent investigation by a law firm based in LA found Linn made sexist or sexually explicit comments to and about employees and female crime victims. He also made racist comments and engaged in abusive or threatening conduct at work but he told me, it is crooked supervisors coming after him. David Linn’s seat as Madera County District Attorney is getting hot.

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Replacing bail with an algorithm
“He was listed as a three, your honour.” “He’s a two on the raw score.” “On danger to the community, he scores a five.” The defendant, a lean, bearded man in an orange jumpsuit and shackles, sits next to his lawyer, listening intently to his rankings on a six-point scale. Welcome to the world of pre-trial hearings in New Jersey, which on January 1st became the first state to eliminate almost completely the use of bail.

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Trump could appoint conservatives to California’s federal courts more easily after Senate shift
President Donald Trump could have an easier time appointing conservative judges to California’s federal courts under a policy shift in the U.S. Senate this week that has faced withering criticism from Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Thursday that he wouldn’t necessarily follow the Senate’s informal “blue slip” policy, which allows senators to veto judicial nominees in their home states.

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Man freed decades after double killing that rocked LA suburb
Simi Valley was a sleepy Southern California suburb in 1979, one frequently ranked near the top of surveys of America’s safest cities – in large part because hundreds of police officers from nearby Los Angeles lived there. The city, however, was shaken when residents awoke on Nov. 11, 1978, to learn of the slaying of a 24-year-old woman and her 4-year-old son.

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Jay-Z says Meek Mill’s prison sentence shows how justice system ‘harasses’ black people
Jay-Z has penned an op-ed for The New York Times condemning rapper Meek Mill’s two- to four-year prison sentence for violating probation. In his opinion piece, titled “The Criminal Justice System Stalks Black People Like Meek Mill,” Jay-Z argues that Meek Mill’s sentence stemming from a nearly decade-old drug and gun charge points to a far larger problem.

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Hawaii psychiatric patient says he’s surprised escape worked
A man who acknowledges killing a woman nearly 40 years ago said Friday that he is surprised he was able to walk out of a Hawaii psychiatric hospital and make it to California before being captured. Randall Saito spoke to The Associated Press in a jail near Stockton, California, before briefly appearing in court and telling a judge he doesn’t want to go back to Hawaii.

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California Bar Exam ends 3-year slide, as nearly half pass July sitting
The percentage of prospective lawyers who passed California’s July bar exam crept upward to 49.6 percent, ending a three-year skid in scores marked last year by the lowest pass rate-43 percent-in three decades.

[av_button label=’The Recorder’ link=’manually,The percentage of prospective lawyers who passed California’s July bar exam crept upward to 49.6 percent, ending a three-year skid in scores marked last year by the lowest pass rate-43 percent-in three decades. ‘ link_target=’_blank’ size=’small’ position=’left’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=”]

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Union for State Bar of California employees files unfair practice charge
The Service Employees International Union, which represents State Bar of California employees, filed an unfair practice charge against the agency last week, alleging bad faith bargaining regarding compensation. In an email to the ABA Journal, Michael G. Colantuono, president of the State Bar of California, wrote that as part of collective bargaining, the parties agreed not to share specific bargaining proposals with the media.

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LA County leaders move forward on health inspections for massage parlors
Concerned that a number of Los Angeles County’s massage parlors are nothing more than fronts for illicit sex trade and illegal-labor trafficking, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to craft an ordinance that requires annual health and safety inspections of such establishments.

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Report: Hate crimes in L.A. County remain elevated
The Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations (LACCHR) on Thursay released its annual account of hate crimes reported throughout Los Angeles County in 2016. The report’s significant findings include the following: There were 482 hate crimes reported, only one less than 2015, which saw a 24% increase from the previous year and reached the highest total since 2011.

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Behind bars for 27 years for murder he didn’t do: LA $15 million settlement
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is set to vote Tuesday on a $15 million settlement for a man who was imprisoned for 27 years for a 1984 murder he said he didn’t commit. Frank O’Connell was convicted of gunning down 27-year-old Jay French in the parking lot of the victim’s South Pasadena apartment complex on Jan. 5, 1984.

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Santa Monica Supervisor seeks progress report on efforts to stop sexual assault in county jails and detention centers
Santa Monica’s County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl co-authored a successfully adopted motion last Tuesday asking for a review to gauge whether a 2003 federal Act to stop sexual assault in county jails and detention centers is being followed. “More than 200,000 people report having been sexually abused in U.S. prisons and jails every year,” Kuhel, whose district stretches to the coast, said in presenting the motion with Supervisor Janice Hahn, of the 1st District.

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Sheriff McDonnell visits Manhattan Beach Rotarians, addresses sanctuary city opposition
Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell became a target for immigration activists’ ire last March when he opposed Senate Bill 54, the so-called “sanctuary state” legislation prohibiting local and state police agencies from engaging in immigration enforcement. McDonnell was the featured speaker Monday morning at the Manhattan Beach Rotary Club’s weekly breakfast at Verandas Beach House.

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Congress should end effort to relax gun silencer safety laws
Even after the recent tragedies in Sutherland Springs, Texas and Las Vegas, Congress is considering proposals that would roll back existing gun safety laws and put the public at risk. One of these bills, the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreation Enhancement or SHARE Act – which began as an innocuous bill to protect sportsman’s heritage, public lands and funding for the outdoors – has been loaded up with provisions that would endanger our residents and law enforcement alike.

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Gun theft from legal owners is on the rise, quietly fueling violent crime across America
Hundreds of thousands of firearms stolen from the homes and vehicles of legal owners are flowing each year into underground markets, and the numbers are rising. Those weapons often end up in the hands of people prohibited from possessing guns. Many are later used to injure and kill.

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America’s complex relationship with guns
As a nation, the U.S. has a deep and enduring connection to guns. Integrated into the fabric of American society since the country’s earliest days, guns remain a point of pride for many Americans. Whether for hunting, sport shooting or personal protection, most gun owners count the right to bear arms as central to their freedom. At the same time, the results of gun-related violence have shaken the nation, and debates over gun policy remain sharply polarized.

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Rampage killer’s repeated weapons violations never reported to prosecutors, D.A. says
Tehama County,Calif., prosecutors were never told that the gunman who killed five people in a rampage this week had for months before regularly fired off weapons at his home despite a judge’s order that he turn in his weapons, the district attorney said Friday. Neighbors of the gunman, Kevin Janson Neal, 44, said they complained to police for months about him firing guns and threatening them, with one resident even filing papers in court.

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The gun-control legislation that even Republicans like
Republicans and Democrats have found gun legislation both sides agree on. But that doesn’t mean it will pass. In the wake of mass shootings in Nevada, Texas, and California, Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, an outspoken advocate of gun control, introduced a bill to strengthen the federal background-check system for gun sales.

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California shooting rampage highlights “ghost guns”
The gunman who killed his wife and four others in a rampage in Northern California this week found an easy way around a court order prohibiting him from having guns: He built his own at home. Kevin Neal, 44, was armed with what authorities believe were two high-powered rifles that he made himself when he opened fire Tuesday on homes, cars and an elementary school around his tiny hometown of Rancho Tehama Reserve. A deputy finally shot and killed him.

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Feds warn of counterfeit goods before the holiday shopping rush
The problem of counterfeit goods reaches far beyond popular handbags. The business of trafficking phony products is a growing problem here in the United States. “A wide range of counterfeit products have been seized including counterfeit sports jerseys, clothing, gaming system accessories, purses and bags, vehicle airbags, sunglasses and perfume,” said Rose Brophy, director of field operations for U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the Buffalo-area.

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Harvey Weinstein drew up 91-name list for investigators to target: Report
A list of 91 actors, publicists, producers and financiers purportedly drawn up by Harvey Weinstein for his private investigators to target for information has been obtained by The Guardian, the U.K. news organization says. The Guardian story follows the remarkable Nov. 6 New Yorker article by Ronan Farrow that detailed the investigations carried out at Weinstein’s behest by the Kroll and Black Cube firms.

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After Weinstein: The fallout for 34 men accused of sexual misconduct, from lewd texts to rape
At the beginning of October, multiple women came forward to accuse Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood producer, of sexual misconduct. Since then, high-profile men in a variety of industries have resigned, been fired or experienced other fallout after accusations that have ranged from inappropriate text messages to rape. Here is a list of such cases, which we will update periodically.

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This Capitol sex harassment scandal isn’t going away
It should be evident by now that the Capitol’s sexual harassment issue isn’t going to fade away. In the past, accusations of harassment by a political figure either were covered up or attracted only momentary public and media attention. But those days are over. An open letter signed by dozens, and then hundreds, of women working in and around the Capitol, declaring that they would no longer countenance the community’s pervasive harassment and its tolerance has radically changed the atmosphere.

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LA County reviews sexual harassment policies amid rising complaints
As sexual harassment allegations rock the entertainment and political industries, Los Angeles County has also seen an increase in sexual harassment complaints, raising questions of whether inappropriate workplace climates also plague local municipalities. The Los Angeles City Council will review current city policies and consider creating a sexual harassment hotline for employees to report incidents, reports NBC4 media partner KPCC.

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New York Times suspends star reporter over harassment allegations
The New York Times said this morning that it has suspended a star reporter in its Washington bureau in the wake of published allegations that he had sexually harassed younger female colleagues. The Times also said the reporter, Glenn Thrush, would enter a substance abuse program, with the paper’s support.

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Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra announces he will resign next year as Times prepares report on new sexual harassment allegations
Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra announced he will not seek reelection Monday, citing “persistent rumors and speculation” regarding sexual harassment claims. “I spent my life advocating for the Northeast Valley, fighting for a fair share for our communities and residents,” Bocanegra (D-Pacoima) said in a statement.

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In a Country of bigots and liars, predators will always survive
Suppose Los Angeles Democrats had the choice for U.S. Senator between a Democrat candidate with a history of sexual dalliances with teenage girls and a White Supremacist. For whom would they vote? It is one thing to bring down the gross Harvey Weinstein. Not only is Weinstein physically repulsive, but he also is an “asshole” to quote Matt Damon.

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Transcript, emails show how tabloid reporters helped Harvey Weinstein get dirt on women
Months later, Elizabeth Avellan would learn that the phone call from the journalist with the “lovely British accent” wasn’t what it had seemed – that in fact it was something rather sinister and that she had been turned into an unwitting accomplice of Harvey Weinstein in his cover-up efforts. At the time, though, Andy – as the journalist had identified himself – must’ve seemed harmless enough, if overly persistent.

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California pot rules mark step toward 2018 legal sales
The largest legal marijuana marketplace in the U.S. is taking shape – at least on paper. California regulators Thursday released long-awaited rules that will govern the state’s emerging pot economy, from fields to sales. California voters last year legalized the recreational use of marijuana, beginning Jan. 1. The emergency rules open the way for the state to begin issuing temporary licenses for growers and sellers next year.

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California rolled out 278 pages of marijuana rules. Here are highlights.
California on Thursday unveiled its latest set of marijuana regulations-this time, emergency rules that will guide the legalized recreational market when it opens in January. The regulations published by the Bureau of Cannabis Control, the Department of Food and Agriculture and the Department of Public Health were shaped by early draft proposals and legislation enacted this summer.

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L.A. County officials ask feds to retain homeless veteran’s financial assistance
In September, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs made regional VA officials responsible for $264 million, a sum which historically went to aiding homeless veterans. While D.C. VA administrators insist that the move will assist the organization in providing pertinent medical care to a diverse and developing pool of veterans, the change troubles some L.A. leaders.

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Homeless camp cleanout yields underground bunkers, 1000 bikes
Authorities clearing homeless encampments along a Southern California river have found at least two makeshift underground bunkers, including one that contained more than a thousand bicycles. Officials in Orange County said the bikes found in the tunnel system under a concrete flood-control channel could suggest a large-scale theft ring, the Orange County Register reported Friday.

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Notoriously hard-to-open homeless shelter welcomes people out of extreme weather
Los Angeles officials are opening up a second winter shelter in the Antelope Valley in the hopes of bringing more homeless services to an area left reeling after the closure of a shelter earlier this year. The L.A. County Board of Supervisors is expected to vote on funding a range of emergency shelter programs for the upcoming cold season at their meeting Tuesday, including a 24-hour space at the High Desert MAAC, a county-owned space near Lancaster.

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This is how San Gabriel Valley and Whittier-area cities will learn to help the homeless
When Arcadia police officers encounter homeless people in the city, they reach out to organizations in Pasadena or other nearby cities to find help for them. Councilwoman April Verlato hopes the city can find a better way to offer resources for the city’s homeless a little closer to home. “There just aren’t enough resources available locally; we’re not properly equipped,” she said.

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California should be able to reduce public employees’ pension benefits, Jerry Brown argues
Gov. Jerry Brown got most of what he wanted when he carried a proposal to shore up the state’s underfunded public employee pension plans by trimming benefits for new workers. Five years later, he’s in court making an expansive case that government agencies should be able to adjust pension benefits for current workers, too.

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Critics pick their facts but ignore the truth
Two serial critics of defined benefit plans have recently published comments that selectively mine the facts so they can advance their anti-pension platforms. Let’s look at both – an article published by Dan Pellissier in the San Jose Mercury News, and an article by Steven Greenhut in the Orange County Register.

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